
I'm going through a ****ty time now. I am trying to lose the weight I need in order to begin feeling better about myself. I lost 95 pounds but gained 18 in the past 2 years. I just want to lose that before I go back to school in the fall. Other than that, I have gone though a lot and it's just so hard now. I want to move on but I can't. I feel stuck. I just want to lose weight as well. It's just not the time to deal with all this, right?
**Oh yeah, a lot of my feelings are hurt mostly because of a few certain people. Mostly that is why I am so upset now. I can't seem to move on from what those people said/did to me.
I just need lots of support. I feel alone in this.


  • geekprincess858
    Hello! Let me know how I can help? I know the pain and hurt of the words of others...but, you can do this. Do it for yourself! Live for yourself. People will always talk, but honey, don't let them drag you down. Set some smaller, short term goals. Set a goal date and then plan some rewards for what you will do afterwards. Put that cute small outfit out in front of your closet to remind you how hot you will look in it soon. Chin up, dear!! You got this.

  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! Let me know how I can help? I know the pain and hurt of the words of others...but, you can do this. Do it for yourself! Live for yourself. People will always talk, but honey, don't let them drag you down. Set some smaller, short term goals. Set a goal date and then plan some rewards for what you will do afterwards. Put that cute small outfit out in front of your closet to remind you how hot you will look in it soon. Chin up, dear!! You got this.


    Thank you so much! I just got chewed out on facebook last year about something stupid. Ever since then I felt bad about myself, like I'm a bad person. But I plan on losing this weight and accomplishing my goals. I am not in the mood to feel sorry for myself anymore. :)
  • carmentownes
    carmentownes Posts: 46 Member
    Hey. You lost the weight once you will lose it again. This is nothing for you. Please remember the joy you feel after an awesome workout. That stuff will be so small to you. When i am going through something i go for a run and forget about it all. When i am done i realize that stuff is small and life is so much more important. Exercise will make you feel better and you know it. JUST DO IT! The first day will get you started. Good luck to you! Everything will be fine.
  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you so much! I just got chewed out on facebook last year about something stupid. Ever since then I felt bad about myself, like I'm a bad person. But I plan on losing this weight and accomplishing my goals. I am not in the mood to feel sorry for myself anymore. :)

    You really have to try and leave that in the past where it belongs. Believe me, I am one who held on to things for a VERY long time. I got picked on as a kid at school a lot and it still affects the way I feel about myself now. (from around 4th-8th grade and I'm 24 now). It's something that I am still trying to work on so maybe we can try to forget the past together?
  • JessBeloved1
    JessBeloved1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Girl, just thought I'd reply to your post!

    I lost 85 lbs, and over the last year gained like 40 of it I'm on the road to recovery too.
    --You (we) can totally do this!!!--
    (Did it once, you can do it again!)

    As for people saying hurtful things to you...I don't know what was said, but I'm sure that you are a beautiful person, and you deserve friends who see the value of who you are. --Whatever mean things were said...I'd just flush it down the mental "toilet", lol.

    Anyway, you've got this, and you're going to do great!!
  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Girl, just thought I'd reply to your post!

    I lost 85 lbs, and over the last year gained like 40 of it I'm on the road to recovery too.
    --You (we) can totally do this!!!--
    (Did it once, you can do it again!)

    As for people saying hurtful things to you...I don't know what was said, but I'm sure that you are a beautiful person, and you deserve friends who see the value of who you are. --Whatever mean things were said...I'd just flush it down the mental "toilet", lol.

    Anyway, you've got this, and you're going to do great!!

    Thanks-it's time to leave the past behind. I'm focusing on new goals and a new better future.:)
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Don't let other people get in the way of your goals. I know it can be easier said than done. Believe me when I say I've gone through some pretty crappy times in my life too, even to this day. But I use the negativity to fuel me. I focus those emotions into my workouts and it makes me feel a lot better. Plus, I would say I'm able to push through reps more easily haha. Sometimes anger can be a good thing I guess.

    If you say you got chewed out on Facebook for something stupid, then why let it bother you so much, if you know it was petty? I'm just saying..

    Sometimes people are going to be negative towards you because they are insecure about themselves and somehow putting other people down make them feel better about themselves. So I really wouldn't sweat it. If these people were supposedly your friends, then you know now they aren't true friends. Put it behind you, move forward. Focus on yourself. Learn to let go. You'll be a lot happier that way!

    If you ever need support, feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member

    If you say you got chewed out on Facebook for something stupid, then why let it bother you so much, if you know it was petty? I'm just saying..

    Facebook sucks anyways. lol. Anyways, I thought she was my friend and then she turned around and basically told me she wasn't. It was just weird. She said a lot of nasty things about me on there and she acted like she didn't do anything wrong, I was the problem. But it's past me now. I'm just learning to move on. I lost a lot of friends last year and trying to keep in touch with my new friends. I just went through a lot last year.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Hello! Let me know how I can help? I know the pain and hurt of the words of others...but, you can do this. Do it for yourself! Live for yourself. People will always talk, but honey, don't let them drag you down. Set some smaller, short term goals. Set a goal date and then plan some rewards for what you will do afterwards. Put that cute small outfit out in front of your closet to remind you how hot you will look in it soon. Chin up, dear!! You got this.


    Thank you so much! I just got chewed out on facebook last year about something stupid. Ever since then I felt bad about myself, like I'm a bad person. But I plan on losing this weight and accomplishing my goals. I am not in the mood to feel sorry for myself anymore. :)

    It may sound strange, but you need to forgive them in order to put this in the past. Whether you tell them or not doesn't matter. But in your heart and mind forgive them. Then you will be able to move forward with your amazing life. It is for your benefit, not theirs. You deserve to be happy.
  • 50calTom
    50calTom Posts: 1
    Hey, first things first put your head up. You cant see your way forward with your head hanging. All this negativity is in your mind and you need to push it out. Stop focusing on the outcome right now which is wanting to loose the weight and lets start focusing on the many steps thats gonna get you there. If you focus too much on the outcome you wont get there. To get to your destination the first step is finding out your body type. If your gaining weight easily it may be that you are an endomorph body type. Look it up on the net and study it, this will help you realise what is going on with your body and why we gain and loose weight.
    From here you can start to construct your diet plan. This is where the logging of what you eat comes in really handy. From studying your body type you can also construct your training schedule. Now start putting all these parts of the puzzle together and you will start to see changes occuring very soon.
    You know you are capable of doing this. Push out all your negative thoughts and lets start ignoring the uncontrolable factors that exist like people putting you down and saying hurtful things. By dwelling on these factors you are waisting valuable energy which should be spent on the factors you know you can control like taking all these important steps to reaching your destination. I hope this helps in kick starting your journey. If you need help just shout and we are all here to help.
  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member

    If you say you got chewed out on Facebook for something stupid, then why let it bother you so much, if you know it was petty? I'm just saying..

    Facebook sucks anyways. lol. Anyways, I thought she was my friend and then she turned around and basically told me she wasn't. It was just weird. She said a lot of nasty things about me on there and she acted like she didn't do anything wrong, I was the problem. But it's past me now. I'm just learning to move on. I lost a lot of friends last year and trying to keep in touch with my new friends. I just went through a lot last year.
    Oh yeah, my facebook is deleted, I'm just trying to focus on my new friends and the ones who support me. That friend in particular had just changed a lot and didn't show it until we began fighting. I guess I couldn't move past what she had said because it wasn't easy talking to her.(I can't explain it, it was like talking to a brick
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Kris, people are Always gonna talk!! You just have to learn to let it roll off of you and Forget it!! I Know it's hard. Before I started this, I heard my share of terrible things. People probably still talk, But I Don't Care!! If they are talking about me, they are leaving someone else alone.
    You lost it once, you can do it again. Add me if you like. :happy:
  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member
    Kris, people are Always gonna talk!! You just have to learn to let it roll off of you and Forget it!! I Know it's hard. Before I started this, I heard my share of terrible things. People probably still talk, But I Don't Care!! If they are talking about me, they are leaving someone else alone.
    You lost it once, you can do it again. Add me if you like. :happy:

    Thank you all!
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    One step at a time, one day at a time. People say nasty things for many reasons. Sometimes their jealous or in pain themselves. Time for you take step 2. Write out short and intermediate goals, writing them down makes them tangible and you can do this. Go to bed, wake up to a new day and make tomorrow the first day of the rest of your young healthy beautiful life in front of you.
  • feelin31
    feelin31 Posts: 360 Member
    I agree with DDKY! It seems really strange, but you seem to be holding on to a lot inside. A while ago, I was angry for a whole year at these two people who I thought were my friends. It consumed most of my thoughts. I finally realized that all that I was holding onto was just hurting me and my healthy relationships with other people. I am Catholic, so I went to confession and the burden was just lifted. Forgiveness is for you! It lets you lay down the anger and start fresh! What a wonderful gift!!! Find a way to forgive! You are worth it!!
  • Kris10022
    Kris10022 Posts: 8 Member
    I already forgave her. It's just a lot of stuff going on last year. Then my cat died today. It has just sucked a lot lately.