Want to loose 100 lbs. in a year !!

Hi there , I'm new to MFP ....I have three children 4,3,2, , yes I know !! WOW ... I am on a mission toward a lifestyle change for myself and for my family. 100 lbs...that's a BIG deal, but I have no doubt in my mind that for me it's impossible :) I've begun counting my calories, and working out twice a day ( yoga and pilates) at least 20 min each in order to strengthen my muscles and get some range of motion back , before my INSANITY CHALLENGE comes in the mail....YIKES !! I know this will be hard and I will HURT lol, but I'm ready to get this going ! I, of course, I'm a bit confused to the way things " should " be done, and you LOVE any advise y'all could send my way ....please check out my food diary , this is where I'm soooo confused....it is not challenging at all for me to eat the way it has been logged...it was actually more challenging to get myself to eat breakfast lunch and dinner, which brings my focus to tell you , Ive never had good eating habits, since highshcool I skipped breakfast lunch then binged at home the rest of the night, then through college then after having children ...it was hard to eat right and not fast and whatever was closest ....but I'm dealing well with that , I get them all they need then I concentrate on my meal ( counting and measuring ) so I'll stop blabbing !! So excited for the future , already I feel motivated, more energetic withmy diet ! Just not sure it's good or not ;) so please chime in and help this newly truly understand a lifestyle change ...thanks y'all ;)


  • Your diet looks pretty good to me, just hang in there and if you need motivation add me & i'll give it to you :)
    Good Luck!
  • LOL You can't loose 100 lbs! you have to lose 100 lbs! LOL It's okay we all make that grammar mistake here in the forums. It's kinda an inside joke around here LOLOLOL.. Welcome to MFP! I wish you the very best of luck in your journey to better health! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • LOL You can't loose 100 lbs! you have to lose 100 lbs! LOL It's okay we all make that grammar mistake here in the forums. It's kinda an inside joke around here LOLOLOL.. Welcome to MFP! I wish you the very best of luck in your journey to better health! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    LOL OMG SEE??? I didn't capitalize the word "you" in my first sentence. We all make grammar mistakes!
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    You can do this. I'm down 57 in 5 months. You just have to get it in your mind and don't just change YOUR habits. Make healthy eating a family thing. Good eating habits are a life long gift to give your children. It's not just about you. Good luck. Feel free to add me if you'd like. <-- That goes for anyone. :) Love yourself. :)
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Take measurements and pictures now for when you hit a plateau or get discouraged. Sometimes weight loss stops but inches still fall. If you plan for discouragement you don't get it.
  • wmholly
    wmholly Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just getting started and need to lose about 140 lbs. It seems rather daunting a task! I know I need to look for smaller goals - 5 or 10 lbs at a time - to reach my final goal. My problem is that I am so obese that it is uncomfortable for me to get in much exercise. I walk and need to walk more, but I also need other activity. Once I lose some weight, I know that activity will be easier. Any suggestions on activities to add to walking that will help me?
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    That is how much I want to lose also in a year!! You can add me if you want and we can work on it together!!!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it's a great community. :)

    You CAN do it! It's not impossible. I have more then 100 lbs to lose. Your diary looks good, but just remember that you still have to nourish your body. You shouldn't live on less then 1200 calories espicially if you are going to be working out a lot.

    I log in every day so please feel free to add me for support. We can never have too much support
  • tmhowla
    tmhowla Posts: 24
    My kids are 4, 3, and soon to be 2 as well, just added you as a friend. They are all boys too.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I like your attitude, but do not put a time limit on this journey. I promise that if you commit to the journey and make consistent healthy decisions, you will reach your goal. However, if you put a time limit on it....and, for whatever reason, are not losing weight as fast as you think you should to achieve your artificial deadline, it might discourage you. Think of this as a lifestyle change. There are no time limits. There are only good decisions, one at a time, one day at a time.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... 165 pounds in the last 11 months and hoping to be to goal 212.5 pounds down by Christmas... I don't have all the answers but I know what's worked for me and my diary is open to friends.
  • Ditto what PP said - don't put time limit on it. Just take the losses as they come..big or small as long as it's all in the right direction! I have three kiddos myself. 2, 6 & 7. It's a hard journey but so much easier than not being able to play with my kids because of my weight. GL!
  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello! I also have 100 lbs to lose in a year! I am having a really hard time staying on track, i'll get a good start on things and then I fall off the wagon hard and really struggle to get back on. I am back on as of today and need some support to stay here! I am 32 years old and have been a juvenile diabetic since I was 10 years old, I am really wanting to drop this extra weight and get healthy to try to avoid complications later in life. I also am just really unhappy with myself and uncomfortable, I hate carrying all this extra weight around!! Good luck to you and please add me! I am looking for as many buddies as possible to keep me on the right track!
  • gdobbin
    gdobbin Posts: 3 Member
    I think the 1st thing to do is to set realistic, attainable goals! 100 lbs. in 1 year is WAY optimistic and I believe your goal should be more specific for a shorter term(i.e., in 12 weeks I will lose 20 lbs or about 2 lbs/week!) This way it is easier to stay on track to reach your ultimate goal. Also, when you fall, get right back up! No pity parties! You can do it, it's been done before!:smile:
  • Amethyst125
    Amethyst125 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for sharing that great advice. It seems common sense however, I set limits on myself as well and you are correct it is a lifestyle change.
  • That's how much I have to lose as well. I lost around 50 lbs but since I started school I have gained it all back. I have 4 kids, 10,8,6,3, I was so motivated when I started but I lost my way. I am still a wanderer on the road to health but I will get there. I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on medication. I generally tend to self destruct so I was in denial and probably ate worse when I found out than I did before I found out. But I came to the realization that I want to be here for my children so I have to do something as well. We can do this. I am going to send you a friend request!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    You can do this life change. I had bad eating habits and I work on them everyday. Not losing weight as much as I would like to but I am going to the gym and doing better. You can add me if you want but please read the disclaimer as I am pretty much lets say not a good christian.....anyway fill out the rest of your info and participate in everything!

    Good luck!
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Bless your heart with all them boys !! Haha...I've got all girls <3
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Still seeking some motivators , advice !! Add me my diary is open and HONEST not hiding any cookies here ;) I want straight forward pals to keep me going in the right direction !!
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    LOL You can't loose 100 lbs! you have to lose 100 lbs! LOL It's okay we all make that grammar mistake here in the forums. It's kinda an inside joke around here LOLOLOL.. Welcome to MFP! I wish you the very best of luck in your journey to better health! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    LOL OMG SEE??? I didn't capitalize the word "you" in my first sentence. We all make grammar mistakes!