Need 1,200 cal friends



  • cookykitty
    cookykitty Posts: 12
    I'm averaging around 1,200 at the moment. Feel free to add me, anyone :)
  • TotalTory
    TotalTory Posts: 59
    Good Afternoon. You can add me. I have mine set at 1200 calories for now. Good Luck. We can do this. :-)
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Hey, I'm on 1200 cals and have been doing it pretty well for the past month or so. I'm 25, 5'6, SW 147, CW 136, GW 130+toning (might go lower, but I'll reassess when I get there..).

    I do eat back most of my exercise cals, just fyi. :)

    Anyone feel free to add me, but please send me a quick msg saying where you came across my profile! I'm always willing to help, and love the mutual support! :D
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    everybody is different with how many calories you need. 1200 is very low for most people. unless you a short AND don't exercise, you are literally screwing up your results putting your body into starvation mode. PM if you want to know more. I deal with this for LOTS of people. For some reason, almost everyone seems to think they all need this magic 1200 calories or the lower the better. THIS IS NOT TRUE and will harm you.
    oh godddddd she didnt ask for your unsolicited opinion!!!

    well if she wants to actually get good results and not screw up her body in multiple ways then fine. I'm not sure why you would though. Just trying to help, geez...

    she posted this in introduce yourself not the advice section. im tired of 1200 bashers derailing threads with their agenda, ESPECIALLY when they are not asked for their input.

    not to be rude but get off a public forum then.

    if there was some sort of PROOF that 1200 calorie diets were legit, then I'd back off. But there isn't. I'm just trying to help because 1200 is harmful for most people. It would be the same thing if you were a drug addict, I'd do everything in my power to help you.

    i'm not saying you can't lose weight on a 1200 calorie diet. You can but for most people, it puts them into starvation mode. Go look up all the side effects of being in starvation mode. I'm just saying, one should find out how many calories the body truly needs. For all I know, 1200 calories is spot on for this person but it might be way off.

    I will apologize somewhat as I didn't even catch this was an introduce yourself thread. i just clicked it on the sidebar and it took me straight to it.

    My opinion, based on scientific fact, still stands though. there is no damn agenda. You are acting like I get something out of telling people something. We are all on this website together trying to accomplish the same goals here. i'm on here to help. i've helped lots of people that have tried everything in their power to lose weight and fail. losing weight is quite easy but people just don't know how to do it properly and healthily.

    with that, i'll just leave this thread alone. You can go ahead and do what you want. Not worth trying to help strangers that are just going to be rude to me.
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm currently sticking to 1200 calories a day. Feel free to add me :)
  • erikabargeron
    erikabargeron Posts: 5 Member
    Im doing 1300 total but usually average around 1200 because I havent been eating all my calories. Ive lost 6 pounds so far but so much more to go! Add me!
  • mjenson17
    mjenson17 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories. I see people posting that it's not healthy. Well MFP posted me at 1200. I'm short but I exercise 2-3 times a day. I was originally at 1400 when I put in that I wanted to lose .5 lb a week. Well I wasn't seeing any results for months so I recently switched myself to wanting to lose 1 lb a week which is perfectly HEALTHY. I've been at this range for a couple weeks now (still no results - I think part of it is that I have poly cystic ovary syndrome - long story). It's definitely more of a challenge eating only 1200 calories but in a way it helps me because it forces me to get out and exercise more to stay within my limits. Good luck!
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Hi I am also on 1200 cal. And... my weight is also 150 lbs. My goal weight is 140 lbs. 1200 cal works great for me, sometimes I eat back my exercise cals, sometimes not. Feel free to add me and good luck to you.
  • erino1980
    erino1980 Posts: 7
    Hi! I'm at 1200 as well. I am new here and don't have any "friends," so please feel free to add me! I'm sure being part of a community would help a lot!
  • katdav60
    katdav60 Posts: 14
    Hi I'm doing the 1,200 it's not so bad. We all need encouragement .
  • Mariposa_Lily
    Mariposa_Lily Posts: 38 Member
    I'm doing the 1,200 calorie thing, too; I'm small, and that's where MFP put me to lose .5 lbs/week. (Due to injuries I'm working through, I can't do much exercise other than walking and careful yoga right now, so I don't earn many calories to "eat back," either.)

    I'm sure I'll cheat on the weekends a bit, because darn it, just a glass of wine and a meal out can throw off such a low calorie plan, but that's OK. Still got to enjoy life, you know. :-) Anyway, that's why I stick at or slightly below my suggested intake during the week...
  • teecee46
    teecee46 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm short (5foot 0inches), in a sedentary job and don't do much exercise. As I have around 50lb to lose (see previous sentence for how I gained weight in the first place!) I put in that I wanted to try and lose at a rate of 1lb per week and MFP logged me at 1200. When I do exercise, I eat back my few extra calories and so far I'm losing at a steady rate and hopefully it will stay off!
  • I'm also doing 1200 calories a day, some days are hard and I eat more but I try not to go above 1500 in general. Add me if you want :)
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I was at 1350 then when I lost a bit, MFP recalculated me to 1280. I'm usually around that mark though I don't get too beat up about it if I go over.

    I've just been using this myself but thought it would be good to add some others. I've added some of you who have replied... I hope that is okay!
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Let's be pals! As long as you're not one of those people that cuts yourself down constantly for going to 1300 once in a while, we will get a long just fine.
  • I'm in the same boat as you! A couple years ago I lost about 30 pounds using MFP but also went back to my bad eating habits. This time around I'm defiantly looking for more support, and I'm also sticking to 1200-1300 cals a day :)
  • alexandria02013
    alexandria02013 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me :)
  • anajmtz
    anajmtz Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm also on the 1200 calories a day. I've been on MFP for almost a week now and I've lost 4 pounds so far. My goal weight is 130 (I'm currently at 188).
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    I'm also on 1200 calories, sometimes I even struggle to eat this much, I don't know how I'd eat anymore.. Feel free to add me, I also would love more friends for the support
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member

    thought this is a good read for choosing an appropriate deficit. Supposedly a fatter person can lose more fat and less muscle on a aggressive calorie deficit than a leaner person, but if that leaner person were to do an aggressive calorie deficit they would lose more muscle than fat.