I know I keep posting thins but...



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well when you work out you will gain muscle, and you work out alot so thats probably why, try working out every other day and weigh yourself in the morning before you eat. I was working out everyday once and my weight was at a stand still. And Ive heard other women tell me they lost weight by not working out to much.

    You will not gain an appreciable amount of muscle on a calorie deficit. You may gain a little bit at first, but your fat loss will mask that anyway if you keep it up.

    Weight gained on a deficit is NOT muscle...it's usually water and glycogen in the muscle you already have, and when the muscle repairs itself, that weight goes away. This could take anywhere from 1 week to 2 months depending on the person.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    See a nutritionist, they will speak to you about what you are doing currently with both your active lifestyle and eating habits. I had the same issue a few months ago and was so frustrated I finally spoke to one and have been seeing and feeling results ever since.

    I had the same experience, although I would recommend a dietician, not a nutritionist. In general, I found that I didn't know how to eat as well as I thought I did (for instance, I considered corn and baked potatoes as vegetables, but they are more realistically starches). Dieticians are licensed and regulated while nutritionists are not. Some are very good, and some have no idea what they're doing. Working one-on-one with a dietician will get you back on track, if you are well and truly stuck.
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    You have a BMI in the normal range. Your body might be at the weight it needs to be. Becoming thinner than genetically programmed takes much more effort than to lose to get to a normal weight.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Maybe you're weighing yourself too much. This is probably TMI, but only weigh myself naked, on an empty stomach, in the morning, after a good poop. About once every two weeks the stars align and I am able to weigh myself. I definitely wouldn't weigh myself immediately after eating something. Your sub and beverage likely weighed 3 pounds.

    I do this as well. Clothing and food is heavier than you think.

    So is water. I know so many people who weigh themselves right after they get out of the shower...with their hair wet and with a wet towel wrapped around their waist. Duhhhhh!!!!!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    depending on what I put in a TDEE calculator, the number varies a lot - from about 1850 to 2270!! This is only from adding in my body fat percentage. With higher bodyfat, your TDEE is lower (as this implies lower muscle mass, so lower daily calorie requirements). I am currently eating TDEE-20% which is about 1500 when trying to lose. This is whilst still exercising 4-5 days a week and having a naughty day on the weekend where I spoil myself at fancy, delicious restaurants. I dont go out and have a big mac meal followed by KFC, I go to fine dining and dont stress myself out about what I am having and just choose the healthy option (it is near impossible to track when eating out! especially where I am).

    You need to know that everyone is different and unique, so be as consistent as possible for 3-4 weeks and if you are maintaining, then address your diet and intake and see what has to change. I personally maintain on 2000 cals a day (when exercising regularly) and can even gain a little muscle.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Okay, so I went through your diet for a couple weeks, and calorie-wise, it is pretty good and you are consuming what I would think it the right amount of food for a 1 - 1.5 pound a week loss. Your calories are fine.

    1) Are you weighing and measuring absolutely everything you eat? You really have to do this to be accurate. For example, tonight I went to eat some spinach and looked at the bag. I estimated it was 4 cups or 85 grams, but when I weighed it, it was 8 cups and 170 grams. I was surprised. Obviously that was spinach, but when I went to weigh the chicken it was a full 100 grams heavier than I thought. I would have consumed a couple hundred more calories than planned if I just eyeballed it tonight.

    2) How long have you been at this? Some people don't lose anything in the first month even if doing everything right.

    3) Consider upping protein and lowering carbs. Some days you're great at over 100 grams, somedays not so great with sub-70 grams. Hold on to the lean mass as best as you can.

    4) I would estimate 350 calories for every hour of vigorous exercise, 300 for moderate, and 250 for something like walking. But if you're eating based on TDEE, you're not eating them back anyway.

    5) You don't have much weight to lose at all. The closer you are to goal, the harder it is to shed.

    If after 2 months you're still not losing, maybe check with your doctor.

    350 for an hour of vigorous exercise? Are you kidding? I am 138Ibs and burn 580-670 for an hour of vigorous exercise, using a Polar HRM. And most I see on my list are also burning in excess of 500 calories an hour for vigorous, depending on weight.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    My TDEE - 20% is 1886.
    I see in your diary that your daily goal is 1810, and since you're doing TDEE method you don't eat back exercise cals, but aim for goal each day, correct? But you're NOT reaching goal - yesterday you hit 1585, the day before 1417, 1701 (better!), 1465, etc. There are a lot of 1400-1500 or so calorie days in there, and if you're burning 400-500 cals in your workouts, your netting pretty low.

    Curious what your BMR is - I also do the TDEE method, and do my best to land around my goal, either over or under, doesn't matter, just close. But I also make sure that I'm at least netting above my BMR. Most days it's not a problem, but if I have an unusually high burn, I double check and make sure I'm hitting the right numbers. I don't log my exercise burn (I'm one of those who logs it as 1 cal) because I don't want my daily macros to change, but I still make a note of the actual calories burned to make sure I'm staying on track with the right amount of calories, and by this method I have had my best success with fat loss over the past year+.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    For losing body fat (which may be more what you need to do than actual weight by other's comments), try the MUFA diet, and some Interval Training instead of all Jillian. She definitely using interval training, but I feel like if I do her same workouts 4-5 days a week, I was getting bored, and my body was getting used to it. Try switching up what you do.

    MUFA diet means that you eat a healthy fat at every meal and avoid saturated fats. (Avocado, olive oil, dark chocolate, nuts, legumes). I think these helped me make the most progress in body shape, inches, and body fat. But, I lasted only a month the first time. I had to take a break and will try to take it up again when I'm not craving salt from being out in the heat so much (more Gatorade? LOL)

    Good luck!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    My TDEE - 20% is 1886.
    I see in your diary that your daily goal is 1810, and since you're doing TDEE method you don't eat back exercise cals, but aim for goal each day, correct? But you're NOT reaching goal - yesterday you hit 1585, the day before 1417, 1701 (better!), 1465, etc. There are a lot of 1400-1500 or so calorie days in there, and if you're burning 400-500 cals in your workouts, your netting pretty low.

    Curious what your BMR is - I also do the TDEE method, and do my best to land around my goal, either over or under, doesn't matter, just close. But I also make sure that I'm at least netting above my BMR. Most days it's not a problem, but if I have an unusually high burn, I double check and make sure I'm hitting the right numbers. I don't log my exercise burn (I'm one of those who logs it as 1 cal) because I don't want my daily macros to change, but I still make a note of the actual calories burned to make sure I'm staying on track with the right amount of calories, and by this method I have had my best success with fat loss over the past year+.

    BMR is 1527. How will I ever reach my 1886 goal when I workout and burn Cals? That's what u don't understand. Even if I only logged my burned Cals as 1 calorie I still burn 400-500. If I eat 1886 then burn 400 I'm at 1486. And with TDEE you don't eat exercise Cals back so not sure what to do. Do I eat above 1886 so that when I workout I net closer to the 1800 number? Last summer I weighed 158-160. Running was my main form of exercise or elliptical. Then I got plantar fasciitis and couldn't run anymore....I also have a bone spur that keeps the plantar fascia inflamed. I probably will have to get that removed at the very least. Anyway, I have only been doing Julian a couple months. Before that it was my recumbent bike and lifting.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you weighed yourself in the morning, and you were 166, then you ate and drank and went about your daily business and then in the evening you were 170?

    i dont see the problem, of course you weighed more in the evening!
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    Maybe you're weighing yourself too much. This is probably TMI, but only weigh myself naked, on an empty stomach, in the morning, after a good poop. About once every two weeks the stars align and I am able to weigh myself. I definitely wouldn't weigh myself immediately after eating something. Your sub and beverage likely weighed 3 pounds.

  • I only weigh myself daily. New recommendations are for increasing the number of activity sessions even if you need to cut the time per session. For instance, three ten minute sessions are more effective at burning calories than one thirty minute session. You might see if this works for you. :flowerforyou:
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Okay, so I went through your diet for a couple weeks, and calorie-wise, it is pretty good and you are consuming what I would think it the right amount of food for a 1 - 1.5 pound a week loss. Your calories are fine.

    1) Are you weighing and measuring absolutely everything you eat? You really have to do this to be accurate. For example, tonight I went to eat some spinach and looked at the bag. I estimated it was 4 cups or 85 grams, but when I weighed it, it was 8 cups and 170 grams. I was surprised. Obviously that was spinach, but when I went to weigh the chicken it was a full 100 grams heavier than I thought. I would have consumed a couple hundred more calories than planned if I just eyeballed it tonight.

    2) How long have you been at this? Some people don't lose anything in the first month even if doing everything right.

    3) Consider upping protein and lowering carbs. Some days you're great at over 100 grams, somedays not so great with sub-70 grams. Hold on to the lean mass as best as you can.

    4) I would estimate 350 calories for every hour of vigorous exercise, 300 for moderate, and 250 for something like walking. But if you're eating based on TDEE, you're not eating them back anyway.

    5) You don't have much weight to lose at all. The closer you are to goal, the harder it is to shed.

    If after 2 months you're still not losing, maybe check with your doctor.

    This! Exactly.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    How much are you looking to lose? You're in the normal range according to a bmi calculator....
  • I actually was thinking the same thing-she is actually not at the top though highest for 5'11 is 179, she would be in mid range, and maybe your body doesn't want you to lose the weight. And if you are shaping/toning you might be doing quite the opposite since you are in a healthy weight range.
  • lonealm13
    lonealm13 Posts: 1
    166 Lbs,,, sounds to me you need to gain wieght. Wieghing your self does nothing, time could be better spent doing sit ups.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    I just don't get it! I have been eating healthy and exercising and I keep gaining! I'm certainly not losing! Not really losing inches either. I don't have a HRM, but I do have an app on my phone where I can put my weight in and pick the workouts I do and get my calories burned. I am 5'11. 166 lbs. I did cheat today and had a sub and chips. :(. But I am still under my calories. And my weight when I got home was 170! This is the way it's been for a. While now. My TDEE - 20% is 1886. My activity level on MFP is lightly active, but i do workout 4 times a week and burn 400-500 calories each time. I am at a loss here!! I mean, so I can't even have a cheat day cause ill gain weight?!! Please help me!

    Stop weighing too often. Why to do you step on the scale after eating btw?

    I went to the beach yesterday we cook there and also ate pizza I'm pretty sure the scale will show at least 3+ mlre but that doesn't mean I gained 3 lbs. Probably the scake will go back down in 2-3 days

    Just be patient keep working out, keep logging your cals and make sure you are calculating them right and eventually the weigh will come off. Nobody gets fat in one day therefore nobody gets skinny in one day either
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    My TDEE - 20% is 1886.
    I see in your diary that your daily goal is 1810, and since you're doing TDEE method you don't eat back exercise cals, but aim for goal each day, correct? But you're NOT reaching goal - yesterday you hit 1585, the day before 1417, 1701 (better!), 1465, etc. There are a lot of 1400-1500 or so calorie days in there, and if you're burning 400-500 cals in your workouts, your netting pretty low.

    Curious what your BMR is - I also do the TDEE method, and do my best to land around my goal, either over or under, doesn't matter, just close. But I also make sure that I'm at least netting above my BMR. Most days it's not a problem, but if I have an unusually high burn, I double check and make sure I'm hitting the right numbers. I don't log my exercise burn (I'm one of those who logs it as 1 cal) because I don't want my daily macros to change, but I still make a note of the actual calories burned to make sure I'm staying on track with the right amount of calories, and by this method I have had my best success with fat loss over the past year+.

    BMR is 1527. How will I ever reach my 1886 goal when I workout and burn Cals? That's what u don't understand. Even if I only logged my burned Cals as 1 calorie I still burn 400-500. If I eat 1886 then burn 400 I'm at 1486. And with TDEE you don't eat exercise Cals back so not sure what to do. Do I eat above 1886 so that when I workout I net closer to the 1800 number? Last summer I weighed 158-160. Running was my main form of exercise or elliptical. Then I got plantar fasciitis and couldn't run anymore....I also have a bone spur that keeps the plantar fascia inflamed. I probably will have to get that removed at the very least. Anyway, I have only been doing Julian a couple months. Before that it was my recumbent bike and lifting.

    No, you should not net 1800. What I think this poster meant was that you aren't eating 1800, even without exercise. You don't eat your exercise calories with the TDEE method. If you are worried that you seem to be consistently below BMR, may you need to re-think the activity level you used to determine TDEE.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    thanks all. my activity level is set at lightly active( I didn't feel I should do Moderately active). I will certainly try to eat at least my 1886!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    166 Lbs,,, sounds to me you need to gain wieght. Wieghing your self does nothing, time could be better spent doing sit ups.

    I know... :(