Bodybugg and MFP

So I got a Bodybugg from my niece who no longer uses it and decided to use it mainly to figure out the calories I burn during exercise. Yesterday I did:

22 minutes of 30 Day Shred
1 hour total of brisk walking at work (breaks and lunch)
30 minutes of strength training
30 minutes of cardio

When I went into the computer and put in the data, I highlighted just those specific areas and it told me that over the 142 minutes of working out, I burned over 2,200 calories! This seems super high, but these things are supposed to be very accurate. So I put that into my exercise log and it said I had to eat another 3,000 calories to reach my goal. What!?

So I am trying to figure out how to use the Bodybugg with MFP. Do I just do what I did and pick out the exercise I do and plug it in, or do I need to do something else? I basically want to keep using MFP for the food database, the awesome support and the ease of it, but I want to use the Bodybugg for finding my calorie burn.

Any help?


  • nihebert
    nihebert Posts: 3
    I have a bodybugg too, although I don't use it anymore since I can't afford the online subscription. I found it was easier to only use the bodybugg software instead of trying to use two different programs. However, it's up to you. But the bodybugg database has tons of foods in it and you can even download an app that you can log your calories from your smartphone.

    If you have your heart set on using MFP, I would manually enter the calories that you burned on MFP and still log your food on here. That's probably the easiest way to do it.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Thank you. I just feel that the "calories burned" that it tells me is super high, so I didn't know if I needed to modify it any. But I will keep doing what I am doing as it is making me lose! Thanks :)
  • nihebert
    nihebert Posts: 3
    I lost so much weight with my bodybugg and I ALWAYS ate the calories that it recommended. If you're feeling deprived, I'd say do what it says! :)
  • 28butterflies
    If you calculate your TDEE and put those in MFP as your calorie goal then you don't need to pay attention to net calories cause you know your eating the right amount of calories. This is something I've been thinking of doing but am afraid to up my calories cause I don't want to gain weight when I've been losing.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Awesome, thank you guys for your insight!
  • mjl54
    mjl54 Posts: 127 Member
    does the bodybugg website have your info or does it still have your neices? that could account for some inaccuracys
  • DanielleJoy129
    I have the BodyMedia Fit, and I wonder the same thing...
    Even on my rest days, it's saying I'm burning close to 2000 calories/day,
    which seems pretty high to me.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I updated the information to my own but I will double check everything.
  • 1ahayward
    1ahayward Posts: 9 Member
    Check out the article in the NY Times Health section, "How Accurate are Fitness Trackers" from 6/12/13. In a nutshell...not so much.