How long before I start seeing a result?

Hey all, i'm getting really frustrated and down in the dumps as I am doing everything right and just not seeing any change on the scales or by tape measure! My muscles do seem little tighter, but I am still plagued by as much, if not more fat than before!

How long before you start seeing a result on average? I have been working out and cutting back for about 6-7weeks now, there's been a small loss, but it's not consistent and I don't know if it's a true loss or just fluctuation.

Please advise!


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Take progress pictures. A lot of recent days, it looks like you are eating well under what you've set as your recomendation. If you're exercising strenuously, you should probably be eating more. On days when I do Insanity, I eat about 700 extra calories a day (2200 total) and am still losing inches. You have to give yourself enough fuel to be able to keep pace with your workouts. I fyou don't eat enough, you will tend to burn lean body tissue rather than fat during workouts, which is not what you're looking for. Eat enough, hit your macros, and you should see the fat come off.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I did not notice any changes until I lost 15lbs. Other people started to notice when I had lost around 30lbs.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    Thanks Grimendale. I know everyone says it's simple, but I don't really understand. Ok, so calories in/calories out... I burn more then I should eat what i've burned? Does it matter what makes up the calories? I've noticed I go over on sugar and fat, but under on calories, but the fat is things like olive oil and tuna, the sugar from fruit mainly....

    I exercise 2-3 times a week, a combination of dance/flexibility and circuits. try and walk a little bit too, but haven't been counting that. I just worry that maybe i'm not counting cals correctly and i'm going hugely over, or something? I'm obviously doing something wrong!
  • opaleli43
    opaleli43 Posts: 16 Member
    Completely in the same boat. Bump so I can read along. I was so frustrated yesterday. Glad to hear there are others in my boat with me. I figure at least I am not gaining... Hang in there.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    With such a small amount of weight to lose, it's going to be hard to see results because you're only looking for a slight change. And it happens slowly.

    I suggest a small calorie deficit (about 200-300 below maintenance), making sure you get about 100g protein a day, and taking progress photos about once a month, in minimal clothing (bathing suit, underwear - you don't need to show them to anyone), front back, and sides.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I have been on MFP since January and only now seeing noticable changes to my body... keep with it!
  • CatAbiOli
    CatAbiOli Posts: 16
    I've just had a moan about this on my news feed, ok my weekends aren't very good, but surely 5 days out of 7 of eating well and exercising should let me see some sort of weight loss :-(
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    Thanks guys, all good support and advice. It's almost a stone i'm trying to shift, so not huge, but enough.Lorinalynn, could you explain more to be about the protein please?

    Catabioli, I do sometimes cheat at weekends too, but yes, over the week there is a calorie deficit!I just don't want to get disheartened and give up!