Cookies in the Office!!!

Someone brought 4th of July cookies to share with the office. They're moiste sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles....they look so tastey and there is a HUGE box of them. I am going to resist bc on the 4th I'm gonna have a free day....but as the day goes on it gets harder and harder! Does anyone else have to face a lot of temptations in the office? How do you deal?


  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Someone brought 4th of July cookies to share with the office. They're moiste sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles....they look so tastey and there is a HUGE box of them. I am going to resist bc on the 4th I'm gonna have a free day....but as the day goes on it gets harder and harder! Does anyone else have to face a lot of temptations in the office? How do you deal?
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ohhhh..... I had to resist a huge dessert table at a cocktail party on Saturday night.... I just kept drinking my water (and I chugged almost a litre before going to the party to avoid all eating!!!). When you get weak, could you drink a ton of water, so you almost feel a bit full/sick? I know it sounds crazy, but it stops me! :flowerforyou:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Just keep telling yourself that they look better than they taste.......and certainly don't taste good enough to make up for the calories.....

    I found out the hard way, just one large shortbread cookie is about 350 calories. I'm betting a sugar cookie with frosting is about the same.

    Stay STRONG! You can do it!
  • mimzy
    mimzy Posts: 135 Member
    The office is the WORST place.
    Luckily, right now everyone is trying to be good, but that doesn't last very long.
    We have birthday cakes, people bringing us goodies,'s crazy.

    I know those cookies your talking about, too. Are those like the ones at Walmart? Those are of the devil! :devil: I swear satan himself created that recipe!!

    You can do it...just tell yourself that someone sneezed on them or you saw a roach crawl into the box....whatever grosses you out the most!
  • eHarris
    eHarris Posts: 160
    My husband and I took before pics in our undies to track our progress....

    Just looking at that makes me want to avoid anything larger than a teeny 100 calorie Nabisco snack pack. We have a "Chocolate Basket" at work that gets filled up on the regular. I avoid that thing like the plague! I also keep on drawer of my desk stocked with low cal goodies. Lots of chocolate covered ones. Nabisco is my saving grace this week....they even have chocolate covered pretzle ones!! :drinker:
  • Quenofcrazzy
    Quenofcrazzy Posts: 358
    It looks good..but it doesn't taste that good. You will not enjoy the cookie if you eat why waste your calories on it?? Eat something healthy instead!!
  • maggierex
    maggierex Posts: 59
    i do several things:
    1. think of my arms, butt, stomach, thighs, etc. do i want them any bigger?!
    2. remember that it may taste good for a minute, but think, in a week am i going to be saying "man, that cookie was great! my life is so much better because i ate it!" ??? nope i won't!!
    3. and when all else fails, i block the offending food from my sight. just pretend it isn't there, if i don't see it, i don't want it. instead i chew gum, drink water, have something better.

    my goal is to only eat treats that i plan and know are at least a little lower cal/fat. it's not worth it!!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Don't do it!!

    1. Those thing have huge amounts of calories. Make yourself look up the calories, you could even add it to your food and see what happens to the total. After seeing you can't have dinner, bet that will help!

    2. Could you stop at one??? I sure can't, so do #1 with the actual number of cookies you would eat after one little taste (probably 3-4 for me).

    3. Think how awesome you will feel tomorrow having resisted the cookies.

    4. Think how great it will be to reach one of your goals.

    Good luck.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    IF someone is late they have to bring in donuts of bagels...we almost always have donuts here I am just stay away from the area or go eat fruit...If there is NO way to resist I will 1/2 or 1/4 one with someone else.:tongue:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Well all the cookies are gone, no thanks to me! Thanks for the motivation yall!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Yuuummmmmmmm!!! I love moist sugar cookies. If I was at your office I 'd save you from the cookies by eating them all myself. :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Oh good for both of us, they're gone. I was on my way there. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: