How do you know whats the correct weight for you??

I have looked at people's success stories and other posts of people who have the same height as me, the only problem is when they've reached their goals they all vary so much even though they are the same height. How do I know what my goal weight should be? I think this is one of my struggles of staying committed as I don't know exactly what I should be aiming for, I just took a number a couple of stone lighter and put that as my goal weight which I don't think is really correct I think it should be lower but I don't know?? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    It's all relative. I believe it's something you'll just know once you get there. I initially chose my goal weight based on the BMI, but as I get closer to reaching that goal weight, I know that I most likely will want to keep going. For me, it's a combination of how I look, how I feel, and what is considered a healthy weight for my height.
  • kelooki
    kelooki Posts: 22
    I don't have weight I want to reach. I mean, sure, under 59kg would be great for my mental state (as in, my mind would think that it's good) but I really want a six pack. That's my goal. So I need to build muscle and lose weight. I might not get below 59, that's okay. My goal used to be five chin ups but I accomplished that last month so I had to change.

    You need to figure out what your end goal is. A number on a scale? A chin up? A 10k? Body fat percentage? Definition?
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    I'm not sure weight is the best way to measure success! You can look considerably different at the same weight depending on what you did to get there. Why not buy a 'target' outfit instead!
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    I would start with the BMI calculator ( ) and find a weight that sounds good for now that would be healthy for you. As you get closer, you can refine it.

    Sounds like you have your REAL goal already, though. That 6-pack.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    You need to figure out what your end goal is. A number on a scale? A chin up? A 10k? Body fat percentage? Definition?

    There's a thought! My very first chin up in my entire life! That's a milestone I look forward too. My first target, though, is a BMI of 60 which for me is like 446#. Along the way I look forward to getting off my HBP medicines. Walking my first mile non-stop. Maybe doing a 5k. I also look forward to BMI's <50, 40, and my "final" goal for now, 30. (That last one is when I'll no longer be Obese at 219.6#!!!)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    its almost impossible to know for sure, which is why I don't believe in ultimate goal weights.

    My goal is always relative to my current goal. If I'm trying to lose, its 10lbs less than my current weight. That means every 2 months or so, as I hit those 10lb incremental goals, I reevaluate. I do the same when I'm trying to gain.

    The point is that you can't know how you'll eventually look and feel at a given weight. The best thing to do is to pick a reasonable goal, then continually reevaluate your goal as you progress.
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    My goal is to have a flat stomach again regardless of the weight when I get there. You'll know when you look in the mirror.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    As an apple shaped female with sort of narrow shoulders (5 feet 6 inches tall), from my personal history of going from my lowest adult weight of 115 pounds to more than 200 now, I look pudgy at anything over 140. I honestly think body type matters. Some people carry extra weight in more "unnoticeable" places. Mine is all in the trunk of the body. I am aiming for 135 pounds, which is where I think I look best for my body type.

    I have a daughter who is 5 feet 7 inches tall and she looks fantastic at 150-160, but she carries her weight all over.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    You said you have trouble staying committed because you're not sure what weight you should be aiming for. I don't want to rain on your parade, but no matter what weight you ultimately land at, you need to be committed for life-not until you reach an arbitrary number on a scale. So in that respect, it really doesn't matter what your goal weight is, because it's not that once you hit it, you go back to "normal". However you plan to attain your weight loss goals is what you need to do for the rest of your life. Maybe set your goals to behaviors you can control (e.g. Eating "better", moving more, whatever else) and let the results (the weight loss) happen. It will. You don't need to have an "end" goal in mind specifically-as there really isn't an end.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Whatever looks and feels good to you.
  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    I know based on being that weight previously. Looking back at pictures of myself at that weight and I'm reminded that it was a good weight to be. I felt confident and the clothes I wore proved that. Coincidentally its about right smack in the middle of what my BMI says I should be..
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    No matter what UGW you set now, you'll end up changing it at some point. You may even change your focus completely from weight to bf% or specific fitness goals. Start by aiming somewhere in the mid range of a healthy BMI and adjust according to preference when you get closer
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    I don't know. How?

    (This is a joke, right? What's the punch line?)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have looked at people's success stories and other posts of people who have the same height as me, the only problem is when they've reached their goals they all vary so much even though they are the same height.

    Yep, this is important. The right weight for you is not based on height alone. It does vary.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I have a weight in mind from experience...before my second pregnancy..I was there. So I know I want to at least get to 145. But I know, I probably need another 5-10 pounds to look like before.,just because of having a second child..I know my body isn't the same.
  • primpixie
    primpixie Posts: 39
    You said you have trouble staying committed because you're not sure what weight you should be aiming for. I don't want to rain on your parade, but no matter what weight you ultimately land at, you need to be committed for life-not until you reach an arbitrary number on a scale. So in that respect, it really doesn't matter what your goal weight is, because it's not that once you hit it, you go back to "normal". However you plan to attain your weight loss goals is what you need to do for the rest of your life. Maybe set your goals to behaviors you can control (e.g. Eating "better", moving more, whatever else) and let the results (the weight loss) happen. It will. You don't need to have an "end" goal in mind specifically-as there really isn't an end.

    I concur - excellent reply. I wish more people would realise that what you have said is true. This is for life not just for Xmas/Beach body/birthday/the boyfriend. There is no end.

    The correct weight will be when you feel right. Go to the Dr if unsure and they will let you know what your boundaries are for a healthy weight/height/BMI ratio.
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    my goal like most peoples isnt a weight as you will probably never be happy with a target weight. you will get to it and think nah thats not good enough.

    My target is reducing my bodyfat % if it means i lose a bit of weight then so be it. The number on the scale isnt as important to some people as it is to others.

    As a few people have said you need to decide what your ultimate goal is.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    My ideal 'weight' will be when I fit comfortably into size 14 UK clothes and my bodyfat is 18-20%. I couldn't care less what the scale says at that point. It won't be the end though, my goal is to maintain it long term
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    I chose my "goal weight" to be the highest number possible in my BMI to not be overweight anymore. I figure I will adjust it when I get closer but for now that is my goal. I haven't been at a healthy weight in 25 years so it is hard to know where I should stop. :)