Thinking of the Weight Loss Surgery?



  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    Well done I should imagine losing weight is the same battle for everyone, for some people it's nearly impossible! Why should it matter to anyone else how you lost it? Congratulations
  • synysterplague
    Whoever thinks its a way out is WAY wrong. It is a tool, you can use it or you can ruin your surgery. If you over eat after surgery it CAN have lethal results. I'm having this surgery done in about 8 to 9 months from now if not sooner, and its not the lazy way out either. Do you know all the ins and outs of this surgery??? I'm having Roux-en-Y done because if i dont I WILL DIE! ive been working my butt off on this diet and lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, i have to lose 70 on my own because i could die on the operating table. You have no clue what its like, so dont be calling anyone a cheater over this, its a life saver. You're idiocy frightens me...
  • synysterplague
    and congrats on having your surgery done, its hard to get to that point. im at 504 pounds right now my goal weight is 130. They said ill be down to 163 in a year or so. as long as i keep counting calories and do as im supposed to. ive heard of people unable to hold their food down and everything after roux-en-y and im frightened to get it, my weight is so bad that my medicaid is paying for my surgery because im disabled. i have aspergers syndrome (thats why im disabled NOT the weight) but i do congratulate you on this. :) good luck in the future, hun!
  • Lovelyladydawn
    Lovelyladydawn Posts: 41 Member
    Boo. Not nice. I'm sure she was desperate... many of us are. It wouldn't be my choice, but clearly it was hers. We're to be supportive and encouraging. It was a brave move.

    :happy: I totally don't mind telling my story...
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Just because someone has WLS doesn't mean they will lose or keep the weight off. Those that do succeed, work at it, just like anyone else. The surgery helps those that need it, but they still have to put the work in. I know plenty of people who have had WLS and have regained the weight because they didn't change their eating or get into an exercise routine. Good for you and great job working your tool!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Whoever thinks its a way out is WAY wrong. It is a tool, you can use it or you can ruin your surgery. If you over eat after surgery it CAN have lethal results. I'm having this surgery done in about 8 to 9 months from now if not sooner, and its not the lazy way out either. Do you know all the ins and outs of this surgery??? I'm having Roux-en-Y done because if i dont I WILL DIE! ive been working my butt off on this diet and lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, i have to lose 70 on my own because i could die on the operating table. You have no clue what its like, so dont be calling anyone a cheater over this, its a life saver. You're idiocy frightens me...

    Best of luck to you hon! (And btw you have great taste in music by your icon and username!)
  • ahskds
    ahskds Posts: 9
    The personal attack against the op was sad, as was her personal attack on the offender.

    You would think that those needing to lose weight as well those that have reached their weight loss goals would be showing support and encouragement instead of so much negativity and quite frankly being a bytch.

    IN MY OPINION - weight loss surgery is an extreme but there are also people that need it or they will die ......
    So to each their own, your body, your health, blah blah blah.

    As for me, my 100+ lbs that needs to be loss will be done through slow, painful exercise & watching what I stuff into my face ;)
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Just for the record I wasn't trying to be negative, just wanted to point out surgery isn't the only way to lose 100 lbs..
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    I have a friend who had a RYI done. It is way harder to go that route than to diet and exercise. The limitations on what you can and cannot eat are for life. She cannot cheat or she will get sick. At least we can have a treat once in a while. My daughter considered it for a while until she became a nurse and saw all the complications that this surgery can have in the long run and swore that she would never, ever go down that route. So to those who have chosen that route, I give you kudos because it definitely is not the easy way out.
  • pattyci
    pattyci Posts: 24 Member
    The important thing is that she has made the lifestyle change to loose the wt. Yes, surgery was the catalyst, but she still had to be disciplined enough to walk away from the food!
    I see the effects of diabetes in my workplace every day. Wt. loss surgery is a reliable way to combat Type II Diabetes. Whatever it takes to avoid these often unnecessary medical disasters should be explored if all else has failed. Losing your feet, legs, vision, kidneys and suffering a heart attack are greater "unhealthy" conditions than bariatric surgery.
  • sarahjanejarm
    I don't think weight loss surgery is cheating.. just like going to rehab to kick alcohol, drugs, or Rx addictions isn't cheating. Obesity is a disease! I started my journey at 519 lbs, and I lost 51 lbs before I had the surgery. To date, I have lost at total of 137 lbs. Best decision of my life.
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    Congratulations! I know that was a brave step.
  • synysterplague
    Thanks! I can't wait to see you lose more weight as well :D and i love LOVE A7X lol but lately ive been listening to Motionless In White a LOT and Escape the Fate lol. Glad you sent me a friend request! Now we can cheer each other on!
  • Lovelyladydawn
    Lovelyladydawn Posts: 41 Member
    The personal attack against the op was sad, as was her personal attack on the offender.

    You would think that those needing to lose weight as well those that have reached their weight loss goals would be showing support and encouragement instead of so much negativity and quite frankly being a bytch.

    IN MY OPINION - weight loss surgery is an extreme but there are also people that need it or they will die ......
    So to each their own, your body, your health, blah blah blah.

    As for me, my 100+ lbs that needs to be loss will be done through slow, painful exercise & watching what I stuff into my face ;)

    Your right... :tongue: I altered it a bit..
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...ive been working my butt off on this diet and lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, i have to lose 70 on my own because i could die on the operating table...

    Sincere question ~ if you've had success in losing 10 lbs in 2 weeks, and are expected to lose 70 more on your own before surgery, why would you need the WLS?
  • ahskds
    ahskds Posts: 9
    I like being right, it must be a female thing ;) Congrats on your weight loss ... I have a **** ton to lose, 100+lbs.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I read through all the responses and was about to respond to the very nasty person that posted the "lazy" comment, but it looks like it's been removed (not sure if it was by them or by the webmaster), either way, it's gone.

    In response to the OP, congratulations to you and your journey so far! You look awesome!
  • synysterplague
    because i weigh 504 pounds and i have to do this or i will die. I have disabilities that limit me from exercising as avidly as the "average" person. Honestly, you don't know my story, so don't try to guess what's in my book
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    I had the lap band done Nov 21, 2012. It took me years to dicide and I had tried alot of different ways. My doctor talked me into for my heatlh. It was not easy getting insurance approval but I worked with them for over a year. I have two sisters that had the by pass and I did not want that. So I did alot of reserch on the lap band and dicided that was the best thing for me. I have lost 79 ponds to date and lower then I have been in over 25 years. I can walk farther and sleep so much better. Surgery is not for everyone, but for me it was the best. That does not mean this is the easy way out. I have to track what I eat and exercise. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I think that since we live our lives in some ways for ourselves, then we also need to make decisions that will help us get where we want/need to be. I have thought about the gastric sleeve/bypass a lot, even a tummy tuck for my baby pooch. A lot of people have their opinions, but at the end of the day, it remains THIER opinion. I applaud you in your choice to have the surgery. This is YOUR journey...kudos girl.
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