Crying on the Elliptical



  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I have a vivid memory of being a teenager and crying because I ate pizza one day, and my weight went up in one day. I thought I had fat genes, and I couldn't enjoy foods like pizza, or I would be doomed to be fat. My Dad felt helpless to console me as I took off crying to go to the gym. Apparently no one taught either of us about sodium and water retention. I also didn't know at the time, that your muscles repairing themselves after a strenuous workout also makes you retain water. The truth is that it takes time to gain weight and to lose weight. If you haven't had a surplus of 3500 calories, you haven't actually gained a pound, and if you haven't had a deficit of 3500 calories, you haven't actually lost one. Unfortunately, the scale can also lie in the opposite direction if you're dehydrated. If you're consistently creating a calorie deficit, the weight will come off, but it takes a while. Don't expect to lose more than a pound or two a week, and if you backtrack the next week, you will have to start over. Patience and diligence is the way to win this game.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I think you have some issues with your self esteem that you need sorting. I was going to come in here and make a smart *ss remark about how the elliptical machine would make me want to cry as well but after reading this post and your profile I think you might need to focus on your self image.

    As for the scale, different scales will vary. If you weigh yourself, at the same time every week on the same scale, it'll be more accurate. But again your only getting your weight. Water, glycogen, etc., all effect weight so it would be wise to start taking measurements as well.

    As far as your training goes, I would skip the hip adductor machine and start focusing on low rep, heavy weight, and large, compound muscle groups in order to improve body composition. The spending hours to the point of exhaustion on the elliptical is a good way to tire yourself out with seeing minimal results.

    ^This. I kind of wonder how a few people can't see that the OP's issue really isn't stemming from the machines...
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    I am going to go way out on a limb here but I would guess that you are one of the nicest people your friends know. At least you don't sound like the kind of person that would be a complete jerk to someone, especially someone that you just met. So let me ask you this - if you would not be a jerk to a perfect stranger, why are you so mean towards yourself? First of all, your profile pic is way hot. But that is not what is awesome about you. You are trying to improve yourself. You go to the gym. You are watching what you eat. These things are difficult to do. They are things that less than 20% of the population even tries to do. You hurt yourself and then the first thing you do at the earliest possible moment after being able to walk again is get back in the gym and hit it. Crying on the treadmill is hardcore. You are an extreme badass.
    If a complete stranger can look at you and admire you for the fight that is in you, why are you being such an *kitten*%^% to yourself?
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. You are going to have bad days. Your weight can easily fluctuate 5-15 pounds with water and food in your system (depending on your size). Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Fitness and beauty are more a lifestyle and a mindset than a set of measurements. Develop healthy habits - working out, eating well, getting enough sleep. Habits are things you just do - not something you do long enough to fit into an outfit. They don't ever stop. If you build these habits, the rest will take care of itself in time - I promise. Workout because it makes you feel better. Eat right because it is better than feeling bloated and gassy. Bottom line - take care of yourself. If you don't love yourself, noone else will. If you start appreciating how strong you are and how disciplined you really are you will understand it when all of those girls that seem so hot to you now are wishing they were more like you and how incredibly powerful you are. You are doing all the right things. You will get there. Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful.
    Tip: Instead of worrying about the scale, set small goals for yourself each week and then let us know about the ones you achieved. Goals like - go to the gym 3 times this week or log all my food at least three days this week. Keep taking pictures. You really are very pretty. Quit picking the pictures apart and see what the rest of us see - someone to look up to. :smile:

    I like your statement: "Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful." I'm guilty of pestering myself with that little-kid-in-the-backseat-of-the-car whine, "are we there yet?" You're absolutely right, it's not helpful at all, life is a journey, but it's so hard to keep that big picture in mind.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I am going to go way out on a limb here but I would guess that you are one of the nicest people your friends know. At least you don't sound like the kind of person that would be a complete jerk to someone, especially someone that you just met. So let me ask you this - if you would not be a jerk to a perfect stranger, why are you so mean towards yourself? First of all, your profile pic is way hot. But that is not what is awesome about you. You are trying to improve yourself. You go to the gym. You are watching what you eat. These things are difficult to do. They are things that less than 20% of the population even tries to do. You hurt yourself and then the first thing you do at the earliest possible moment after being able to walk again is get back in the gym and hit it. Crying on the treadmill is hardcore. You are an extreme badass.
    If a complete stranger can look at you and admire you for the fight that is in you, why are you being such an *kitten*%^% to yourself?
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. You are going to have bad days. Your weight can easily fluctuate 5-15 pounds with water and food in your system (depending on your size). Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Fitness and beauty are more a lifestyle and a mindset than a set of measurements. Develop healthy habits - working out, eating well, getting enough sleep. Habits are things you just do - not something you do long enough to fit into an outfit. They don't ever stop. If you build these habits, the rest will take care of itself in time - I promise. Workout because it makes you feel better. Eat right because it is better than feeling bloated and gassy. Bottom line - take care of yourself. If you don't love yourself, noone else will. If you start appreciating how strong you are and how disciplined you really are you will understand it when all of those girls that seem so hot to you now are wishing they were more like you and how incredibly powerful you are. You are doing all the right things. You will get there. Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful.
    Tip: Instead of worrying about the scale, set small goals for yourself each week and then let us know about the ones you achieved. Goals like - go to the gym 3 times this week or log all my food at least three days this week. Keep taking pictures. You really are very pretty. Quit picking the pictures apart and see what the rest of us see - someone to look up to. :smile:

    This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time. Listen to this man because I don't think anyone could say it better.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I don't care if you did 5 minutes on the elliptical at level one... you still burned more calories than sitting on the couch. And you know, when I started going to the gym that was all I could do, and I felt like a freaking champion!

    Going to the gym is not just about going the longest, fastest, hardest. One of the most important things is to develop the habit of going consistently and slowly building up your stamina. The only time you fail is if you give up.

    Things change. I used to be able to do an hour on the elliptical and then take an hour long aerobics class. But I have torn cartilage and a bone fragment in my knee so I have to limit my cardio to 30 min and the resistance on any machine I use is cut in half. I can't do any class that impacts my knee or I am in agony for days. BUT I go every single day, I am taking it easy on the knee and focus on my upper body work. When I have my surgery on July 19 I hope I can go as hard as I used to after I recover. If not then I will continue to modify my routines and I will be back at the gym every single damn day!!

    Successful people find a way to succeed. Unsuccessful people find excuses for failing.

    And stay off the hip abduction/adduction machines. They really are useless. Try steps ups with a butt squeeze between steps. That'll work your hips and butt. Super sets of knee repeaters will work the hips too. Just make sure you keep the knees straight as you pull up and use your hip to lift the leg. And all this only after your groin is not hurting anymore.

    Good luck!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    First I did my weekly "day on the scale" and that was the big mistake. I gained 5lbs since my last weigh in.

    i tried to believe them all, maybe all of that did add up to more weight? it's possible! but as soon as I looked up from the scale to the mirror, I saw Fat Staz again.

    The disappointment resonated with me when my friend took me back to the gym. I was too scared of injuring myself again that I took it slow. Very light weight on the machines, only 25 minutes on the elliptical. As soon as i got on the elliptical and realized i was already tired after 5 minutes... I realized that meant all the progress I made these past 3 weeks went down the drain. I couldn't do 30 minutes at a speed of 5, only 20 at a speed of 3 with a low level cool down. I was in pain, sweating, and miserable. I began to cry.

    Luckily no one saw me but it was just so demoralizing. I don't think I'll ever lose the weight or these love handles. it just sucks, and I'm getting in to that depressed head space where I don't want to waste my time at the gym as it won't amount to anything.

    First, weight gain after a muscle injury is common as is the recovery time and "lag" at the gym following the injury. You will get it back and keep on going.

    Second and MOST important: you have to get your head straight - I mean if you are getting THIS depressed over something so common and understandable there IS something else going on in your head. If you TRULY want to lose weight, you will realize that this is a journey of LEARNING - there will be times like this, there will be times you get frustrated and there will be times HARDER than this to overcome. It all comes down to HOW BAD do you want this? Enough to suck it up and use it to learn from? Enough to dig into determination instead of depression? Enough to stop making excuses so you can start making progress??

    In the end, its ALL up to you - us wanting it for you isn't going to make it so.
  • st0dad
    st0dad Posts: 23
    Hey guys. I want to thank everyone who posted their support, tough love, and tips to keep me going. I didn't realize how obvious it was that yes, I'm a wicked B type personality with major self esteem issues. The main reason I came on myfitnesspal and started getting better was when I went to the doctor, and I had NO excuses for why I was out of shape. The doctor simply said "You're in your 20's, you need to eat right and exercise" and because of the B personality, if I have a dessert, or skip the gym, I immediately feel like a failure. :/

    I'm still glad I posted this though because I got unbiased opinions, I got weight loss pros assuring me this is normal, successful people telling me I need to toughen up, and everyone saying they're here to support me. ^^ So thank you so much!

    I'm back to being excited for the gym. I even got myself a loose measuring tape, trying to ignore the scale. it'll be tough but I will do it. :D
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    If you have the attitude that nothing will work, and that you are doomed to failure, you will fail. You had a minor setback, if you work at it, you will recover.
    I don't like that stupid thigh machine anyway...I don't think it does any good, and I feel silly using it.
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    I am going to go way out on a limb here but I would guess that you are one of the nicest people your friends know. At least you don't sound like the kind of person that would be a complete jerk to someone, especially someone that you just met. So let me ask you this - if you would not be a jerk to a perfect stranger, why are you so mean towards yourself? First of all, your profile pic is way hot. But that is not what is awesome about you. You are trying to improve yourself. You go to the gym. You are watching what you eat. These things are difficult to do. They are things that less than 20% of the population even tries to do. You hurt yourself and then the first thing you do at the earliest possible moment after being able to walk again is get back in the gym and hit it. Crying on the treadmill is hardcore. You are an extreme badass.
    If a complete stranger can look at you and admire you for the fight that is in you, why are you being such an *kitten*%^% to yourself?
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. You are going to have bad days. Your weight can easily fluctuate 5-15 pounds with water and food in your system (depending on your size). Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Fitness and beauty are more a lifestyle and a mindset than a set of measurements. Develop healthy habits - working out, eating well, getting enough sleep. Habits are things you just do - not something you do long enough to fit into an outfit. They don't ever stop. If you build these habits, the rest will take care of itself in time - I promise. Workout because it makes you feel better. Eat right because it is better than feeling bloated and gassy. Bottom line - take care of yourself. If you don't love yourself, noone else will. If you start appreciating how strong you are and how disciplined you really are you will understand it when all of those girls that seem so hot to you now are wishing they were more like you and how incredibly powerful you are. You are doing all the right things. You will get there. Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful.
    Tip: Instead of worrying about the scale, set small goals for yourself each week and then let us know about the ones you achieved. Goals like - go to the gym 3 times this week or log all my food at least three days this week. Keep taking pictures. You really are very pretty. Quit picking the pictures apart and see what the rest of us see - someone to look up to. :smile:

    I'm saving this post to read when I need a boost. What a great response!