Insanity's Plyometric Cardio Circuit FML!

I absolutely dread it! Any advice?


  • sherrihuntsmith
    sherrihuntsmith Posts: 32 Member
    Just do it. You never regret a work out, only the work out you don't do. And I'm doing plyo tomorrow. Tonight is my first night doing chest, abs and back. It never gets easier, we just get better.
  • ashleytx
    ashleytx Posts: 8
    Chest abs and back sounds nice! Lol. Well. I did it and I felt great!!
  • pabu13
    pabu13 Posts: 8 Member
    Might have to look into that.... is´nt it loads of jumping about though? encouraging words :O)))
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Just do it, and remember that your recovery day will be coming soon.
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    After finishing Insanity, it is definitely my least favorite workout :S I now found out that I really dread the warm up more than anything, so I skip the first 2 circuits of the warm up and just do the last one, gets me warm enough! And yeah, I guess just do it, don't think about it too much. Focus on form, especially with the ski abs & in and out abs. It'll make time go by faster.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Make sure you keep form. If you haven't already, start taking pictures every week. The objective view will help you to see the progress you are making and keep you motivated. That's what gets me to press play every day.