A Prayer For Today



  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    My post was not an "attitude." It is what our country was founded on. There is also free speech.

    I did not say anything about someone having to convert or take on my views.

    When you pray for someone it does not mean you are trying to convert them.

    There is no anger in my voice.

    However, some choose to be offended by others Joy!

    Hate will never win. Sorry you have so much of it.

    This is a public forum so as far as I am concerned you all can post prayers all day. The MFP moderators might disagree but that is their business I don't try to tell them how to do their jobs. I think the reason you are seeing some push back on this however is because if I were to post a thread about how the bible is just a book written by man people would be very angry with me. If another user were to post a prayer from the Koran others would have a problem with it.

    The groups are available for people to post things like this and be free of cross examination from people that disagree with the OP. I think that there is nothing wrong with someone pointing this out since it is the exact same thing that would happen to me or anyone else.
  • Gkirilova
    Gkirilova Posts: 6 Member
    Exactly if you don't want to hear about prayer then don't click on it!!!! Amen to that we all need God's help here. Personally I've had a struggle with weight that has been spiritual in nature and have had to work with God on breaking bondages of lust and vanity before things have fallen into place.
    God Bless!!!
  • AngelsWearingKneeHighs
    Jesus did not hide behind a "safe" group and because of that he died on the cross.

    He wants us to mention his name to everyone and not be afraid of others' wrath because of it.

    Those times were for the dark ages!

    The awesome thing is now you have many praying for your understanding.

    Since the soft approach failed:

    PLEASE keep your nonsense in a group. I shouldn't have to log on to a fitness forum and see posts like this because of your invisible friend in the sky.

    LOL come on really? You walk out your front door, turn on the tv, read the paper, ect. Theres nonsense everywhere, get over it this is motivation and support and just because your an angry atheist doesnt mean christians should suffer in silence. Go eat your grouchy.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Exactly if you don't want to hear about prayer then don't click on it!!!! Amen to that we all need God's help here. Personally I've had a struggle with weight that has been spiritual in nature and have had to work with God on breaking bondages of lust and vanity before things have fallen into place.
    God Bless!!!

    So you think if I were to create a thread entitled "The Bible is a Book of Fairy Tales" it should be allowed? The title would tell everyone what the thread is going to be about if someone disagrees with it then they should just not click on it.

    @FinallyGotThi- This isn't the chit chat fun and games forum so that part is ridiculous. Secondly you can't say atheists are angry because that is a generalization. You are judging all of us by the behavior of a few of us. The only thing that all atheist are united on is that we do not believe in god. I am not angry at all. I do see it as asymmetrical to allow posts from theists in the general forums and to disallow posts from atheists and that is exactly what you are advocating. If you disagree then construct a logical argument but don't just write us all off as anger mongers.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • AngelsWearingKneeHighs
    Exactly if you don't want to hear about prayer then don't click on it!!!! Amen to that we all need God's help here. Personally I've had a struggle with weight that has been spiritual in nature and have had to work with God on breaking bondages of lust and vanity before things have fallen into place.
    God Bless!!!

    So you think if I were to create a thread entitled "The Bible is a Book of Fairy Tales" it should be allowed? The title would tell everyone what the thread is going to be about if someone disagrees with it then they should just not click on it.

    Uh YEAH dont be ridiculous :/
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u guys just proved that u will argue a nd put people down for any post
    and people do it to me all the time
    any ways God is number 1
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