When do you log?



  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    I log first thing in the morning because I have already decided what I am going to eat for the day. If I make any changes (sometimes life throws a curve ball) I log any corrections after supper/dinner.

    This. Except I make my corrections/substitutions on my phone before taking a swing (bite?) of said curve ball. I need to know whether a full or partial serving will fit with the meal that I'm replacing.
  • vettech14
    vettech14 Posts: 28
    I log as I go. I have the opposite problem as most other people.. My body is in caloric hoarding mode because I don't eat much and I have put on a bunch of weight because of it along with other factors. I eat extremely healthy, but my intake is only on average about 700 calories. I am struggling trying to get it to 1200 hundred a day and to a 1500 maximum. So I have to log as I go to be sure I am getting enough. and this is only day 3 and I haven't met my goal yet, but I am getting closer. Just goes to show you that you don't have to eat to much to gain weight either... :(
  • dana9904
    dana9904 Posts: 6
    I am trying to log faithfully whenever I eat something, I log it in. I need to be held accoutable for my actions. If I don't do it this way, I may forget something along the way!
  • baby_grl_martinez
    baby_grl_martinez Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys and gals. I love the suggestions of preplanning. Perhaps rather than logging what I have had for the day, in the evenings, I will pre-log what I will have for the following day and make adjustments as they come along.

    I really appreciate all the help. Now that I am reading all of the suggestions, kinda feel silly I asked. The answers are such no brainers! =)
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I really appreciate all the help. Now that I am reading all of the suggestions, kinda feel silly I asked. The answers are such no brainers! =)

    I was going to say there are no silly questions. Of course there are, but yours was hardly one of them.
  • Lauren344
    Lauren344 Posts: 50 Member
    I track before my meals especially if I'm having something new and I don't no how many calories they are in it and fat ect... But most things I eat I know roughly what the meal contains. Also if I know what I'm having the next day I'll track to save some time.

    And like others have said preplanning and tracking is a great idea!

    And I track my exercise's more or less straight away because I like to know the total calories iv burned to give my self a little pat on the back haha

    Good luck :D

  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    i try to pre-plan all my meals so i know what my calorie intake is before i start eating for the day....if something unexpected comes up (example: today i had an unexpected business lunch) i try to log as soon as i can so i can keep a game plan for the day.

    having the app on my phone really helps because i can log virtually anywhere.

    good luck!
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    i usually log after i weigh or portion my food, before i eat it.. or i'll forget the measurements lol
  • WiDale
    WiDale Posts: 8 Member
    I try to log before I eat too - I find that it helps me make better choices (especially regarding portion) and that I stick to what I planned because it's already logged.

    I log:
    breakfast before I leave
    lunch late morning
    dinner right before eating
    any snacks as they go before eating them

    trying to get back into the logging rhythm since I've been off the wagon for quite a while, but this has worked for me quite well in the past.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    planning your meals ahead when shopping is a good thing as you will know what you will be eating most of the time.
    Somedays I log the food I know I will be eating, before leaving for work, which is great as I then know how many calories I have for snacks. Other times I log what I have just eaten - more time spent on the computer means less time with food in my hand.
  • perfkdrug
    perfkdrug Posts: 24
    Log prior to cooking/eating so that I can make informed choices. I sometimes log my entire day the night before or first thing in the morning if I'm pretty sure I know what I'm having (easy to adjust later if needed too).

    If I am at a restaurant and do not want to appear insane with logging, I'll take a photo of my food with my phone (and another photo after of what is left on my plate) so that I can log it later on and estimate sizes etc.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I log all day long. If I know what I'm having for a future meal, I log it ahead of time so I know how many calories I have left for snacks. I always log my evening snack ahead of time so I won't run out of calories to satisfy my evening munchies.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Do I pre-track days in advance? No. Do I track during the day, definitely.

    My breakfasts are normally pretty similar anyway, and I have a decent routine. I normally know by mid-morning what I am having for lunch, and by lunch what I am having for dinner. To be honest, I normally know in the morning what I am going to have based on what is in the fridge and calculate it accordingly.
  • colesullivan13
    I try to log my entire day each morning when eating breakfast.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I use my phone to log while I'm making whatever it is I'm going to eat. That way nothing is skipped. If I go out and I'm not sure about the calories in what I ate, I make a note of what the item was called and look it up/log it when I get home.

    If I waited till the end of the day, I'd forget something.
    If I try to pre-plan my meals, I will end up changing my mind last minute. (I'm very indecisive)
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 306 Member
    First thing I do in the morning is log while I have my coffee. Generally my consumption changes (especially dinner) so I update it as needed after I'm home from work/school. I don't click 'complete' for the day until like 10 or 11pm and I know I'm done eating for the day.
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Usually during or right after.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I log as or after I eat it. I have my phone with me at all times, so it is easy to log on the spur of a moment.