
So my husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about 5 years. Yesterday was my birthday and I found out I am pregnant. Weight loss can not be a primary concern for me now but I want to make sure that I am eating the right amount of calories and right kinds of foods. I will still use MFP to keep track of that. Can anyone tell me nutritional/caloric benchmarks for a pregnant woman throughout her pregnancy and also how much weight gain is normal rather than excessive? (Obviously I will talk to my doctor about these things but I want to hear from experience too.) I do not want to gain so much weight that it will be so hard to lose later (I do not want to have gestational diabetes either).


  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
    im not an expert but iv heard, 28lbs is around normal to put on and up your calories 200-250 a day, you can always google questions lol
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member

    Congrats! Here is what a couple of sensible sounding web sites said about the subject:

    17 years ago, I had gestation diabetes. I was able to control it completely through diet and exercise.

    In fact, I would say that what I am eating now trying to lose weight on MFP and what I ate while pregnant were quite similar. Super, super healthy stuff.

    -Skim milk and other low fat diary sources
    -Lean Meats
    -Avoid things with simple sugars
    -Only complex carbs (brown rice not white rice)
    -Lots and lot of veggies = heavy on the stuff with folic acid and iron. Lots of greens but also the reds, the yellows, and the oranges.
    -Fruits for the most part were eaten with protein.
    -Drink plenty of water
    -No Artifical sweetners
    -And of course NO ALCHOL!!!!!!!!

    I started overweight and using the diet plan given to me by the hospital's nutritionist, I gained 14-15 pounds total. That is about right for an very overweight pregnant mom. Your mileage may differ.

    And I would bet money that there are web sites that are made just about eating healthy while preganant. The MFP tool isn't really set up beyond the nutrient tracking part of the food diary for preganat gals.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Congrats! :flowerforyou: I am hoping one day, my husband and I will be able to announce that wonderful news too! We have been trying for 2 years now, so I can only imagine how excited you are!!!
    I heard that the first trimester actually, you don't really have to be too concerned about eating anymore calories... some people can't even keep their calories down the first trimester! So if you do that, you're doing good. After that, it's about 200 -300 more a day. Also, make sure to get in your folic acid every day.
    If you are overweight, you can get away with gaining between 15-25 pounds, If you are a pretty healthy weight right now, than you should gain between 25 and 35.
    Good luck to you!:happy:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    that is something you should discuss with your doctor when you have your first check up. She will also tell you how much you should exercise for each trimester and whats a healthy weight to gain. Congrats and good luck!!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    You know I read an article recently that the weight gain the doctors want is different depending on your starting size. Thats to help keep the mom healthy as the baby will use the stored weight to grow. So your doctor and maybe a nutritionist is going to be your best bet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Congrats, my wife is currently preggers and weight gain can vary depending on where you stated. From her research she found that if you are under weight they suggest you gain 30-35 pounds, if you are normal weight 25-30, if you are overweight 15-20, and if you are obese 10-15.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    So my husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about 5 years. Yesterday was my birthday and I found out I am pregnant. Weight loss can not be a primary concern for me now but I want to make sure that I am eating the right amount of calories and right kinds of foods. I will still use MFP to keep track of that. Can anyone tell me nutritional/caloric benchmarks for a pregnant woman throughout her pregnancy and also how much weight gain is normal rather than excessive? (Obviously I will talk to my doctor about these things but I want to hear from experience too.) I do not want to gain so much weight that it will be so hard to lose later (I do not want to have gestational diabetes either).

    You should really ask your doctor, as it can vary depending on your weight and such. It's good to get advice from people out here, but when it comes to things like this, asking your doctor is the very best option, as there are many variables that your doctor will consider. Happy pregnancy! And Happy Birthday!
  • soundofsong
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    There is a thread for pregnant women here, look it up by hitting the search in message boards then type pregnant. Your doctors advice is still the best but atleast the women on there are currently going through the same things. :flowerforyou:
  • Heather1127
    Wow that is awesome. Of course you should talk with your doctor but I can tell you from experience that putting on too much weight sucks in the end! I pur on 75 lbs with my 1st and it was horrible! Then 55 lbs with my twins which was rough but more in the normal range for twins, and finally only 28 with my most recent....and let me tell you it was so much easier to lose the weight the last time! I believe that about 300 is the recommended extra caloric intake. Congratulations and get ready for this next exciting chapter!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Congrats! I was interested in this topic too. I have a 14month old son and gained 44lbs with here I am trying to lose the weight still so I can start trying for the next one. I agree with what everyone has said number wise, and dont' forget to check with your doctor too. My doctor before didn't really give me any guidelines, then after I gave birth I asked about dieting and breastfeeding and he told me bf would make me lose the weight and if it didn't he had a weight loss clinic. What a joke. I think he wanted to keep me overweight! Breastfeeding was such a magical experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat, but I didn't lose any weight (well nothing substantial anyway).

    Anyway, good luck to you, and no matter how much you gain, just try to be happy and healthy because pregnancy is a beautiful thing and it goes by so fast.
  • clptak
    clptak Posts: 8
    I think it's great that so many people here are so ready and willing to help you research this topic. I have nothing constructive to add, other than what all of these wise people have already posted. So be careful, enjoy, and congrats! One thing I would add that has nothing to do with weight - keep your stress level down. Wait, maybe it does. People eat when stressed, but some people stop eating (!) when they feel pressured, and you can't do that either. Sensible eating, portion control. You're glowing already, birthday girl!
  • sbird
    sbird Posts: 9
    Thanks to everyone who sent congrats and to those who told me of their experiences. All of my doctors tell me different conflicting things so I like to know what the majority of others have been through before I take any single doctor's advice. They are only human too.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Congrats! Join this group there's some great info and some great ladies on the thread. I myself am TTC so i'll hopefully get to join you all soon.
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member

    You should get specifics from your doctor, and consider going to a nutrion specialist. In general however, It's even more important to eat the RIGHT choices. In pregnancy it's not how many extra calories should I eat, its about adding specific nutrients that a pregnant body needs. That just happen to add calories when you chose them.

    Women who watch what they eat during pregnancy, eat healthy, have enough calories for the baby to grow healthy, can sometimes loose weight during pregnancy and be perfectly normal. Espicially if they were heavy before they became pregnant.

    Again, focus on healthy eating and talk to your doctor!! Many times if necessary, you and your baby are worth it!!