I'm new to weight loss, eating out is a calorie nightmare!



  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    I'm laughing right now because I'm remembering one day early in my attempt at calorie counting when I was out and about (not even specifically going to eat out, just couldn't get home to eat) when I had a complete meltdown with tears because I couldn't figure out what to get to eat that wouldn't ruin the whole day. It's one thing when you've planned for a "splurge" and are going somewhere you like, and quite another when you didn't expect to be out and are facing ruining the day's calories for no good reason and for food you didn't even want. :laugh:

    My opinion, which some may disagree with - there are always *better* options when eating out, you can always pick a healthier option. However In my experience it is hard to find something that won't be higher calorie than you want unless you have gone somewhere specifically vegetarian and/or healthy. So as a rule, I don't plan to eat out unless I know exactly where I'm going and what I'm getting, or unless I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to blow the calories out. Having said that, the latter doesn't mean you just give up 100% and eat as much of anything as you want - you still have to moderate yourself and avoid the mentality of "well I've blown it so now I may as well just eat whatever I want". Always better to go over by 300 calories than 1000! :wink:
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    I found that when I decide to lose weight I never told anyone that I was on a diet. I didn't want the decision I had made to be the center of any conversation. Plus I'm sorry to say this but your friends can demotivate you especially if they have already tried to lose weight and not succeeded.

    I totally agree! I have also noticed that if you tell people you are trying to lose weight, they are suddenly putting a lot of pressure on you to eat like a rabbit. People tend to have a lot of opinions on what is acceptable on a diet - how dare I include a small portion of pasta, a freddo or sausages in my diet and still hope to lose weight!?! It annoys me to be scorned for not choosing what someone perceives to be 'weight loss food'.
  • chrisa8170
    chrisa8170 Posts: 466 Member
    Internet research helps, look on line for outlets that post their meal info on line i.e. Yo-Sushi, McD's, etc. then think about the lighter options. My family still (occasionally) go to McD's, the wife and I have the grilled Chicken & Bacon Salad bowl (no dressing) and the kids have a happy meal so everyone gets a treat but we don't over do it. The one that hit us was with some chains was the portion size for example Hungry Horse before I could eat a mixed grill, now I would struggle with all but the smallest portions.

    But once you have done your home work you can rest a bit as long as you don't eat out too often, remember a treat is ok once in a while as long as you have a plan to recover.
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    Yeah it's gotten to the point where my wife and I have started splitting meals. My in-laws always want to go out to eat and it's just that: a nightmare. Especially if we go out for Mexican or Italian. One meal could easily become a 1500-2000 calorie affair.

    I don't do appetizers, desserts, or empty calorie drinks when we go out. I don't need the "food before we eat our food" and "food after we eat our food" as Jim Gaffigan, a comedian, would say. We still go out for drinks once in a while, but I avoid having those one or too points beers that will add onto an already heavy family outing.

    I also have to give credit to the suggestions already here. Planning is a big part of handling the tough meals like this. There is NO reason you shouldn't be enjoying yourself or going out with friends and family! :)

    Edit: I would also like to add, be careful about thinks like "I'm on a diet so I'll have the salad!" I've seen some restaurant salads that are CRAZY huge. For example, my brother got a salad at Chili's the other day and it was covered in tortilla strips, cheese, sour cream, salsa, beef, and then more cheese. There's no way that thing was "healthy." Sure, it had a few greens and other things in it, but a cup of sour cream and a cup or two of cheese just looked unappetizing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    PLAN AHEAD - On a day that I know I'm going to go out, I have a really healthy breakfast and dinner and I make sure I workout.

    PLAN AHEAD SOME MORE - If I know where we're going (or will likely go), I look up some options on the online menu. Easier to stick with it if it's in my head all day.

    TAKE HALF OF IT TO GO - If I happen to order something big and delicious, I get a to-go box right away and split it up in two. Lunch for tomorrow, yo. :)

    HOW IT'S PREPARED - I try to choose items that are grilled, steamed, poached, broiled. Stay away from fried if you're worried about cooking oils. And watch out for sauces (i.e. Marinara vs Alfredo)

    SO MUCH SALT - Restaurants tend to serve dishes with a LOT of sodium. For breakfast and lunch, try to choose foods with plenty of potassium and drink plenty of water.

    WATER, WATER, WATER - Try to stick to water. Personally, I don't like to waste my calories on my drink unless it has alcohol in it.

    SPLIT A DESSERT - If you really want a dessert, try to find a buddy who's willing to go in on half.... or take the rest home.

    SALAD DANGER - If you're going to go for a fancy salad, watch out! Toppings and dressings can make a salad just as calorie and sodium filled as one of their regular entrees.

    DON'T WORRY - Even after all this, try to enjoy yourself. One meal won't ruin all of your progress.

    JUST SAY NO - If you're invited to go out often, feel free to say "no" once in a while. My husband works in an office and gets asked out to eat at least 3 times a week. As tempting as it is, he says no and sticks to his packed lunch.

    Wow! ..... this says it all right here.

    Thanks for posting this.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Eating out is a nightmare but I decided to record everything I put in my mouth and try to do so all the time. So, I try to take the healthiest option, not easy, but the other food will be there after I reach target so I'll pass on it for now; then, when I get home I try to the best of my ability to work out the calories, what I cant find out I'll guestimate by comparing with similar stuff and then I record it. That way I can keep control of what I eat. Writing it down means I've eaten it... use it as a learning experience and soon counting calories comes second nature. Remember that to lose weight you have to be in negative balance using more calories than you eat .Good luck with it
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Don't talk about it as a weight issue, but as a health one as in "I'm really trying not to eat so much cheese/pizza/fried food" and suggest somewhere with lighter options. For desserts look for a fesh fruit option, and avoid anything with any kind of pastry (except maybe filo).

    As others have said, it helpd to pre-plan - some places show the calories for sides so you can just pick the lighter ones, and steer clear of all those dressings, bacon bits etc. on the salad bar. As soon as you sit down say "I know I want x and y" and don't even oopen the menu.

    Finally, if I know I have a meal out coming up, I try to save myself a cushion from my regular calories (by eating less or not eating all my exercise calories) - aslong as you hit your total calories for the week it doesn't matter if you're over on one of those days.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! Happens to the best of us, so don't worry. Personally, I find it easier to eat what I want, but in MODERATION! That is key! If I never eat bad food, I'd feel so deprived! lol I've just learned to enjoy much more smaller portions of it! And I've lost 35 lbs over 3 months!! :-)))

    And, don't forget, get moving!! Help defuse what you're eating! Good luck!
    ** Practice makes perfect **
  • lenamae23
    lenamae23 Posts: 60 Member
    I would try to limit the amount of times you go out to eat and allow yourself to indulge once in awhile. Grilled choices are always better, skip the cheese and sauces, avoid appetizers and fried things. You shouldnt feel embarassed because you want to better yourself.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Maybe you could use other options to beg off eating out quite so often - many people understand money being tight, and eating out is pricey, so you could say you're trying to save money and not going to restaurants so often.

    You can also pre-select the restaurant and look at their nutrition information online. If you know what to order before you go in, it can really help. Also ask for a box when your order is brought to you and box up half your meal before you start eating. Take that home for lunch the next day or something (still go for the better options).

    Eating at other people's homes is a challenge, I know. The best thing I can suggest is to really watch your portions. Serve small portions (you can research what is an appropriate portion size) and eat slowly. Drink lots of water, it'll help you feel fuller.
  • Sometimes salads are just as many calories, if not MORE calories than burger and fries. So be careful there.

    This is true! Restaurant salads can be packed with calories and fat, even with the dressing on the side. Most restaurants have some type of chicken breast entrée, and that is usually what I will order, with vegetables.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    I definitely know how you feel. My highest weight was 351lbs. Although it's not good to not eat to save calories for one big meal, so if I knew where I was going to eat I would plug in what I knew I would have there and then plan the rest of my meals and snacks accordingly. Sometimes, when I have a little extra time on my hands, I will go through my favorite restaurants and my favorite foods there and make notes on the calories and fat. Then I see if there are any yummy but satisfying alternatives or how I can change it so that it's less calories.

    Really, I think it's important to decide how important that particular food at each restaurant is to you. If it's a must have, you will find a way. Just be sure not to starve your self all day just to have it. I think everyone here has good ideas that have worked for them. One (maybe more) people above said it gets easier. I think it does too, though sometimes I want to just get my old usuals and scarf them down.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Don't eat out so often? And if you do, don't eat all of what you order. I understand not wanting to order the light option---if I'm out, I definitely don't want to be crunching on some leaves while everybody else is enjoying themselves. But you should still be mindful...like someone else suggested, get a lighter sauce (marinara rather than cream-based sauces) & make sure to take home at least half. Stay away from appetizers, limit your drinks, & don't get dessert. Eating out really shouldn't set you back as much as you're saying it does.
  • jweluv
    jweluv Posts: 10 Member
    I don't eat out very often, but when I do I allow myself to splurge slightly. Basically I pick what I want beforehand and then input it into my phone app. Then I use the complete my entry and make sure it says I won't gain weight. This allows me to eat what I want, but not go completely crazy like I did before. I also still eat breakfast and lunch but really small portions. Last but not least I stuff myself on carrots before I go. That way by the time I eat I'm not very hungry. I hope this helps. Good luck on your journey.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    Hope this helps :)
  • wachmonster
    wachmonster Posts: 26 Member
    I find the only way that works is avoidance. I do the whole work out and save up Cals trick, and I end up putting myself in a small area full of aroma when I'm Cal deficient and extremely hungry. That's asking for failure. I have never tried the box up front idea. What happens generally is I eat half the meal. In the time I'm waiting for a server to give me the box option, I decide to just finish the meal. Nice suggestion though.
  • Same here! Also i've founds that great salad i thought was sooooo healthy was not the best option . Try veggies, grilled, baked, avoid sauces. Also if I mess up during the day I will avoid a meal later or if i know i will eat out i will eat less during the day
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It gets easier, I promise! I used to avoid eating out all together, but found out that some restaurants post the calories for each item/meal. there are plenty of delicious meals that won't ruin your progress. As for the dessert thing..it's really just a matter of how much self control you have or how badly you want to change. At the end of the day you can be PROUD of yourself and say, "I made the right decision saying no to dessert tonight, and i feel great!"

    The little things add up. Good luck! :)

    This. I would also add that you can "bank" calories by eating lighter for the rest of the day, and/or working out a bit heavier/longer.
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Please don't be embarrassed! I stuggle with this very same thing! But, I can assure you that being on MFP has helped me tremendously. Now when I go out to eat...no matter my intentions, I always check the calories first and then make the best decision I can. It helps me stay accountable and the friends I've made here are a tremendous encouragement which motivates me beyond words!

    You can do this and we are all here to help support you!!!!!
  • ecmorales
    ecmorales Posts: 33 Member
    Cheers! It sounds like you're on the right track -- you're right thinking! Here's some good news for you...stick to your plan and like you said you don't need to tell everyone what you're up to....before you know it you will be an inspiration to those around you! I can't even keep track now of the ripple effect created by my weight loss activities -- so many people have joined to gym, started hiking, watching their calories - it's increible. You're doing a great thing for yourself, keep your focus -- and order what's right for you. I go for the simple dishes that I can easily modify by leaving off dressings and cheese. Also, if Ii can avoid beef (chicken sandwiches instead of burgers), that's a huge calories savings. These few things are the big calorie demons. When it comes to desserts, it's amazing how satisfying a hot cup of coffee can be, especially when enjoyed knowing that I'm sipping my way to slimness while those around me are drowning themselves in calories that would take hours or days to exercise off -- yum yum for a good cup of black coffee with Equal!