Why can't I eat better?

freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
I love all the food that is terrible for me. Little debbie cakes, tacos, burritos, mac and cheese, pizza, tiramisu, flan, frozen yogurt, sherbet, ice cream and so on

Mostly my problem is with desserts. I can not go somewhere that severs tiramisu and not order it.

I can't force myself to eat salad, no really I'm like sponge bob "What in the name of Davey Jones is a sal-ad"

Why can't I eat things that are good for me?

Sorry I just needed to rant and get some support.


  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    You can eat all of the 'bad stuff' and still lose weight. Just eat less of it. Portion control FTW.
  • QueensGirl83
    QueensGirl83 Posts: 54 Member
    I have the same exact problem...a major sweet tooth. I find the best approach for me is not to deny myself of satisfying my sweet tooth just as long as it fits into my chart for the day and also to limit myself (one serving only). I know it sucks because, with a sweet tooth, once you eat one portion you can just keep on going and going. The key thing to prevent that for me is after the one serving just stop and give yourself time and you will see that within about 10 minutes your sweet tooth will be satisfied and you will not crave anymore.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    I eat dessert every day. One small portion. I am still losing weight. I will bake my own sweets and such, which means you control what goes into it and how much each portion is. As for ice cream and fro yo, one portion of them is less than 200 calories, even the really loaded ones. Portion control is the key.

    As for salads, lettuce is not that healthy. It's a filler food with almost no nutritional value. Better to eat vegetables and fresh fruit, the latter can take the edge off your sweet tooth. Bananas are good for that, they are super sweet.

    Honestly, there's nothing wrong with what you eat. You just need to get out of the mentality it is and learn to fit it into your macros.
  • cleo1221
    cleo1221 Posts: 1
    I have the same problem. I find that what helps me so far ( only been doing this right for 2 wks) is ranting to friends ( yay for step 1 for you!) and actually putting the tiramisu in the calculator on my phone while I'm there. If I add up everything I'm planning to eat I can see how much I would need to work out to hit my calorie goal. Then I start seeing what I can subtract and still be happy. Maybe I subtract the cheese, maybe the sweets, maybe I eat half instead of the whole thing. You can still have variety that way and change based on your cravings.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Can't, won't and don't aren't interchangeable in their meanings. I think "can't" is the wrong word choice for your post.
  • I love everything that is bad too. My weakness is potato chips. I can totally eat a whole bag or at least half in one sitting. I am not bad with the sweets. I can take them or leave them, but salty and crunchy, YEP!! I pretty much hate veggies and don't consider fruit a treat at all. I knew something needed to change as far as that was concerned. I know I need veggies, so many health benefits! I just can't get past the taste. I would love to drown them in butter and cheese. Not good. Sooo, I just recently purchased a NutirBullet. I know some people love them and I know some people think the NurtiBullet is ridiculous, but for me, it has been awesome. I have been making a blast for breakfast and one for lunch. I am putting stuff into my body that I would never think about eating on my own, and I honestly feel great. Sometimes it's hard to get past cravings but I have a glass of water or a hardboiled egg, that seems to satisfy me. Especially after a workout. I am not going to deprive myself of the yummy stuff I love. I know that just leads to failure and I am trying to change my life for the best. I agree with everything in moderation. That is what I am sticking to. Logging my food on this website has been the best. I actually look forward to it!!
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    All this talk of fruit is making me want a banana
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Why can't I eat things that are good for me?

    Because you choose not to.

    You can choose to eat better as well. You just have to commit and act. You can do it, you'll have to if you want to be successful with your goals.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    It seems like the biggest problem is self control. You can still eat all those things, just not as often and not as much. I've lost 57 pounds and I haven't done anything drastic. I literally eat healthy 90 percent of the time (veggies, lost of fruits, nuts etc). The other 10 percent are the times i go out with the girls or with my boyfriend. There I have my serving of ice cream, I'll eat my burger and I'll have my margarita. Point is you cant eat eat all that junk everyday and expect great results, and you cant eat so much of them either.

    I will add that there's no better way of controlling what you eat than you making it yourself. There's plenty of recipes out there for healthier versions of all the things you love and they taste just as amazing.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    My nutritionist said something that got through to me on this score. She taught us about healthy foods, showed us how to make treats that were still healthy, and then said, "You have to learn to love your new foods." Find the healthy foods you like, prepare them so they look beautiful and--love them! Our willpower can't see us through forever...what works long term is NOT feeling deprived.

    My husband, a lifelong steak-and-potatoes man, lost 50 pounds working with her that he has kept off for more than two years. He eats applies galore, often sliced with some cinnamon sprinkled on them. when we serve them for dessert, our guests all go nuts for them...you'd think we'd served some elegant chocolate cake. He eats almonds and chicken and seafood and beans. And yes, he has a small square of dark chocolate once every couple of days. He eats steak maybe once every three months? and even then, organic, grass-fed beef. (well, wecouldn't afford that kind of meat every day!) This is a guy who used to chow down several times a week on cheap chuck steaks. Yiccch!

    He's my inspiration and now we're enjoying better-tasting food than we ever ate before. I feel like this is going to work well for me for the rest of my life because it's now what I like eating. But if you keep your mind on potato chips and other garbage, it's what you're going to still crave. Find great, healthy new foods, put some effort into recipes and food prep, and love your new way of life!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Can't, won't and don't aren't interchangeable in their meanings. I think "can't" is the wrong word choice for your post.

    This. You can eat better - you chose not to. You have to decide how much you really want to change and proceed accordingly.