Unexplained Weight Gain

Does anyone else suffer from unexplained weight gain? I weighed myself yesterday morning, had a day where I ate healthily and well within my calorie limit and weighed myself today and i am 2 pounds heavier!!!

I dont understand why this is happening and its really frustrating and demotivating!!

My suggest daily calorie intake is 1200, can eating under this amount actually cause weight gain?

Any help would be appreciated!


  • getfuzzyfan40
    getfuzzyfan40 Posts: 8 Member
    This sort of nonsense happens to me all the time. From a day to day basis any number of things can effect the number from the amount of sodium you've taken in to how much water you've consumed and how recently you drank that water. The "time of the month" can influence that number...look at the trend of weight loss and not the daily number.

    If you can, stop focusing on the number on the scale and focus on your behaviors. If your healthy behaviors are in line, the number will follow...
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yes, lots of posts are made by people who don't explain their weight gain.

    If you were completely within calorie limits, it's just water.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Daily fluctuations are VERY normal. Don't let them get to you. A picture is worth a 1000 words so I always one around of my daily chart. None of the spikes are from "bad" days, they just happen. All that matters is the RED line

  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I try really hard not to weigh myself every day, it can drive me mad where it is up and down all week, I got so obsessive that at one point my partner was hiding the scales till weigh day on sunday. I wouldnt worry it could be anything, water retention etc. try to pick a day to weigh so that you get a more accurate review (works for me anyway)
  • kslatta
    kslatta Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for sharing this post! It's very inspiring to me. I'm new here and looking for dieting buddies to keep me motivated. Care to be friends?

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I don't suffer from it, it's just something that happens. :smile: It's very normal.

    Weight fluctuates all the time. A few things that can make it go up and down: consuming more or less sodium than usual, consuming more or fewer carbs than usual, constipation (or the opposite), more or less food/waste being in your system because you've consumed a different quantity of food than usual (eg. you have a huge amount of vegetables one day), starting a new exercise programme, or increasing the intensity of exercise you do, hormonal fluctuations (especially in women), dehydration etc.

    It helps me to remember that most of my weight is made up not by fat, but by water and lean tissue, so the scale is not just measuring how much fat you have. Most of the fluctuations have nothing to do with fat. Don't worry about the daily ups and downs, just keep an eye on the overall trend over time.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Daily weight changes don't mean a thing, like others have said it depends on all sorts of factors like hydration, sodium intake, muscle recovery, time of the month, when you've been to the toilet etc etc etc.... as long as the overall picture week to week is going down, you're fine!
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Your body isn't a perfect science. It goes up and down every day. It goes up and down in weight DURING the day.
  • rfaulks161990
    Thank you for all these replies they have been very helpful!

    I really think I should stop obsessively weighing myself everyday and try to go with how myself and body feels!

    Just got to keep carrying on and hope the the weight comes off!
  • rfaulks161990
    Sure Kimberly! I could defo use a friend for some motivation!