Anybody doing the Herbalife diet



  • Hi guys

    I am starting herbal life today , not really prepared but kept my breakfast small just a slice toast the seeded brown loaf

    I've taken my multi v tablet and my 2 fat burners and had a cup of lemon herbal tea also

    Not sure what to do for lunch i now have the low fat yogurt and the skimmed milk at home for my shakes

    Wha are our daily routines and woks you plan set out what do you snack on and what times do u have ur shakes ect

    Thanks x
  • Hi I just started Herbalife yesterday. I am doing 2 shakes and a small meal with two snacks in between. My only concern is that I bought the shake mix without a distributor. I had one contact me today and told me to stop taking the shakes until I can afford to buy the products through the distributor, that kinda turned me off...
  • Hi I just start doing herbalife and I am doing 2 shakes and a meal, I wanna know (if any body can help me) I am drinking my shakes with formula 1 and prolessa in the morning and of course my pills then in the after noon I am taking formula 1 and the pills then my meal... I get super hungry I was wondering if I need the protein too or not??
    if somebody can help will be soo much appreciated
  • malone103
    malone103 Posts: 24
    i used to work in the europe head office in the finance department, took the shakes and herbal supplements while i worked there as they were free to use in the kitchens, i did loose weight and once finished did manage to maintain eating food, only put weight on after having my son (10lbs 5oz) baby but now thanks to mfp have lost that too.

    love herbalife not just as diet/nutrition but also as a company to work for (not talking about being a ds)

    congrats to all on your herbalife success may it long continue :happy:
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    bump for later
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Is this a temporary thing or is it something you do for the rest of your life? If not, what happens when you stop? Anybody here kept it off long term doing this? I don't do diets and don't plan on doing it - I'm just curious, since there's so much buzz about it. I like to keep track of all the lastest trends so I know what people are talking about in the threads.
  • sophieannejune
    sophieannejune Posts: 61 Member
    Unfortunately I am one who did the diet, lost lots of weight then put it all back plus some. I like MFP because i''ve been learning to eat the foods I like in portion control. After I lost with herbalife I went back to eating regular food and boom all the weight came back and more. It's great while it's working....
  • mishtyy
    mishtyy Posts: 1
    I have just started the diet 3 days a go and feeling very good about it.
  • I started yesterday and am enjoying it.. finding it really easy to do but still craving some chocolate!!

    I am having the vanilla formula 1 with skimmed or light soya milk and some frozen berries in the blender and really enjoying it. i am just having berries and greek yogurt in afternoon and chicken/fish with veg and brown rice for dinner

    If anyone has any recipe ideas let me know!

    Thanks :)
  • debbieb1971
    debbieb1971 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi guys

    I am actually going to see a distributor today to get all I need for the next month.

    Would love any advice. My distributor has recommended the drop a dress size in a month programme for me.

    Anybody still doing the Herbalife plan feel free to add me


  • PinkMama4
    PinkMama4 Posts: 1 Member
    To change it up a little add some fat free jello cheesecake pudding or any flavor jello pudding mix as long as fat free. I made an amazing shake today with 1/2tsp cheesecake pudding and 1/2 tsp chocolate fudge pudding(all fat free) with blackberries and vanilla formula 1.....AMAZING!
  • hi guys i would like to know if you even exercise every day aln with the herbal life diet???
  • Samoonia
    Samoonia Posts: 1
    Hello everybody
    I have started using Herbalife on 27th of may I was 85 kg agained 30 kilos in total when I was pregnant with my first daughter I lost 14 kilos then gained 4 killos I started herba life on 85 kilos now after 12 days I lost 4 killos I used to lose one killo pre day then it stopped for three days then I gained balk a killo!! I take two shaves and a meal some times I take a low fat yougort an apple a banana I sometimes add corn flakes to the shake or a banana my meal is lunch I usually have allot of row vegetables and low carbs and low fat I eat ish and chicken most of the time with the minimum amount of rice or bread... I don't work out allot but I do work out like 3 days a wekk for 30 p 45 mins because of my messy routine of my daughter and the sleepless nights !

    I really need help I want to get back o my original wight which is 65 killos I am165cm tall

    I am looking forward for ideas and tips
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    personally i have read ALOT of bad things about soy and to my understanding herbalife uses SOY protein.

    Make your own decisions but id recommend looking into this if you havent already.
  • minijag06
    minijag06 Posts: 70
    I drink one shake for breakfast (about 300 calories) and have two healthy meals and snacks. I stay away from processed foods. I know that if I quit my morning shake, I won't gain weight back. I know how to eat healthy. You have to work out and eat right. Eating McDonalds and donuts - you're gaining your weight back. Short and sweet. I have lost 35 lbs but I don't say it's because of herbalife. It's a healthy diet and exercise!
  • I love Herbalife. I have been on it for 4 months and have lost 30 lbs. and 40 inches so far. I love the shakes, and I eat one regular healthy meal a day plus 2 snacks. I eat a total of 5 to 6 times a day, regulating caloric intake. I am also a distributor. I drink tons of water, and exercise almost daily. I totally recommend this. It is not a liquid diet, it is a lifestyle change with essential vitamins and minerals people do not get from daily foods. Very nutritious :D
  • You can add anything you like to your shakes. Even chocolate pudding mix. There is also a chocolate protein drink mix that Herbalife sells. You can add things and make your own recipes, like a dab of hersheys chocolate syrup. Good luck :D
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I found out some interesting facts about why shakes work. When you drink shakes as meal replacements and you start losing the weight it is because of the vitamins and minerals in the diet and it levels out your estrogen and everything else. I did Slimfast years ago when it was Soy and lost to 164 pounds. I gained it back over 2 pregnancies and 3 kids. I then put losts of research into why these kind of diets work and came back with because they are packed with nutrients and when you take those nutrients out your estrogen and everything else rises again and you gain the weight back. Make sure that you are taking a good vitamin that breaks down in your system and you start replacing the shake with proper protein and fruit and vege levels and not a lot of carbs and you will not gain the weight back.
  • aathom11
    aathom11 Posts: 32 Member
    You're right. Some of it had to do with me and not Herbalife. However, over the last ten years I have tried everything, including changing how I eat, what i eat, exercise etc. Nothing worked....Nothing!!!! So yes I am going to attribute part of my success to the Herbalife products. My doctor knows what i am doing and has done the research on the products and has given me a thumbs up to continue. I no longer have to take thyroid replacement meds or metformin. That is a really big deal to me. After two knee surgeries that were both failures and helped not one bit, I am ecstatic that I was able to take the weight off my knees thereby taking away a lot of my knee pain. I was a size six 10.5 years ago....then I had my youngest daughter.....then I did nothing but gain weight despite being active duty in the navy and working out daily and eating right. Over the course of ten years I gained 70 pounds on top of the 40 i gained while pregnant. Finally I feel better about myself and how I look. My husband, who didn't meet me until after i had my daughter has never seen me "thin". He is excited for me and has been so supportive. The old fashioned way works for most people but not all. I am not going to push the products on anyone. If they ask a question i will answer that's all. This is just what has worked for me.

    Great job! Everyone is different! Very well said!:smile: