carb question

sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I still have 500 calories left to meet my calorie alotment for the day - however I am at -1 carbs. I wanted to eat something like fruit but this contains carbs as well! Is it alrite to go over on carbs if its with fruit??


  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Eat your fruit .A piece a friut might just be 50-60 calories. You have enough left for the day. Enjoy.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Do you have the default carb setting? I find that I eat more than MFP allowed me so I made my own goals.

    Another question - do you exercise/cardio heavily? If so, your body will need more carbohydrates then someone who does not.

    My two sense: fruit is natural, healthy, but yes, carbs. But carbs are energy! I say eat it; especially if you have that many calories left. Also, maybe try tomorrow to add a bit more protein in your diet. WIsh I could be more precise but I can't see your diary. Hope this helps!
  • kym38
    kym38 Posts: 48
    I was wondering the same thing. I'm also over on my protein.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    Are you trying restrict your carbs?
    I am not too picky about it, I usually go over a bit on carbs and/or protein.
    if it's a good carb I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • carbs would be the last thing I would eat in that case. carbs are best for morning and daytime consumption, as they spike your blood sugar, causing insulin release. it is easier to burn some of that sugar energy during the day while you are moving around more. whatever your insulin cannot handle, the extra blood sugar shall be saved for later, stored into your fat cells for later fuel. not sure what your daily gram allotment is, i would stay below 100 grams of carbs per day. a decent snack between dinner and bedtime would be protein - nuts or seeds. and try to stop your food intake 3 hours before going to bed. it is not a bad thing to be 500 calories below your daily allotment once in awhile either.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Going over on protein is fine, but going over on carbs can get you in trouble, ESPECIALLY if you're still using the stock setting from MFP, which gives you a huge allotment of carbs. Fruit should NOT necessarily be your go-to for snacks. Yes, the sugars they contain are natural, but they are sugars none the less. My go-to is leafy greens. Oh-so filling, and a salad with grilled chicken gives you a great carb/fat/protein ratio to fit the bill if you're nearing your carb mark. Eggs (or egg substitue, as I use) are also a great high-protein low-carb choice.

    If you or anyone else are consistently going over on anything other then protein, it's time to re-evaluate where your calories are coming from. It's not always easy to get it right. My wife just ate a banana, then lamented going over on her carbs. She's a trip sometimes.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Do you have the default carb setting? I find that I eat more than MFP allowed me so I made my own goals.

    Another question - do you exercise/cardio heavily? If so, your body will need more carbohydrates then someone who does not.

    My two sense: fruit is natural, healthy, but yes, carbs. But carbs are energy! I say eat it; especially if you have that many calories left. Also, maybe try tomorrow to add a bit more protein in your diet. WIsh I could be more precise but I can't see your diary. Hope this helps!

    I believe i have the settings that MFP assigned for me

    I have been exercising quite consistently for the past few months. I am almost done the 30 day shred - did day 5 Level 3 today and also played 30-45 mins of tennis today
  • Do you have the default carb setting? I find that I eat more than MFP allowed me so I made my own goals.

    Another question - do you exercise/cardio heavily? If so, your body will need more carbohydrates then someone who does not.

    My two sense: fruit is natural, healthy, but yes, carbs. But carbs are energy! I say eat it; especially if you have that many calories left. Also, maybe try tomorrow to add a bit more protein in your diet. WIsh I could be more precise but I can't see your diary. Hope this helps!

    I believe i have the settings that MFP assigned for me

    I have been exercising quite consistently for the past few months. I am almost done the 30 day shred - did day 5 Level 3 today and also played 30-45 mins of tennis today

    FAT = FUEL, carbs = sugar = stored fat. you should change the defaults for your carbs, protein, fat ratios. the lower the carbs in your diet, the easier it is to lose fat.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Do you have the default carb setting? I find that I eat more than MFP allowed me so I made my own goals.

    Another question - do you exercise/cardio heavily? If so, your body will need more carbohydrates then someone who does not.

    My two sense: fruit is natural, healthy, but yes, carbs. But carbs are energy! I say eat it; especially if you have that many calories left. Also, maybe try tomorrow to add a bit more protein in your diet. WIsh I could be more precise but I can't see your diary. Hope this helps!

    I believe i have the settings that MFP assigned for me

    I have been exercising quite consistently for the past few months. I am almost done the 30 day shred - did day 5 Level 3 today and also played 30-45 mins of tennis today

    FAT = FUEL, carbs = sugar = stored fat. you should change the defaults for your carbs, protein, fat ratios. the lower the carbs in your diet, the easier it is to lose fat.

    Up to the point where you don't have energy. I tried low-carb, staying under 100 grams and sometimes around 50. I was ok for my normal daily stuff, but when it came to workout time I would go hard. . .for about 30 minutes, then I would just hit the wall. All my energy was just gone. Now I have my goals set so I get the same amount of carbs and protein each day (around my bodyweight, which leaves me with a 35/35/30 split.) My energy is back and I can hit the workouts hard. We're all different, of course, but keeping my carb intake that low was NOT working for me.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318

    I believe i have the settings that MFP assigned for me

    I have been exercising quite consistently for the past few months. I am almost done the 30 day shred - did day 5 Level 3 today and also played 30-45 mins of tennis today

    I agree that a high carb diet can lead to not metabolizing the fat, but I never have avoided carbs - especially if you are craving fruit, I say eat some. Maybe have a handful of nuts to keep your blood sugar in check, but I eat grapes all the time before bed and do not notice a spike in my blood sugar, or any weight gain. Your workout requires energy and especially if you work out in the mornings you might need extra food before bed.

    Really what works for me though will be different from you - just experiment and do what seems to work!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Carbohydrate is the primary fuel source for the body, and especially the brain. Eat your carbs! Quit buying into the media hyped books touting low carb and go to your local college and buy a nutrition text book. You won't find recommendations of extreme carb cutting in them, I promise. They will tell you that the minimum you need is 130 grams of carbs per day to maintain proper organ function. They will also tell you that anyone who exercises uses a combination of carbs and fat for fuel, but you can't burn fat if you don't go through the process of glycolysis (breakdown of carbs) first to produce the pyruvate to start the Krebs Cycle (where fat is actually burned). They will also tell you that while there are established ranges which are best for most people in the population (45-65% of total intake), there is no upper limit on carbs. MFP gives you something in the standard range, but some people have to adjust it up based on their exercise and how their body responds. (And yes, some people have to adjust it down too. It is a standard bell curve with outliers on both ends.) Personally, I workout 1-2 hours a day, plus I am in school full time and running a full time personal training business where I'm doing extra exercise as I demonstrate moves for my clients. I eat 70% carbs, 15% protein, and 15% fat. That is outside the normal range, but I have to have those carbs to fuel all my exercise. I'd recommend looking at your actual range (% of total intake and not just the gram numbers) and seeing where you are. You may find that you have a little play in that range (say if MFP only set you at 45-60% you have some available to get you to 65%) that will accommodate the overages you are seeing. Thats just the limitations of a program like this.
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