How to work out when sore?



  • jenf330
    jenf330 Posts: 66 Member
    Have you tried a foam roller? Not sure how bad your calf injury is, but if you are able to, the roller works wonders for relaxing sore muscles. They are made of a dense foam and can be purchased at sporting goods stores.

    I've also found that even if I feel really sore, a good warm up will loosen things up enough to be able to work out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I do always take days off. This is just one week where I want to push myself a bit further than the usual. I'm not a "novice" and my program isn't the problem in this instance. If people want to do exercise runs with electroshock and fire, I think I can do a couple more crunches than usual. Just looking for suggestions.

    I listen to my body and take rest days...2 per week generally. Even if you're training for something like a tough mudder, you're allowed to take rest days. If you actually have a pulled muscle, that is an injury and would require some rest to heal. You say you're not a novice, but you're acting like one.
  • tineshanicholas
    tineshanicholas Posts: 2 Member
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    When I wasn't taking days off I was varying my activity from day to day so that I was taking a day off from a given activity but not taking a day off from exercise.

    When I still felt sore, I reached for Vitamin I (Ibuprophen)
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks all. Obviously vastly varying opinions.

    Tomorrow is my rest day and lying around for 2 days in a row will just kill my motivation. Obviously I'm not going to work my calf, but I guess I didn't make that apparent enough to some. Ibuprofen seems the most common suggestion so awesome, but if anyone has any idea of what kind of workout I should be focusing on that'd be handy. Glad to know others in the same boat :)