Weight loss, eating right, and nursing a baby.

zonjiaj Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello people, just thought I would post and get some advice. I have a 5 month old son and I want to diet correctly, but can't drink diet drinks , ect. because of the ingredients maybe not being good for my son. Does anyone have any experience in this area where I am still eating enough to make milk but not so much that it goes to my waistline? I have heard breastfeeding helps to lose weight, but it hasn't worked for me. Help!!


  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    I had to be very careful with my diet when I was nursing as my milk supply dropped a couple of times, I found the best one was the GI diet which doesn't feel much like a diet so its fab
  • Nursing and trying to lose weight was hard for me, but its posible to do it. I too heard that breastfeeding helps you lose weight but I was always hungry when I was nursing. I only nursed for about 5 months. You are supposed to eat an extra 300 calories to make up for the milk. That could be an extra snack. You can also do some light exercise, such as a walk around the neighborhood. I was told too much exercise is bad for the milk.
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