Is Summer the easiest time to loose weight?


I seem to be loosing weight fairly easily at the moment - is this because the weather is hot, perhaps suppressing my appetite?

I am being really active in the garden, and generally spending allot of time outside.

Thinking back to the winter months - I was just wanting to eat and snack - is my body programmed to do this?

I also feel more romantically motivated !

Anyone else getting this?

Perhaps I have a seasonal disorder?




  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    It's pretty common. When it's cold we all want those heavy comfort foods....roast dinners, stews, pies etc.. when it's warm and hot out we want watermelon and ricecakes and strawberries.

    It's also common for appetite to decrease when it's hot outside.

    THEN we have to factor in how much more we end up walking, gardening and generally pootling about during the summer vs sitting under a blanket on the sofa in front of the TV during the colder months.

    I mean, did anybody else notice how many runners popped out of the woodwork the first warm day of the year? Because I'm telling you now... there aren't that many runners out on the wintery days.

    Get a headstart. Push yourself HARD during the summer months so that you're fit, motivated and ready to stick it out through the winter months.
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    I wish it was that way for me.

    Summer (in NZ) has Christmas, alcohol, BBQs, lots of social occasions with 'nibbles', late hot nights where takeaways are easier than using the stove.

    In Winter a cup of tea or 3 can see me through many hours and I find it easier to skip meals.
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Summer has a lot more temptations for me.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I lose it easier in winter... thank goodness it is winter here now..... cause I try to stay warm so I workout more.

    I hate hate hate summer & working out. It makes me more tired. Harder to cool down after.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I've noticed when its warmer out that I don't think about eating, I do drink loads of water though and crave fruit... when I do eat I get full easier! weird but true :) so that means less calories consumed :)
    I also have more get up and go as well when it nice weather. Think we all just feel more motivated when the sun shines :)
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Yes and no....Summer time is mojito time! :laugh:
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    It's much easier in winter (currently in Sydney). I lose the most amount of weight from Autumn to Spring. At least you're mentally prepared for Summer. When Summer time comes, it'll be too late to lose weight
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I find it easier in Summer - I get more 'natural' exercise like I'm more likely to walk to places rather than hiding under a hood and jumping straight into the car. I'm more likely to play out in the garden with my dog, every little exercise adds up!

    In winter I'm stuck in a lot more and boredom sets in often leading to sneaky eats. Saying this when you log your intake there's no reason it should be much harder.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I lose it easier in winter... thank goodness it is winter here now..... cause I try to stay warm so I workout more.

    I hate hate hate summer & working out. It makes me more tired. Harder to cool down after.
    This is the same for me. I find colder weather more motivating to keep moving to stay warm. Sunny weather makes me feel lethargic. I also find it harder to sleep because I am too warm.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    No way... it's too hot and humid to go outside most days.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I think the greatest hinderance to summer weight loss is all those afternoons outside drinking alcohol!
  • wmphimu
    wmphimu Posts: 77 Member
    My husband gets what he calls "summer stomach" - it's so hot that he just has no appetite. Me? I'm not so lucky. And like other said, summertime treats are SO yummy - I've already started craving ice cream and slurpees! (side note: the new sugar free Sprite slurpees are AMAZING) But I do feel like it's easier to make healthier dinners since we grill a lot in the summer. And those yummy casseroles don't get made at all. I also think it's easier to stay motivated in the summer since I can actually see my body. No covering up in sweatshirts - I can see that I need to work out all day every day!
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Summer is a breeze the EASIEST TIME TO GET THAT SIX get that beach body now! and then it will be easier when winter comes to maintain and only gain a few!
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm the opposite-summer is full of potlucks, birthdays/anniversary celebrations/bridal showers/weddings, play dates with food involved, going out to eat out on the road, vacation (this year its a seven day road trip-7 days of fast food for every meal eek!), and then hanging out on our sailboat where we snack, snack and then snack some more lol.

    I lost all my weight this past fall/winter. My schedule was much calmer and I was home most of the time so I could cook. Summer has just begun here and I'm already having issues with food-between Friday and Sunday we ate out three times, including an all you can eat pizza buffet :tongue: Plus a birthday party and an anniversary celebration. Last weekend we had three graduation open houses ugh. It's going to be a challenge for me to do maintenance this summer and not let old habits reform.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Here in the US, the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Years comes right in the middle of bulky sweater season and traditional large meals seem to include a lot of sugar and fat. Elegant confections are everywhere all through the season! If you like candy bars, you can rewind the start of the season to Halloween, when it is hard not to eat a few when passing them out (they are so small, they don't count, right? :tongue: ) and people buy too much and leave the excess in office break rooms. Summer means swimming pools where people can see the shape you are in and the "treats" are things like watermelon and cold fruit salads. Yeah, there are cook outs, but the increased activity and the smaller menus help me.
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    I've noticed the same thing but I think for me it's mainly down to the fact that when the weather is good you get out more even if it just for a walk etc
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    It's easier for me as its harder to hide up a heavy body when it's really hot outside, do yes, it's easier in the summer ( for me...anyway...)
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    For me it's always been easiest in Autumn and Spring. I always seem to succeed during March/April/May and fall off by June. Likewise, I'm really good at losing weight in October and November pre-christmas so I can gain a little over the holidays but I fall off about mid-November and gain a little BEFORE christmas :S
  • lpherman01
    lpherman01 Posts: 212 Member
    Very easy to shed pounds during the summer. Jump on the bike, go for a quick run, walk the dogs; I'm always active when it's nice out & the days are long. Much harder to trudge over to the gym when it's freezing out & all I really want to do is have another bowl of chili!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I'm off from work in the summer so I can exercise way more, and generally try to work with a trainer once a week to boost my exercise regimen. I play more tennis and take more hikes in the woods. We also grill more foods and eat nice fresh vegetables that are local.