Today is the beginning of tomorrow!!

I've been a yo-yo dieter for years now, battling with my weight since I was a child. Aged 17 I was incredibly happy with my body and although not the size I would dream of I felt confident and gorgeous. 5 years later it is an incredibly different story. University has taken its toll on my diet, the stresses of work have highly contributed to comfort eating and after weighing myself this morning ( I was horrified to find I am at my heaviest ever weight!) today has seen the turning point for me.

It's high time I started to look after my body and put my own health ahead of any other issues. I want to wear a bikini, I want to go for long walks without sweating, hell I want my boyfriend to find me irresistible! So this is me proclaiming the start of a lifestyle change, no turning back. I know I'm going to find this so hard, but that's why I'm posting, to share this with people who understand and to get the encouragement I need.

Fingers crossed!!!

11/06/2013 - 208 lbs
Goal weight - who the hell knows! I'll tell you when I get there!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • jeyloz
    jeyloz Posts: 36
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I started at 200 lbs now at 168. I still have a ways to go but I am still losing steadily.
  • balsert713
    balsert713 Posts: 39 Member
    You can do it!! If you need a friend, feel free to add me! I'm at 195 currently, and started MFP at 218! :)
  • coopers11
    coopers11 Posts: 30 Member
    All you need to do is be active & eat right. The rest will fall into place.

    You'll feel better just be changing little things.

    Remember to allow yourself a little bit of what you fancy or you'll be sure to find it too hard and will quit!

    Good Luck, you can 100% do this !!!! :smile:
  • jeyloz
    jeyloz Posts: 36
    Thanks everyone, just the encouragement I need!
  • AnneOdland
    AnneOdland Posts: 14 Member
    Good for you! You've got a great attitude, and with determination, you will do it. My advice would be: don't be in a hurry. I was also someone who gained a lot of weight during my college years, and hit a point where I realized that when people were describing me as "big boned", what that really meant was "fat", haha. It took SEVERAL YEARS for me to get down to a healthy weight after I had really ballooned in college. As an adult (I'm 51 now) my weight has fluctuated by plus or minus 10 pounds, but I've never again even approached my heavy-weight college status. It really is just a determination to make healthy choices MOST of the time. Believe me, I do indulge myself from time to time, (I have a "sweet tooth" and love to bake!) and I am not "skinny"-- but no one would describe me as fat either. One thing that has helped me is just observing the way healthy, slim people eat... I don't know many people who are truly in the "she can eat anything and never gain weight" category... Thin people tend to eat like thin people. If you eat like a thin person, eventually you will be! Portion control, portion control, portion control. MFP is great for really keeping you honest about how much you are putting on your plate. Take your time, enjoy the triumphs of weight-loss, and don't let yourself be discouraged by little set-backs. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on again! You can do it!
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 240lbs and I've found my healthy lifestyle mojo again this week :)

    Also, booked to trek Kilimanjaro in October 2014.......thats my motivation :)
  • Redmoonstar
    Redmoonstar Posts: 9 Member
    Well done this is a great site I have also been up and down, I gain lots of weight when I gave up smoking after having my second child, it took 10 yrs but managed to lose 15kilos and sustained that for 6yrs then life circumstances changed and back came the weight. I finally had enough and found this site. it's been great I'm not where I want to be but I'm getting there slowly,. Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me if you like.
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    your story is a mirror image of mine, at 16 i was a size 12 and was always wearing a bikini and itsy bitsy shorts, as soon as i started driving i seems to forget all about my legs! the weight has crept on now im size 16 and 198 pounds.
    i have been on here for a while but have never really had the support from someone is the same position as me, feel free to add we can do it together!
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Together we can do it !!!!
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Feel free to add me, I can use all the friends and support on this site. We can all do this journey together!

  • jeyloz
    jeyloz Posts: 36
    It's so great to hear some of your stories. The sense of community on this site is overwhelming! Makes me all the more confident!
    Good luck to everyone!
  • katekshort
    katekshort Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new to this site. It is time for a healthy living change for me. My goal is 100 pounds. After some very traumatic events in my life I am the heaviest I have ever been, have a bad back and bad knees. I know it is time for a change. I keep seeing posts about "add me" for support. How do I do this? Any hints on getting the maximum benefits from here would be uber great! Thanks.