Click here if you've done Weight Watchers...

Just curious, how do you think this compares? Did you have success on WW? Maybe you've even done both at the same time?


  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: I had great success with Weight Watchers but I stopped because of having to pay the weekly fee and since this is free it makes me very happy! :smile:
  • linc2
    linc2 Posts: 4 Member
    Currently doing WW. I think this method is much easier and the tools supplied are more realistic than the point system. I plan to stick with WW and use the applications of this site. It seems to me I can eat more counting calories than points. Just my opinion. Oh... and this is FREE!!!!url=]1702862.png[/url]
  • Halloweenmom2
    I've had success with WW, but I believe that one can have success with almost anything, it's the sticking to it and being commited thats the hard part.
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I did ww and loved it! I gained 30 lbs in my 1st pregnancy and I lost it all doing ww. The reason I am not doing it now is the cost and I wanted to focus more on getting active... so I joined a bootcamp in my area instead. I do the MFP with the bootcamp to track calories, which the bootcamp encourages me to keep track anyways. The only downfall about ww is that are mainly keeping tracking of calories or points...but there really isn't an exercise program... and that was more of what I was looking for this time around. They do encourage you to exercise but there is no plan for it...
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    I lost my first 40 pounds doing WW. It was awesome; however, the fees were killing me, and my hubby and I moved to another state. The meeting weren't the same and the people weren't as friendly as the ones from the other state. I found this website and JUST FELL IN LOVE. I love the feedback from the people going through the journey with you. I love the calorie tracker. I just love everything. To me MYFITNESSPAL wins hands down as far as motivation and support building goes. I have learned SOOOO much from the other members. I must say, I have learned WAAAAAAAY more from the members here than I did with WW.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I did WW meetings several years ago (before baby) and lost down to my goal weight. Then when I decided to start back on this journey I joined WW Online since I don't always have a babysitter to make it to the meetings. I liked the online but I was looking for ways to cut costs plus even though it had message boards mostly all I saw on them was negative posts. . .none of the positive, helpful posts like I see on here daily! I'm sure there were SOME good ones posting there but I just never caught them! But I did have success even with it, that's where my first 39 lbs lost that's showing on my ticker came from. . .but I am loving this site so much better and I love that I can track sodium, carbs, protein, etc. . .that wasn't available on WW website.
  • countrymama08
    I lost 60 lbs about 14 years ago with WW. I was lifetime. I stopped counting my points and gained a bit. I used the online program only and lost weight during a really rough time in my life. I kept it off for a couple year but slowly started to gain again. I wasn't counting my points. I quit smoking and had a child and now I weigh more than I have ever weighed.

    I joined WW last year and did not lose any. I gained a few pounds. My mindset has changed and it was not working for me. You have a set number of points to eat every day. You also have 35 weekly allowance points that you can use throughout the week or for special occasions. I found that I was being obsessive and eating points not food (thanks Sharon for the realization). If I went over my points and used all my weekly allowance by Wednesday then I had "failed' and would start again after weigh in on Saturday. I ate whatever I wanted then. There was also no app for anything other than iphone. The online tools are ok but I really like the interface of this site.

    I also think that using calories and mfp allows you to eat in the real world. I always had to pull out my calculator to check points. I like that I can have a rough idea of what I need to eat and go from there.

    I think it depends a lot on personality. My one caution would be....if you are going to use mfp and WW then pay weekly at the meeting. If you get the $35 monthly pass then you are paying for the etools as well. There is a lot of good information about reframing your thinking at the meetings as well. Good luck.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I've had success with WW, but I believe that one can have success with almost anything, it's the sticking to it and being commited thats the hard part.

    I agree!!
  • countrymama08
    I liked the online but I was looking for ways to cut costs plus even though it had message boards mostly all I saw on them was negative posts. . .none of the positive, helpful posts like I see on here daily!

    This is soooo very true. On mfp there is a question daily about exercise calories or eating more or less than 1200 calories. here it gets answered or the poster is directed to another thread. On a WW board they often get a little sarcastic. Message boards are hard since tone cannot be "read" on a board. There are a few tight knit groups on there that stick together.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I lost most of my weight counting points, not too strict but still counting. I didn't pay or do it online, i just wrote it down in a book to keep track. Its really all you need if you already have most of the material.

    good luck