calories in calories out true or not

Ok this is driving me nuts!!! I hear tons of story of how someone went on a twinkie diet with a deficit and lost regardless of his macros and all the other stuff... it's all calories in calories out! but then i hear how people can't lose weight regardless of the deficit if their macros aren't right... too much carbs, not enough exercise... and then there is drinking enough water...

It can't be that it's only calories in calories out if all these people have these problems with their macros... then how did that twinkie diet work?
I've been very resentful of this concept for a week and therefore have been avoiding protein cause i want my carbs instead lol
but still have been at a deficit...
and i haven't been losing.. but there were other times when i had a lot of carbs and still lost.

So it's not just calories in calories out then..


  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    according to science, it is actually just calories in/calories out.

    obviously, if you want nutrition and health as part of the equation, you have to look at every aspect of what you are eating.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    It's true, but in saying that... Incorporating a healthy diet will benefit your body as well.
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    then why doesn't it work for some people...
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    Yes, even a twinkie diet is going to allow you to lose weight, but think about this... 1500 calories of twinkies is around 8 packages. It would be much like "fasting" only drinking Mountain Dew. You are going to feel crappy, you are going to have almost zero energy, and you are going to be HUNGRY!

    Your body will start reacting terribly as well, because of the lack of nutrients. Your hair is going to lose it's shine, your skin is going to look horrible, your breath will eventually start to reek no matter how much you brush your teeth.....

    People stress macros because they know that your body needs them, and it's not viable to ignore them all in the long term. End of story.
  • dancerbyday
    It IS calories in calories out, but if you put the RIGHT calories in, then you will be able to keep that weight off. If you just lose the weight because of the deficit and don't really change WHAT you are eating, then as soon as you go off the diet, you will pile the weight right back on. So the calorie deficit is important, but make sure that you are eating the right foods and getting proper nutrients. If you do, you will be so much more fit and healthy and thin than the person on the twinkie diet. And so much happier, too. :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    then why doesn't it work for some people...

    Are they maintaining a steady deficit? Because doing 1000+ calorie deficit will only work for so long..
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    ...have been avoiding protein cause i want my carbs instead...


    Granted, I love my carbs too, but I sure as hell wouldn't skip out on steak, chicken, pork, turkey, fish or any meat to have a piece of bread instead. That's just me though.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    then why doesn't it work for some people...

    Cause they're bad at counting/addition?
  • Rainyday816
    Rainyday816 Posts: 29 Member
    I think the important thing to keep in mind is that weight loss doesn't always equal health. Yes, if you eat 1200 calories worth of twinkies a day and that's it, you would probably have a deficit large enough to loose weight, but you wouldn't be getting enough protein to build muscle, you probably wouldn't be getting any vitamins at all, and the sugar spike you get at every meal would probably give you diabetes regardless of what the scale says is healthy. The exact same thing would happen if all you ate was celery all day - no sugar spike, but no protein, not enough carbs to sustain energy for any long period of time. Once again, you'd loose weight, but your body would be deteriorating.

    So yes, if all you care about is weight loss, the twinkie diet would probably do it, but if you actually care about your body and your health, getting a balanced diet is the way to go. I've never even had a twinkie but I can imagine eating nothing but snack cakes would make you feel sluggish (and probably really constipated).
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    I have been doing mfp for several years on and off. I was always conscience of the calorie intake and I could never really loose much. In fact I gained weight. Several weeks ago, I went to a Nutritionist that found out I was intolerant to Dairy, Gluten and soy. I change my diet and keep eating the same amount of calories and exercise. Now I am losing weight. 7 kilos (15 pounds) in about 8 weeks.

    For about 2 weeks, I have fell off my diet and gone back to the food I am intolerant too and I started to gain the weight back. I am now back in and started to loose again.

    The point I am trying to make is every one has a different body and we cant just lump calories in and Calories out. We can start with that but if there the person still is not losing then you have to look at the food choices as well. The foods that we are eating can be making our bodies sicker and as in my result, was making me fatter. The person on the Twinkie diet may lose the weight but they are most likely losing muscle rather than fat. And what is their bodies living on - simple sugar that wont provide long term nutritional value.

    It is not simply Calories in and Calories - This is only the starting point.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    [Your body will start reacting terribly as well, because of the lack of nutrients. Your hair is going to lose it's shine, your skin is going to look horrible, your breath will eventually start to reek no matter how much you brush your teeth.....]

    I will admit to having some very poor dietary habits, I did a banasa split diet when I was about 16 (eatting disorder as well). But in order for me to get said banana split it was a 4 mile round trip run, both directions. Then I did the grapefruit diet, (did I say I at 5'3" weight 85 lbs soaking wet?( I got a nice ulcer from that one. Now I am 48, I have been avg. 600 to 800 calories a day, Until MFP.
    If you look up annorexia, it tells you someone with this ailment tends to eat right between, those numbers.

    However; I dont lose weight if I stay in those numbers, I actually gain. All the nah sayers about starvation mode, can leave now. It is because of starvation mode I gained so much weight. I try to keep them now between 1200 min. and 1400 flexbile. If I can continue to reat the correct calories, then I loose the weight. You should also know I eat lots for fruits and veggies. Can not wait for the farmers market to come.

    So yes it is calories in calories out, IF YOU ARE EATTING ENOUGH TO START. I had recently doubled my protien, thinking this will help my knee heal.

    Good luck, and weigh to go.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I hate Twinkies that's why a Twinkie diet won't work for me. But, seriously it's always calories in/out. It doesn't mean that loss is linear though. But, if you eat at a deficit meaning eat at a rate that makes your body burn fat/muscle(if you are at an extreme deficit) then you will lose weight. If you want to avoid having metabolic issues it's probably better to make sure you don't do extreme deficits. A modest deficit of 1000 calories if you are obese and 500 if you are just overweight. Add exercise to avoid losing lean mass. I haven't ever seen this not work over the long haul.
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    ok thanks everyone. I do know about health and nutrition and i was just speaking on a theoretical level. I don't believe someone should only eat twinkies or mountain dew.. I was just wondering why someone eating at a deficit it isn't working... but i guess they just aren't eating a deficit...
  • djkronyx
    djkronyx Posts: 77 Member
    Calories in/Calories out. Yes it works. BUT, there are multiple variables at play that affect weight loss including accuracy of measurements (most people get a little heavy handed and generous with measurements), and endogenous hormones in the body ie INSULIN, growth factors, testosterone, estrogen, THYROID HORMONE, etc. ALL of these play a critical role in weight maintenance. An imbalance in one or more of these factors can drastically alter any desired results. So yes, there is more to it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    then why doesn't it work for some people...

    Because they are dishonest or not accurately measuring calorie intake or expenditure.
  • letsdothis_84
    letsdothis_84 Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely calories in and calories out, but one thing to remember is that the calories out can depend on the calories in.

    Eating right (watching your macros and eating small meals throughout the day) can boost your metabolism, thus raising the number of calories your body burns just from doing it's regular thing.

    If your calories in aren't giving you the nutrition your body needs, your metabolism will stall as your body tries to compensate by slowing bodily processes and conserving calories for survival.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    There was actually a very good post by a person on the forums a few days ago regarding the difference of how protein calories and carb calories are utilized in the body and thus result in a net difference in over all energy intake. He had a great article he posted that I wish I could link to, but I can not seem to find it. I guess I am getting old and can not remember things very well anymore. However, Lyle McDonald's article is good and explains it well so I will post that instead:

    The question basically boils down to this: Is eating 400 calories of protein the same as eating 400 calories of carbs? The simple answer is NO because it takes the body more energy to break down protein (and fat) than it does carbs.

    SO while they may have the same amount of energy "coming into the body" they are not metabolized the same way once in the digestive system and so their ending net energy is over all different after digestion.

    Fat storage from protein intake is much more difficult than carb intake because of the amount of energy required to digest protein. It puts the whole discussion in perspective when you ask, do I want to consume 400 calories of Twinkies, Ding-Dongs or what ever sugar laced carb or do I want to consume 400 calories of a steak.? Yes the choice is yours and you should be in an energy deficit but in the end eating carbs is going to cause more fat storage issues than protein ever will.

    Also protein with adequate fat and fiber satisfies hunger and controls blood sugar spikes (the reason most people have cravings and hunger cue issues) For many people choosing a diet high in protein and fiber gives them more control over their eating. Very important to STAYING IN a calorie deficit

    YES losing weight is done by an energy deficit. But you do choose how to make that energy deficit, and there are tricks to making it easier to maintain. For me I like to exercise so I can enjoy the foods I like, many of which are carb based. But as a rule I eat 3:2 protein to carbs because I know that it take more energy to digest protein and it satisfies me more than just eating a lot carbs alone...helping to ensure I don't eat more later.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,635 Member
    then why doesn't it work for some people...
    Some have hormonal issues, some are carb sensitive, sodium sensitive. If we're just speaking of general population without any health or hormone issues, then it's calorie in/calories out as the norm.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    There was a study where people where given all carbs, or all protein, or all fat...

    Where is this study of which you speak? Or did you just make it up?