exercise challenge for June



  • Mrsmorman
    Mrsmorman Posts: 29 Member
    Sounds like a good goal. I have started putting stickers on my calendar for everyday I get my workout in. I know it might sound silly but it feels great to look back and see the month full of stickers.

    I like this idea. I'm going out today and I'm picking up stickers while I'm out. I think this will help my motivation to get my exercise in. Thanks for the idea.
  • How are you all getting on? I did 39minutes on the Kinect on Tuesday night then an exercise DVD (Davina's power of 3) for 40 minutes on Wednesday and a 30 minute run last night. I swam for 10 minutes today and I'll either run tonight or tomorrow again.
  • How did everyone get on for the first week of June? I had a successful first week of exercise:

    Tuesday 4th: 39minutes on the Kinect
    Wednesday 5th: exercise DVD (Davina's power of 3) for 40 minutes
    Friday 7th: 30 minute run
    Saturday 8th: 10 minutes swim
    Sunday 9th: 50 min cycle - 16km (it was glorious!)
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    How did everyone get on for the first week of June? I had a successful first week of exercise:

    Tuesday 4th: 39minutes on the Kinect
    Wednesday 5th: exercise DVD (Davina's power of 3) for 40 minutes
    Friday 7th: 30 minute run
    Saturday 8th: 10 minutes swim
    Sunday 9th: 50 min cycle - 16km (it was glorious!)
    Way to go Jan!

    I walked 3 miles and did 2 dance workouts last week. Today I am about to do a mile walk.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i do 60 minutes of cardio eveyday so
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    i do 60 minutes of cardio eveyday so

    Way to go Melinda. I am starting out slow. Just finished my 1 mile walk. Also, changed my calories to 1200 a day. If I find that too low will adjust again. Right now the scale is bouncing for me but not really going down. Maybe the lower calories will help. I teach so after Friday when school lets out will have more free time to workout.