Anyone with PCOS ?

Hi ladies, Anyone with PCOS ? Talk about symptoms, struggles, challenges or tips and tricks. Let's be friends and help one another. :flowerforyou:


  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Hello & Welcome! You or anyone else are more than welcome to add me. I have been using this site regularly for 86 days. I love it and I love the motivation from my pals on here. I offer lots of support. Blessings on your journey

    P.S-I am in a group for PCOS that offers alot of support
  • Kimber100683
    Kimber100683 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?
  • Hollyhobby22
    Hollyhobby22 Posts: 114 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?

    I don't know if its normal but i have had that happen a few times mostly when i get really stressed out. I would call my Dr. just to make sure there is not another issue going on though.
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    I was diagnosed, but I am not sure if I really have it. I've had no problems getting pregnant, but yes, losing weight has been difficult. I need to go get retested.
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    You and anyone else is welcome to add me as a friend! I have PCOS and can attest to the whole, it is hard to lose weight thing... But not impossible! :) I am currently on the pill (to hopefully get things started and regulated)! I would love to be a support system for anyone that wants it!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS more than 20 years ago when I was in my late 20's. I miraculously had no trouble getting pregnant with my first child but it took a long time and some assistance to get pregnant a second time. Interestingly, after my second pregnancy (twins) I started getting my period regularly - every 35 days or so. Weird! That had never happened to me before!

    One thing I want to mention which is why I am replying here is that I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 11 years ago when I was 40. My endocrinologist and diabetes educator both told me that PCOS has been linked to Type 2 diabetes. So I wanted to make sure to let you all know.

    Stay on the weight loss and exercise and please make sure that your doctor checks you for diabetes as you get older. In addition to PCOS I had other risk factors - my mother had it (what used to be called borderline - controlled by diet); I had gestational diabetes twice so bad I had to use insulin and go on the diabetic diet to keep it under control; plus I am overweight (not obese but still overweight). So I did have several risk factors in addition to PCOS but I wanted to let you know.

    Diabetes is a terribe disease if it goes undiagnosed and untreated - causing lost of problems - blindness, kidney disease, neuropathy, etc.

    If you have PCOS and are overweight and have other risk factors make sure you get checked.

    Take care and good luck!
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I didn't realize that PCOS was linked with difficulty losing weight. I know that diabetes can make it difficult to lose weight and I thought my struggles with weightloss were due to that and not PCOS.


    If anyone knows of any tips that are helpful to those with PCOS trying to lose weight, let me know.
  • beckiern1
    beckiern1 Posts: 37 Member
    hi guys!

    i'm beckie. i'm a nurse and i have PCOS too, relatively new diagnosis after having two kids. my hormones are finally getting under control with the depo shot (i get migraines with estrogen, so i can't use that anymore), and aldactone, which helps with the acne and hirtuism.

    i've had issues with my weight since 2004, and have finally gotten things back progressing how i want. i try to stay away from "white" carbs, i find that i feel worse when i eat them and my sugars get out of whack. protein is great, along with lots of veggies. unfortunately i can't overcome my cheese habit...

    i'd love support, and i'd love to help as i can! my career kind of gives me a reason to do a lot of research on the topic of PCOS.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, there is a PCOS group I joined but people arent too active on it. Its hard to access from iphone. I was diagnosed with PCOS over 11 years ago. My saving grace is birth control pill for periods and low carb/calorie tracking for diet. Have managed to lose close to 100 lbs and still going ( i never used to weigh myself for fear of shame so i am not sure exactly where i was when i started). Would love more support as well, since there are so many other things we deal with.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    Just got diagnosed today. (yay!) Feel free to add me (anyone).
  • Hey ladies!
    I was diagnosed with it about three weeks ago and am on metiformin( I don't know if I slept it right). My period is still all out of sorts with being medicated and on birth control. I'm being tested for diebetes as well. It took us a year to get pregnant(so not too bad). Add me if you'd like.
  • Korhurd05
    Korhurd05 Posts: 4 Member
    After a few doctors blew me off, i finally got a good doctor and diagnosed with with PCOS. We have been trying to get pregnant since i went of bc in April 2009. Since going off bc i hardly ever have a period and have gained weight like crazy. I dont eat meat and have cut out almost all dairy (by choice). Im meeting with a nutritionalist, working out and following a low calorie diet but still not seeing any results. On top of it all, I've been put on metformin which is making everything harder. Makes me crazy sugar which i never have before. It also makes me insanely thirsty and extremely tired which makes working out very difficult. Im having a hard time figuring out how these message boards work. I would love any help and suggestions i can get.
  • Hi,

    I have PCOS—and so glad I am not alone on that one. It can be a challenge, that is for sure, but making those small steps towards progress.

    My symptoms:
    My menstrual cycle is finally regular (definitely wasn’t always that way. I could go 6+ months with no period). I am not trying to get pregnant now, though I did go through 5 years of infertility because of it and had my second child through invitro fertilization.
    Excess hair growth- I am so sick and tired of plucking! I am hoping as I lose more weight that will stop. I have noticed a slight progress

    My last blood work had high triglycerides/bad cholesterol. The dreaded “insulin resistance.” I see my physician tomorrow and will get a checkup and blood work since trying to lose weight and sincerely hoping I see a change in my blood work.

    Would love to keep in touch!
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Yep!! I have PCOS. Was diagnosed almost a year ago. I have been prescribed Metformin, which has been a huge blessing. Feel free to add me (anyone). I will help and support you as much as you'd like!
  • Rekeca
    Rekeca Posts: 5
    I have PCOS and I can attest that it is more difficult to lose weight. Even when you are doing all of the right things it comes off really slow. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for years. I tried fertility treatments with my OBGYN but nothing worked. I am now just starting with a RE so hopefully we can get things moving. Feel free to add me. I use to have a menstrual cycle about 3 times a year if that. Since I've lost close to 70 pounds I do have a menstral cycle for the most part every month but it is not predictable. so I can't say I have a 28 or 31 day cycle because, for example, I can have one on the 1st of this month and on the 10th of next month and the 17th the month after. I think that is why this fertility thing isn't working. Its good to know people that are struggling with the same thing because if you dont have it you can't imagine what its like.
  • habundis
    habundis Posts: 10 Member
  • AbbraKadabra
    AbbraKadabra Posts: 5 Member
    I have PCOS and have had that happen a few times. The longest period I ever experienced was 30 days. One time a cyst ruptured and that caused unusual bleeding for way more days than "normal." If it goes on for more than a couple weeks, a call to the dr is a good idea and try to make sure you're getting enough iron since you're losing more currently.
  • habundis
    habundis Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?

    My longest, waaaaay back in high school, lasted three months. That was miserable. I've noticed that since I've dropped weight and started exercising I've begun to regulate. I'm working on my third this year!

    Something for everyone to remember is that our bodies process things differently. Starches turn to sugar, and excess sugar turns to excess male hormones. I've had a lot of luck losing weight and keeping my blood sugar in check by eliminating starches. That means no white flour, no potatoes, no white rice. I'll eat 100% whole grain bread, oatmeal and brown rice and that's it. I know it's different for everyone, but this is what has worked for me. Also, get your blood sugar checked at least once a year. We're all in danger of Type 2 diabetes.
  • sparkles9779
    sparkles9779 Posts: 29 Member
    I have pcos as well. I have had a period for a year straight even bleeding after dncs.. I would love to have the support and other pcos women on my team . Please feel free to add me. I also have found acupuncture to help with my pcos, and my friend who tried has conceived with acupuncture.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?

    It's normal. You may bleed for weeks. Your lining has been building for MONTHS so when you finally blled, it's going to last a while. Take extra iron to help prevent anemia, in the meantime.