Discouraged and needing support

I fell off the wagon once again. I just stepped on the scale and took measurements, and it was depressing. I'm now the biggest I have ever been. Eating and nutrition are my biggest problem. I'm an emotional eater and binge often. I'm discouraged with myself and now don't even know where to start.


  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hey there! I had the same problem when I left the country for four months. Just got back on the wagon in March. Good for you for getting back on :)

    You can feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • FerociousKoala
    FerociousKoala Posts: 27 Member
    Just try to keep on it and only change one thing at a time. Baby steps to your ultimate goal will make it so much easier on yourself. Usually, when I end up binging or cheating it's because I've been really hard on myself and won't allow myself leeway as far as treats or things that I really enjoy. Eating a little bit of something you love one day a week or so is a lot better than denying it to yourself and then breaking and devouring everything in sight. Keep your chin up!
  • Lindabummy1
    Lindabummy1 Posts: 73 Member
    I feel for you. Its tough sometimes when you are an emotional eater, as I also am. The thing that helped me was taking baby steps, like get thru the day, if you are going to eat something you know you shouldn't, and you are going to have it no matter what, half it. The next time quarter it. baby steps. And most importantly, for me, was to really work on not putting myself down or scolding myself to much. That was probably the hardest for me. I would put myself down all the time when I screwed up with eating or bingeing. I found that if I was more forgiving of myself, and more gentler with "self talk" I did better. Talking here also helps. I can only tell you what worked for me although I consider myself a work still in progress I guess I will always be, but I am starting to like myself more and more as time goes by. Also walking and lite exercise in the beginning also helped til I could up it. It is hard with little ones, assuming those are your beautiful "kidlings" in the picture, but maybe you could do outside type of games with them too. Good luck to you and remember people are here to support you.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    The very key to this thing, if you ask me, is accountability. Start logging what you are already eating. Own it. Write it in the log and see where you're at. Set your "goal" in My Fitness Pal to simply just maintain your current weight for now and just start tracking. Once you can see where your starting point is, you'll have a clearer picture of where you can trim things and make changes that will see you getting towards your goal. There are many, many success stories here. Yours can be among them.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I find it helpful to track everything I eat. I try to be as accurate with it as possible as well. Start by filling in your food diary every day. Even if you go over, fill it in. You'll have a starting point that way. I don't do anything special. I eat out a lot since I started working outside the home and I just don't feel like standing on my feet for 8 hours a day and then come home and prepare a meal too. So my diary is filled with fast food or restaurant meals or convenience foods. I just work at keeping everything within my calorie goals. I don't feel deprived because if I want french fries or a piece of bread pudding I can have it so long as I track it.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    You've already covered the first step: recognizing your problem and reaching out for help! Start logging, make small changes and it will start to fall into place. My favorite little trick when I first got back on the fitness wagon was to add 5 minutes a day to whatever exercise I was doing. Little changes can sometimes make the biggest difference, and whatever you do, stick with it and don't get discouraged! You CAN and WILL reach your goals :)
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    We all do, every so often . don't think in terms of falling off wagons - that is a sure fire way for you to treat this as 'fail' a and it's not. It's a bump in the road. Move on

    Log log log. There is place there for notes, so put in the 'what you are feeling'. Write down what you are eating BEFORE you eat - that might help you control a little
  • serendipity57
    serendipity57 Posts: 153 Member
    We all do, every so often . don't think in terms of falling off wagons - that is a sure fire way for you to treat this as 'fail' a and it's not. It's a bump in the road. Move on

    Log log log. There is place there for notes, so put in the 'what you are feeling'. Write down what you are eating BEFORE you eat - that might help you control a little

    Definately this^^^^

    You will feel so good when you see the results good luck!
  • FitNHealthy2BMama
    This is my second time on MFP. The first time I lost 67 pounds and I fell off the wagon plenty. I reached my goal though and you will too if you keep at it. I kept the weight off and I'm back for a second time to lose the last 20 pounds. Just remember what you did today does not have to be what you are or what you do tomorrow. The best thing about starting a new day is that it is new. Don't let anyone discourage you, including yourself.
  • dafleck
    dafleck Posts: 3 Member
    I know how you feel. I have done the same thing and felt the same way. What has helped me in the past was to get right back on the computer and be brutally honest with my food entries. I see my husband do this and it motivates me and helps me to get honest. There is something about typing it in, weighing myself in the morning that gives me a sense of control and I feel better about myself and the next thing I know I am feeling very motivated to stay with it. It's not easy, I know but it is simple. Good luck!
  • LacieW85
    LacieW85 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everybody! This was all really helpful! That's why I wanted to post, because I knew this would be an encouraging community.
  • Gigiislosingweight
    Gigiislosingweight Posts: 8 Member
    Six weeks ago I was the biggest I have ever been. Now I just have 18 pounds to go to go below to 198. Yeah. One step one day. My favorite snacks are veggies, sugar free jello and almonds. Remember one day at a time.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    The very key to this thing, if you ask me, is accountability. Start logging what you are already eating. Own it. Write it in the log and see where you're at. Set your "goal" in My Fitness Pal to simply just maintain your current weight for now and just start tracking. Once you can see where your starting point is, you'll have a clearer picture of where you can trim things and make changes that will see you getting towards your goal. There are many, many success stories here. Yours can be among them.

    I find this to be so true for me! showing up at the page, showing up at the food diary and not hiding what I'm doing from myself, has been absolutely key to me. I started MFP knowing a lot about diet and nutrition, having worked with a nutritionist, but putting that into practice never seemed to work. MFP made keeping food diaries pretty fun and easy, and now I realize that before I came here, I was managing to do a lot of pretending to myself about how much I was eating of what. So baby steps as others suggest are good, but the single most important step I would suggest is to do that diary, faithfully, honestly, every bite, every day. The healthier behaviors will follow, for sure.

    and best of luck. Most of us have been in this same situation. I sure have.
  • dafleck
    dafleck Posts: 3 Member
    When I find myself free falling with eating I start inputting everything I eat, no matter how bad it is! Also, when I know I'm binging I try to remember how I stopped in the past. It's usually because I get busy with something, or just brushing my teeth helps! Just know you're not alone.