Starting over...AGAIN....NEED HELP & FRIENDS!!

My name is Andrea and I am 200 lbs even. This is the only place I can utter this aloud. I am so ashamed of myself,and embarassed. I haven't weighed this much since I was pregnant with my son....23 years ago! I've been on the yo yo diet syndrome since then and have had periods of relative success where I've gotten down to my target weight (160) and below, and kept it off. Of course, I was younger, not disabled, and not taking a boatload of meds enough to choke two horses.

So here I am, 56 yo, with a fractured left knee, facing joint replacement surgery and with a whole host of medical problems I won't bore you with but I can assure you all lead or contribute to weight gain. I am so discouraged at this point. My husband and I just both finished the Fast Metabolism Diet. He lost 20, I lost 11. As soon as the 28 days were over, he started bringing all kinds of sweets into the house, even though we promised eachother that if we weren't going to diet,,we would at least continue to eat healthy. Ha. I am so disgusted with myself and hate myself so much right now I just want to crawl into a ball and cry my eyes out. This just seems so insurmountable to me right now. I know its onlyy 35 pounds but it might as well be 300. We moved to an area recently where I don't know anybody therefore have no friends. I can't even walk the dogs to make friends in the neighborhood due to my injuries. I know I have to get off this pity pot but its just the state of mind i'm in right now. Any words of wisdom, comfort, encouragement and friendship are welcome. Thanks for letting me vent. Andrea


  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 64 Member
    You can add me but I need support back!!!
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Feel free to add me and would be glad to give some support!
  • butterflycutie1
    butterflycutie1 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)
  • sar00sh
    sar00sh Posts: 14 Member
    I recently watched a movie call "Fat, Sick, & Nearly dead".... It really makes you think! I thought it would make me too depressed, but it had the completely opposite effect. You need a support team to help get you healthy enough and encourage you to get moving (once you can). We are here to help, please add me if you like! I broke my ankle a couple years ago and I am vowing to myself to get in better shape so I can avoid a load of health issues down the road. I send you a big hug and I hope you can find all the love and support you need here!!!
  • rfritz5
    rfritz5 Posts: 4 Member
    Its ok to have a pity party for a little while, we all do it for one thing or another. And being a stranger in a new place is hard, its sounds like anyone in your situation would feel bad for themselves. But that only works for so long, 2 years ago my life was in turmoil to. I didn't think I could get through it, and of course I turned to my old friends sugar salt and fats, num num. But I also decided to give myself a date to start recovery. I knew that if I continued the way I was going I would die from eating overdose. I got to my heaviest ever 250 pounds (I choke when I say it) I'm down to 229. It hasn't been easy, and there have been a lot of steps forward and back but I know its gotta be done. So new friend if you feel like you need to vent I will listen and if you need someone to tell you to pull the stick out I can do that to. We are all in this together.
    LIFESDP Posts: 4
    Hi my name is Sandra. I am just getting back in the grinds of things myself and it is no easy task. However, I've been doing great so far and proud of myself. The one thing that we must keep in mind is that it won't come of if we don't put in the work and it won't happen overnight. I'm being patient with myself and taking it day by day. I've decided to only weigh in once a month because our body go through things that will have us fluctuating all over the place. Anyway, we can encourage each other. Be blessed and know that as long as you are trying then you are not failing. :smile:
  • Hi Andrea, Im Michelle I turned 36 last month and weigh in at 105kg, i have been yoyo dieting for over 5 years with minimal luck, i have tried so many different diets. I am a wife and mother of 2 with a full time very stress full job and as each day does by i seem to gain more weight. My husband is very supportive and for the last 3 months we have been spending each weekend walk up to 10 klm a day and i must say he now looks great he lost heaps of weight and i lost nothing.
    I makes me feel worse as i get up each day and notice other around me looking better and me getting bigger, week after week i say i will start next week and i never do i get stressed at work or to tired and we buy take out for dinner.
    So this morning i woke and decided to do something about it. i have all the equipment i need from a treadmill and pilates machine, bike, stepper machine so its time to start and not look back.
    It is nice to know there are others out there going through the same thing.
    Hang in there you will get there we all will.
  • Babycakez38
    Babycakez38 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi....add me too
  • cindy5761
    cindy5761 Posts: 28
    Feel free to add me!! I've been there before too!
  • Hi Andrea..I've only been here a few days myself but I have read nothing but great things about MFP. I am confident we will be successful in achieving our goals. Feel free to add me. Have great day!!
  • Dainty59
    Dainty59 Posts: 39 Member
    You can add me :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Andrea, I've walked in your shoes before, 10 years ago I weighed 222 and thought I could never lose the weight, but I did. I lost 80 lbs back then and just in the last 3 years it started creeping on again, so I'm beginning this journey again...add me we can help each other through this.
  • Hi Andrea .. welcome to our large friendly family .. now you have got all that off your chest .. relax and enjoy all your new friends ..
    we will help you any way we can .. to listen .. to suggest ..or just to laugh .. at some point in time we have all been in your shoes and that is why we are here ... so HUGS from all of us ... you can add me too ..
  • mha1980
    mha1980 Posts: 3 Member
    I watched the documentary fat sick and nearly dead also!!! It really made me view things differently. I'm happy to say ive lost about 8 pounds just drinking one green smoothie a day! I'm working my way to more!!!!

    You can do it!!!! Once you really see the scale changing you get so determined to keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • bpswife263
    bpswife263 Posts: 13 Member
    your welcome to add me as well!! try your local ymca and do the water aerobic classes there.. I workout at the ymca and there is a very special lady that I see everyday with me.. she is 71 and broke her hip in janurary and is back in the gym just a few months later... anything is possible when you set your mind to it! :D Good luck with your journey!
  • Hi, darlin'

    This place is great and everyone really does mean it when they say they're going to give you support. Have you thought about joining your local YMCA? You could do water aerobics or lap swimming since you've got the join issues. It's a great way top burn extra calories. :D
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    You are welcome to add me.. I also have health problems that limit my mobility. I was doing a good job losing weight but my husband died unexpectedly about 2 months ago and I've lost my focus and have been finding myself floundering a bit as well. Depression and panicky spells have led me to occasionally binges. Yesterday I did some water aerobics and I hope to do some again today... trying to get back on track. Maybe we can help each other achieve our goals.
  • Anya300
    Anya300 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Andrea,

    I think many of us can relate to starting over again. There is lots of support here and I find touching base with MFP friends here very encouraging every day. Please feel free to add me as a friend, and all the best on your new journey!

  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Andrea! Feel free to add me as a friend! I love MFP! It is great! The friends are fabulous, the encouragement wonderful and the logging of food and exercise is so accountable!
  • exohglo
    exohglo Posts: 49 Member
    You can do it! Feel free to add me