Anyone else have strange food aversions?



  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I can't eat aubergines in any form I think it stems from when I was about 7/8 and my dad tried to make them and they were undercooked and squeaky! Now even having to handle them when cooking for the rest of the family is stomach churning I gave to get someone else to prepare them and I just cook them!
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I can't eat aubergines in any form I think it stems from when I was about 7/8 and my dad tried to make them and they were undercooked and squeaky! Now even having to handle them when cooking for the rest of the family is stomach churning I gave to get someone else to prepare them and I just cook them!
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I can't eat aubergines in any form I think it stems from when I was about 7/8 and my dad tried to make them and they were undercooked and squeaky! Now even having to handle them when cooking for the rest of the family is stomach churning I have to get someone else to prepare them and I just cook them!
  • Jai_
    Jai_ Posts: 4
    I love pineapple juice but I haven't eaten the fruit raw in years as it makes my tongue really tingly and oversensitive for hours afterwards. The last time I ate some was when I was 11. My tongue went all tingly and I ended up frantically licking my mum's long cotton skirt as she walked past in an attempt to relieve the tingly sensation. Luckily, she was distracted by my dad and didn’t seem to notice the not-so-gentle tug on her skirt.
  • solvig
    solvig Posts: 25
    Green bell peppers are Satan's vegetable to me. Anything they are put in seems to be "polluted" by them.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    The texture of aubergine/eggplant gives me the shudders. Ugh.

    I will confess to being very curious about why you want to eat things that are likely going to be revolting to you/make you feel sick/make you hold your nose to get it down? I know cottage cheese and tuna are good for protein, but there must be more palatable alternatives for getting in some protein?
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Rice pudding. Yeuch. It'sthe thought of squishy lumps in creamy hot milk. Stomach is turning just writing this.

    Also fake banana/strawberry. I'm OK with a real bananas and strawberries, love them. But banana flavoured yogurt, milkshake, ice cream. I could cry I fear it that much.
    My husband thought this was funny when he first found out. He chased me round my house threatening to pour banana milk over me. I was crying and screaming. Not funny at all !
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Mayo.. which I guess is good cause it's not so good for you.

    But same thing I ate it on everything as a kid. Now the site or smell of it makes me ill...

    I also have a mayo issue. I can handle it blended with other flavors, but a glob of mayo on it's own.......... EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW GAG.
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Aubergine and okra are my big hates. I can't bear the texture of either and have to avoid it at all costs.
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    In terms of taste, there are things I don't like but I wouldn't call then an aversion as I don't get stressed around them etc. I don't like garden peas and once cried at a family dinner in a restaurant because I had asked for "no peas" and it came with them on it. I was only 12 at the time though :)

    Not keen on parsnips, sweet potato, butternut squash etc, just toooo sweet for me but if they are in a soup I like it :)

    Sometimes the sight of a whole raw chicken about to go in the oven makes me gag, I think it makes it too "real"
    When I had my first son, he was about 3 days old and I was marinading chicken portions in spices etc, but when I came to cook them, I couldn't do it, it felt like I was about to roast my baby.... I know how whacko that sounds but I guess it was the hormones, haha
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I don't really have any aversions, but my boyfriend does! He refuses to eat fruits and vegies! There are some exceptions, he will eat applesauce (the kind with cinn), corn on the cob (not off the cob), fresh steamed carrots (with orange glaze), potatoes of any kind, occasionally orange juice (not the fruit), and will occasionally have a salad as long as it is completely swamped with Thai peanut dressing. Oh, and smooth spaghetti sauce. Anything that may possibly have vegies hidden in it he will not eat...not even Chef Boyardee!
  • sianpate
    When I was growing up my friend made me eat Smash in the powder form. Afetr that I didnt eat mash potatoe until I moved in with my husband about 15 years later! Every time I smelt it I would gag! I love it now though which just goes to show you can learn eat it again!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I cannot STAND peaches. The smell turns my stomach -- I have actually thrown up because somebody opened a peach-flavored drink next to me in class and I couldn't get away from it. I loved them as a kid, but I ABSOLUTELY cannot handle them now. :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    My hubby will not eat mushrooms because he swears they "squeek"???? lol
    I cannot do: watermelon (well any melon) or strawberries (taste) and peaches due to the texture and smell. Everyone finds that so weird. It does make eating fruit salad etc. a pain in the behind. :)
    Best of luck to you, I adore cottage cheese but I know how most people (that I know) seem to find it gross.

    I am glad there is someone else out there that doesn't like strawberries! Everyone I know thinks it is the strangest thing that I can't stand them! I hate the taste, the texture, the smell... everything about them!!
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    There are like a TON of things for me, but I'll just name a few or I could go all day lol...

    AVOCADO. The texture is just... BLECH. Can't do it with guacamole either.

    MAYO. There is a story behind this one but I'll spare you, it's disgusting.

    SOUR CREAM. Cream is not supposed to be sour, people! It's supposed to be sweet and delicious, like the ice or whipped varieties XD

    COTTAGE CHEESE - Don't get me started on this one. This goes for most types of cheese, actually.

    ZUCCHINI - Gross!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member

    Tonight , for the first time, I am going to eat cottage cheese (so I can try to up my protein from yesterday) . So while my famdam is eating pork chops, corn on the cob, and roasted potatoes I'll be struggling to get down 3oz of this white...creamy...... Oh god I don't know if I can do it!

    IMHO, There's nothing unhealthy in eating pork chops, corn, or potatoes...just be reasonable with the portions. Why are you forcing yourself to eat food you will probably throw up? This doesn't sound like a sustainable life change...although, my own small victory recently has been giving up Miracle Whip (because of HFCS), which was replaced w/ mayo......and I've given that up for mustard, which I used to only like on hotdogs.

    My real aversions are liquid egg whites..resemblance to certain body beans, ate them 2 times a day for 2 years while in Peace Corps. Not a single black bean has passed my lips since 1993!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Avocado - when I was a child, my mother took my sister and I on a trip to FLorida and decided to try Avocados. She bought one that was spoiled and then forced us to eat it (she didn't know it was spoiled, we'd never had it before). I haven't been able to tolerate it since. Won't even buy appliances that are colored "avocado green".

    Cooked tomatos (chunks) - they gross me out. Slimy, they have a spoiled texture to them. I LOVE fresh, raw tomatoes, however.

    Bananas - despise them. Won't kiss my husband after he's eaten one. But, I do like banana flavered things...just not raw bananas.

    Love cheese of all kinds, love eggplant, love brussel sprouts, love okra, love all other veggies, fruits, and dairy.
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I don't really have any aversions anymore. I used to stay away from snacking on cheese because when I was little I remember snacking on monterey jack and then I got this weird swelled area on my gums. I still have no idea if they were related but I'm past it now, lol. I also used to gag anytime I tried to eat strawberries. It was the skin! Something about the texture of the seeds on the outside horrified me, though I could eat the middle fine. Got over that one too.

    I can't stand cottage cheese. The taste and the texture are both revolting to me.
    Certain cooked veggies will make me gag, like mushrooms and zucchini.
    And like someone else, I love bananas but I cannot stand artifical banana flavored stuff. Someone else always got my banana Runts. :tongue:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I hate raw celery. I've tried and tried to like the stuff but those stringy things that get stuck in your teeth suck. And it tastes off. Like bad, salty water.

    Raw green bell peppers. Yech. But I'll gladly eat raw red peppers! And I'll eat the green ones cooked. It must be a flavor thing.

    Tuna salad made with mayo. Actually just mayo in general. It's something of the consistency and smell of the stuff that I absolutely hate. Smells like dirty socks or something.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    Tuna salad made with mayo. Actually just mayo in general. It's something of the consistency and smell of the stuff that I absolutely hate. Smells like dirty socks or something.

    I forgot to put Tuna on my list too. Simply cannot tolerate even the smell. It looks and smells JUST like cat food...eww..ewwwww....EW!