Intermittent Fasting...



  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Thanks for the info. I am thinking of starting with the 8 or 10 hour window...and seeing what happens.

    Edited to add... How long did it take to start seeing results from IF?

    It depends on which one you do-with eating windows it's not necessarily a weight loss plan, since you're still eating your normal, allotted calories-just during a certain period of time everyday.

    With the restricted calorie IF plans (alternate day, 5:2 and 4:3), it will just depend on the person. I lost around 40lbs from end of October to the beginning of March, with alternate day IF. That included taking a couple weeks off for the Christmas holidays and eating as I wanted through several Christmas parties :) Also, with these plans you're only fasting/dieting every other day or 2-3 days a week and then eating normal amounts of calories the other days, so you can't really compare it to other plans where you restrict calories every day. It's an unconventional way to lose weight, but I had great success with it :) Also, I had blood work done after doing alternate day IF for several months and my numbers all came back really good, including I was no longer pre-diabetic :)
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    How long did it take to start seeing results from IF?

    For me, IF = IG (Instant Gratification). The reason I cautioned about not justifying eating more right after IF is that for me it translates pretty immediately to the scale at the next weigh in if I don't allow myself to go over. But I am very strict about making sure I only eat my normal diet the rest of the day and don't over indulge. IF is not easy to do, at least not for me, so I feel pretty strongly about "protecting my investment". Flip side is don't starve yourself all the time. It's a little booster rocket you can fire only intermittently. It could very easily lead to unhealthy habits. I do not lose even amounts each day. The day after IF is pretty reliably a slightly lower reading that will stick if I keep to the normal diet again.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    This is one of the best sites for IF....lots of great info there.......

    I followed the link and read some of his other stuff. I love this article:

    I need to get to that point. I still see the marshmallow right now.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    running monologue continues...

    Thinking about this a little more, it occurred to me that I should note that there are several "styles" of IF and I think there is one major distinction between approaches to it. In the leangains and other highly scheduled IF models, you account for all your calories around the fast period. The other approach is to to have a more normal diet planned for meals and snacks through the day, not accounting for any fasting period and fasting for an interval every few days without any adjustment. The latter is what I do. There are two old diet myths that this flies in the face of. The first is that skipping meals is bad. Lots of science has proved this just isn't true. I have people tell me all the time that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" to which I reply "Did you seriously just quote a McDonald's commercial as nutritional advice?". The other concerns VLC diets. It has been pretty well proven that lots of people thrive on diets that include periods of VLC and the debate about whether or not VLC diets even extend age rages on. I would absolutely not recommend an extended diet of under 1000 calories day after day. But throwing one in every now and then when you are healthy and trying to drop weight is simple and effective, if you can do it and just carry on again as normal afterward. Anyway, I just wanted to explain my comment about seeing the effect pretty much right away on the scale.
  • Your mixing alot of IF diets together, since the information is a bit overwhelming on the internet.

    The 16 hr thing is leangains

    24 hr fasts once or twice a week is eat stop eat.

    Leangains is free, and eat stop eat is a paid program both are great regardless.

    Here is the free guide for leangains:
  • Forgot to mention their is the warrior diet, but thats way too intense for me lol.
  • tiggy73
    tiggy73 Posts: 52 Member
    I know many of you are doing the 16/8 fasting. What kind of weight loss results are you achieving?