Why Can't I?

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm starting to get so down on myself!! I will do very well for a couple weeks with working out 6 times a week, drink my water, count calories and start feeling better about myself then BAM I let it all go down the crapper!!

Does anyone get like this? If so how do you stay motivated?

A lot of times I think I am just ment to be fat but don't want to!!!!! I see all these ppl losing weight and having great success and I WANT that too but for some reason can't get there.


  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I think 31 lbs is pretty good success. I'll even bet you have pictures of you before you started all this and if you compare them to the you now, you will see a difference.
    You can do this. We are here to motivate. So take a day and relax enjoy yourself, don't go crazy, but then the next day get back on track. Maybe you're stressing a little hard on this and burning yourself out. Being gung ho is great, but at some point relaxing just a little will get you further.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I just went through the same cycle last week, where I hadn't lost any weight or seemingly inches, in the past month, despite working out/eating right, etc. I do all of the "right" things, but it seems like i lose SO much slower than everyone else and I felt, like you, maybe this is too big.

    For me, I talked to a couple of good friends who really helped me out, who showed me how far I have come, and I let myself take a few days off (although not eating outrageously) since I was feeling burnt out. It seemed to help me.

    I don't know about you, but sometimes I get so focused on wanting this, I put a great deal of pressure on myself. Sometimes you have to be kind to yourself.

    But I would welcome any ideas, etc.
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I feel the same way. I have only been with MFP for a week now and it is encouraging to see so many successful people. I have been trying to lose weight since my daughter was born (4 years ago). Every time I try it seems I don't lose anything but when I stop weighing myself regularly and stop counting every bite I do better. I don't know why this is. I hope this site will help motivate me to keep with the excersising and eating better, I really want to be successful too!

    Good luck!
  • chelamg12
    chelamg12 Posts: 28 Member
    The same thing happens to me....what keeps me motivated??? Knowing I can do it and you can to. Give yourself a break...not every day will be a good one and others will be super. We fall into slumps and the only people that can bring us out are ourselves. Make sure you set reasonable goals and ones you can realistically stick to. Remember...this is a life change...not just something that is going to happen for a few days or over night. This is for the rest of your life. You may never be stick thin but remember....your goal is to be happy with yourself and HEALTHY. Good luck and hang in there...tomorrow is another day and you will do better!!!!!
  • DarthKeller
    DarthKeller Posts: 1 Member
    First, you're not alone. Almost every weekend I have to fight not to go over my calories. I understand. As for exercising... Ha! Tell me how to do that consistently, please.

    I don't know if you're a religious person, but Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly." To me, that says he wants us to enjoy our time here, to go out and see the world, and if you're unable to do so because of your weight, you're not having an abundant life. Therefore, I would state that you're not "meant to be fat."

    As for falling off the wagon - It happens. Every time I go over my calories, I think to myself, "I didn't get fat in a day, I won't lose the weight in a day." It's one day, or one week... It doesn't matter. I quit smoking a dozen times before I was finally able to hit a 6-month mark. As long as you continue to try, you WILL lose weight. You WILL get healthier. The healthier you get, the quicker you'll lose weight, and then a week off won't make as much difference, because you'll be able to lose that weight quicker than before. The key - Don't quit. Just make up your mind that you will not quit. If you fall, get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. If you continue to do that, you'll be successful.

    Maybe you lose the weight you wanted to lose, maybe you don't. But on your deathbed you won't say, "Damn, if only I'd tried to lose some weight I might have had a better life."
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    But you ARE getting there! 31 pounds is nothing to turn your nose up at! That is an immense achievement!

    How do I stay motivated when I get a little off track? I pick myself back up as soon as I can. I choose to make my next choice a good one, instead of one that I know will keep me feeling sluggish or yucky. In some ways, it really is as simple as that. Instead of getting stuck feeling bad about myself (which I battle with regularly, believe me), I keep logging in here. I keep drinking water. I go for a walk...or something. Something to push me back in the direction I want to be in. And sometimes it takes a few days to refocus. But I'm not giving up...even though I've only lost 7 pounds since the end of May. It will happen, but probably not on my time line. It won't happen at all if I give up.

    Keep going! What you are doing is GOOD for you. Just keep refocusing, as often as necessary. And don't beat yourself up when "it all goes down the crapper". This journey is worth it!
  • tjjotoad
    tjjotoad Posts: 22 Member
    I have the same problem. I did really well for about a year and now I've hit a plateau and can't push through it, so I've "rejoined" this site. I'm hoping that seeing all the other success stories will help keep me on track, and maybe even create some accountability with me. I was doing Weight Watchers, and I had great success, mostly because of the accountability at the meetings.

    Maybe if we all keep an eye on each other and share tips, recipes, successes, failures and support, we all can find new motivaters!
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