Already reached my daily SUGAR intake at breakfast



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    That's because it's true. Your body runs on glucose, a simple sugar.

    Your body converts other sugars and starches into glucose in your blood, with alarming efficiency.

    You can eat a strawberry, a slice of bread, some brown rice, and it's all going to be sugar in your blood stream. Some of it will be put into your cells for burning, and the excess will go to other places. This is why the excess matters more than the actual type of carbohydrates.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I don't look at sugars or sodium - my diary just has three columns: carbs, protein and fat. I try to keep to the ratio I have set up (65, 15, 15), within reason. That breakfast sounded great, so I wouldn't sweat it too much. :happy:
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    Going over in sugar from Fruity Pebbles = bad

    Going over in sugar from a strawberry and banana smoothie = uh, I personally wouldn't sweat it.
  • jcctx05
    jcctx05 Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't stress out about the extra sugar, but I would keep the sugar on the list of things you track solely to compare trends. I noticed the tomato sauce I use has a lot of sugar so I'm looking into making my own and freezing it. Tracking my sugar and sodium helped me pinpoint one thing I can change without drastically altering my diet. If I see I'm monstrously over sugar my limit by dinnertime, I'll eat some carrots instead of strawberries as a snack.
  • ccshopsalot
    Try using Almond Milk (unsweetened) as your substitute. It's always good to watch everything you put in your body and learn subsitutions for some things. I noticed the same when i used 2% milk and the Almond milk (unsweetened) helps! :) Good luck
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Why do you keep posting this on threads? Excess calories get stored as fat. If you are over on sugar but under on calories you will not gain fat. There is no need to track sugar unless you have a medical reason to do so. Sugar, while in a calorie deficit will not make you fat.
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    Technically MFP sugar amounts are for added and refined sugars... not natural sugar.

    Because its true. There is so much misguided information just because its been posted on here. Sugar is sugar, natural or not. Doesn't mean fruit is free. I didn't say it will make you fat, I said the excess will get stored as fat which is going to make more work to get rid of.

    I realise we gain weight by eating too many calories but most of those calories would have been from sugar which is part of why it's important to track it.

    Yes, I will continue to post this.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Why do you keep posting this on threads? Excess calories get stored as fat. If you are over on sugar but under on calories you will not gain fat. There is no need to track sugar unless you have a medical reason to do so. Sugar, while in a calorie deficit will not make you fat.
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    Technically MFP sugar amounts are for added and refined sugars... not natural sugar.

    Because its true. There is so much misguided information just because its been posted on here. Sugar is sugar, natural or not. Doesn't mean fruit is free. I didn't say it will make you fat, I said the excess will get stored as fat which is going to make more work to get rid of.

    I realise we gain weight by eating too many calories but most of those calories would have been from sugar which is part of why it's important to track it.

    Yes, I will continue to post this.

    I was with you until that part. That just discredited you completely.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Why do you keep posting this on threads? Excess calories get stored as fat. If you are over on sugar but under on calories you will not gain fat. There is no need to track sugar unless you have a medical reason to do so. Sugar, while in a calorie deficit will not make you fat.
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    Technically MFP sugar amounts are for added and refined sugars... not natural sugar.

    Because its true. There is so much misguided information just because its been posted on here. Sugar is sugar, natural or not. Doesn't mean fruit is free. I didn't say it will make you fat, I said the excess will get stored as fat which is going to make more work to get rid of.

    I realise we gain weight by eating too many calories but most of those calories would have been from sugar which is part of why it's important to track it.

    Yes, I will continue to post this.

    It's not true... Except for your "misguided information" part which your theory falls under. If you are eating at a calorie DEFICIT you will not gain weight from sugar. Simple. Fact. If I eat 100 g of sugar a day but my total calorie intake is less than my TDEE I will lose weight.

    If your theory was correct I would not lose weight each week and I would be gaining as I regularly consume 6 plus servings of fruit a day and regularly go well over the amount listed here.

    Provided you do not have a medical reason to do so, there is no need to watch your sugar (unless you believe in the false information that sugar makes you fat).
  • JSTworkinout
    JSTworkinout Posts: 20 Member
    its the milk use unsweetend almond milk for smoothies if you like the creamyness 0 sugar im always over in sugar i eat all veggies all fruits on a vegiterian diet you have to realize sugar is just naturally in these foods it counts but its not the same as well eating a doughnut
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks everyone -- I tried the unsweetened Almond Milk before -- I didn't really care for it -- and I usually use yogurt just bought the wrong kind -- so I thought 2% milk can't be that bad -- I also use water to help the mixing process -- not sure if I'll just stick to the water or if I'll try the Almond Milk again now that I'm adding protein powder .... but not gonna worry about the sugars so much any more in my fruits/veggies .... cause that just causes a whole new bunch of worry lines and the whole point is to avoid anything that makes me feel/look older :wink: thanks again everyone :flowerforyou:
  • nomorehidding
    Not a good start to the week -- had a smoothie with 4 strawberries, half a banana, protein powder, 1 cup 2% milk -- and it put me over my daily sugar count ?!?! UGH -- not happy about that but what can I do now -- was planning a salad for lunch and not sure what for dinner but now just makes me not wanna eat all day ..... back to the old habit of only eating once a day .... dont wanna do that...hopefully I get feeling better mentally as the day goes on .... started out good with my exercise but then this freakin' breakfast smoothing shot me down :noway:

    I sometimes go over too but you can workout to even the numbers for the day. :)
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I would never every deprive my body of fresh fruit regardless of the sugar content. If i was tracking sugar i would think twice about a cadburys creme egg. The sugar counter appeared on my diary the other day although i have not changed anything nor requested to track this. Since it appeared when i complete my diary entry its always red and over about double. But i care not. Carbs fat and protein are all that bother me really, i also watch sodium but thats only to explain why (if) i every gain a few LB by what seems to be eating good then i can go back and look at sodium levels and see if maybe its water retention.

    Sugar shmugar... Good luck all x
  • jessicae1aine
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored.

    Not even trying to be rude, just kinda baffled: Do you trust everything the internet tells you? O.o
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member

    Because its true. There is so much misguided information just because its been posted on here. Sugar is sugar, natural or not. Doesn't mean fruit is free. I didn't say it will make you fat, I said the excess will get stored as fat which is going to make more work to get rid of.

    I realise we gain weight by eating too many calories but most of those calories would have been from sugar which is part of why it's important to track it.

    Yes, I will continue to post this.

    Nobody says fruit is free. Fruit has calories that need to be counted like anything else.

    The reason added sugars are supposed to be restricted is because they are incredibly easily digestible and contain absolutely nothing of value besides calories.

    This is not true for fruit, which is why the sources I linked (the USDA and the American Heart Association) recommend eating MORE fruit and LESS added sugar, not LESS FRUIT.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    yeah, they recommend you eat fruit instead of stuff with added sugar as that's better for you. They probably hold back on the full story. Here are the sugars your body will see when you eat fruit, honey HFCS, sugar :-
