I HATE protein powder!



  • ADixie4You2Know
    ADixie4You2Know Posts: 47 Member
    OMG! You have GOT to get you some cellucor whey protein! Its awesome! Tastes like a milkshake in just water!
    If you go to cellucor.com and use coupon code KYLETHEGIRL you save 20%
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    It's not necessary by any means. However, it does help me reach my protein goal. I really like Gold Standard Double Rich Chocolate. Tastes fine mixed with water, great mixed with milk.

    I use that one too!! I love it!!

    Love that. Also, mixed with water and banana, or water mango and 2oz OJ.
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    I have tried the Syntrax Nectar and it taste pretty good. So far I like the Strawberry Mouse and Orange flavor. I got mine from the Vitamin Shoppe on line. I tried the cookies and cream, it was ok but I'm not much of cookie fan it taste just like cookies and cream.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't think it's necessary, either. There are so many schools of thought over how much protein we really need. I heard a lecture on talk radio the other night about how its complex carbohydrates that we need more of when we're building muscle, not protein. Too much protein can actually be toxic to your kidneys.

    Anyway, I'm no expert, and I don't know who to believe, but I think a good balanced diet will give enough protein.
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    I Had jillians french vanilla protein powder when I was a vegetarian and it was AWFUL.
    But now that I'm vegan I love all the plant protein powders I've tried. I blend each of them with fruit and almond/soymilk to make a smoothie that is devine :3
    I've also used them to make muffin or protein bars :D
    It all depends on what works for you. I kinda need that extra protein push to meet my goal, espeecially on days of exercise
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    There are many good ones. There are many times that in bad ones that are clumpy and taste like a shoe.

    I like Optimum Nutrition. Theirs are uniformly good, blend easily, and are low calorie compared to most.

    The one Jillian product my wife tried bought for me was *disgusting*.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Me too! Don't like milkshake so that's not a good start.

    If I want a quick protein fix I have a protein bar instead, maybe not quite so high in protein as some of the drinks but I've liked every one I've tried so far!!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Don't have it then - no it's not necessary. It helps if you're low on protein through food, but definitely not necessary.

    If you're concerned about low protein intake and don't like any protein powder (if you haven't tried Optimum nutrition gold standard, I would recommend, it's a very nice tasting powder IMO) then just focus on your foods, chicken/turkey breast, greek yogurt, nuts, eggs, certain dairy....
  • reviewboy
    reviewboy Posts: 13
    Not necessary, but I find them helpful.

    I haven't found anything that beats Syntha-6 (chocolate mint) for flavor; no nasty smell or aftertaste that I notice. I've also tried their "dessert" brand but it does have an odd flavor and aftertaste to me.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Yeah...protein powder is not necessary. There was a research study not too long ago showing that chocolate milk was just as effective after strength training as a protein shake at helping to build muscle. I don't have access to the CINAHL database now that I'm not a nursing student anymore, otherwise I'd attach it here. But they basically had a mixed population of both men and women, 18-40something years, half had a protein shake and half had 8oz of low fat chocolate milk after exercise. Same results.

    It's true that you need some protein post-workout if you're trying to tone - but you don't need 70g, 5's fine. I like chocolate milk :)


    It is different. There is more to it than that. to get the same amount of protein from milk you have to ingest quite a bit of milk.

    There are also many variations. What were they training? overall protein intake? are these people already trained or beginners.

    there are many variables that need to be covered
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I don't think it's necessary, either. There are so many schools of thought over how much protein we really need. I heard a lecture on talk radio the other night about how its complex carbohydrates that we need more of when we're building muscle, not protein. Too much protein can actually be toxic to your kidneys.

    Anyway, I'm no expert, and I don't know who to believe, but I think a good balanced diet will give enough protein.

    talk radio is wrong. ketogenic diets have been shown to be effective even in bulking diets. that has no carbs.

    you are wrong as well. There is nothing toxic about protein and your kidneys in a HEALTHY person
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Try a simple flavor, can't go wrong with chocolate. ON-whey chocolate malt is awesome.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    Adding my 2 cents here, I cannot STAND the taste of Whey itself so in everything that I've ever tried that is all I could taste yuk!

    So when looking for alternatives I started taking Vega One (it's plant based dairy, gluten and soy free) it's not the best tasting I'm sure (I recommend chocolate) but with chocolate almond milk its fine and the new formula is much more finely milled so it mixes much better. Several stores sell a 1 portion pack which is great for trying out without having to buy the tub.

    It only has 15g protein in a scoop which is a lot less than others but I only use it to replace breakfast a few mornings a week.