Recipes for a slimmer stomach

itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
I've read that a lot of having your tummy as your trouble area has to do with what you put into it. I can notice that from day to day when I wake up depending on what I ate the night before. Does anybody have some good recipes that are tummy friendly?


  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    I have heard this too. I'm looking forward to reading the responses.
  • RagenaC
    RagenaC Posts: 6 Member
    me too !!!
  • drezzal
    drezzal Posts: 20 Member
    Perhaps you have a gluten intolerance or a lactose intolerance. Have you noticed which foods give you trouble?
  • littlelady2b
    littlelady2b Posts: 104
    I went into the health food store and asked a lady who was older and seemed to really know what she was talking about that question she said to use safflower oil it helps to decrease and shed the tummy fat and helps the tummy. The right kind is in a dark bottle not clear because it doesn't keep well. I also watched the Dr. Oz show he also supports safflower oil. On his show that I saw that on this is also what was said by the professionals he had on and he supported them:
    • Belly Shrinkage
    1000 mg of CLA
    • Top Shrinkage
    • Thigh Shrinkage
    White kidney bean extract
    • All Over Shrinkage
    Raspberry Ketone Supplement

    Teas for Weight Loss:
    • Morning Tea – Pu-erh tea
    Shrinks fat cells
    • Lunch Tea – White tea
    Prevents fat storage
    Burns fat
    Reduces stress
    • Afternoon Tea – Chickweed tea
    For water retention
    • Evening Tea – Bilberry tea
    Suppresses appetite
    • Sage Leaf Tea
    Boosts Metabolism
    Breakfast tea
    1 hour after waking
    I have IBS and I have used the safflower oil it works well for me and I drink a chinese tea which can be found at a health food store. Teas are very cleansing and good for the tummy
  • littlelady2b
    littlelady2b Posts: 104
    I also eat a high fibre diet like Rudolph's Poppy Seed Bran Bread not whole wheat or high fiber cereal like raisin bran or bran cereal and add raisins. I also have yogurt every day its become a staple and it is also good for the tummy. Green leafy vegetables are also good as well. Eating light at dinner and having your larger meal at lunch also helps so if you have a light and healthy evening snack you don't wake up as bloated and uncomfortable.
  • WolowitzTimestwo
    WolowitzTimestwo Posts: 45 Member
    Gluten had a huge impact in my swollen belly.
    I am not gluten free as I have no allergy ., but I do notice when I eat gluten rich products. I swelbup like a 6 month pregnant woman.
    I suggest trying to go without gluten for a bit.,, do some research. TONS of it out there. See if it helps. Cut dairy out too.
    Just try it for a few days or a week
    Good luck
  • cmkile1003
    cmkile1003 Posts: 256 Member