
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    To avoid eating in the evenings if that's my goal for some reason, like I have a late appointment or want to go to bed early....then I eat in the late late afternoon. Like say I know I'm gonna be at a meeting from 8 to 10 and there will be no food or gross food I don't like and I'm gonna get home too tired to even grab a snack.

    I will eat at 7pm at home before I leave, or sometimes even take a snack to eat in the car right before I head in and maybe take a bottle of water.

    I'm a late night eater, and if anything interferes with my late night eating, I just make up for it earlier in the late afternoon.

    UNLESS I'm going to a party or anyplace when I might have coffee and come home with energy and be up late then I save my late night snack for that time and eat it when I get home. Doesn't matter if it's 9pm or midnight. As long as it fits my cal goals for the day I eat it when I want it.
  • coverley54
    coverley54 Posts: 23
    I like your dicipline! thanks!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Drink water and go to bed... I used to fast to cut my hunger down to size as well but it's not the best choice to do so.

    Another option, eat a higher protein meal and include some complex carbs, they keep you fuller longer and when you are full it's easier to not 'snack' unless it is mindless, if you are a mindless snacker or you snack because it's there then it might be time to prune the cupboards and rid yourself of temptation.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I net 1600 calories a day, and that gives me plenty of room to budget calories for evening. What works best for me is to have a very tiny breakfast and gradually ramp up my calorie consumption during the day. I'm nearly always able to fit in an evening snack without going over budget. Sometimes, though, I'm really glad I worked out and got some extra calories to work with.
  • coverley54
    coverley54 Posts: 23
    I just don't put food in my mouth.

    Yes, that sounded sarcastic, but it's the truth. If I've reached my goals for the day, and I'm still hungry, it depends on if it's real hunger or if I'm just wanting to munch on something. If I'm honestly truly hungry, I'll eat something around 100-200 calories...if it's just me wanting to munch...then I just deal with it and move on.

    Adding 100-200 calories a couple nights a week isn't going to derail me at all. I don't know what you're settings are, but if you're looking to lose 2 lbs a week and are big enough for that to be a realistic goal, then 100-200 calories a couple times a week isn't going to set you back enough to make that big of an impact either.
  • anj1030
    anj1030 Posts: 153 Member
    I don't usually stress...If I'm legitimately hungry...then my body is telling me something. One day isn't going to "ruin" everything. Now mind you...if it's every day...then you definitely need to reevaluate the situation. Go for a walk...bike...run...gym...exercise...move your body. When you do these things...you burn calories...and then BOOM...you can eat more. Crazy right?! Also...if you're eating a lot of sugars...this is what can sometimes trick your body into feeling full and satisfied...whereas, your body burns it quickly and then you're hungry again. Try to fill up on good carbs and proteins...you can eat less, and feel fuller longer.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I just eat in the evenings.
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    :yawn: Hot green mint tea. Help settle your stomach, cures your snacking urge ans the warmth makes me sleepy.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I recommend standing on your head for 60 seconds, then doing 2 minutes of jumping jacks, then doing about 3-5 minutes of lunges around the house, then 2 more minutes of jumping jacks, then 1 minute of squats, then do some bicycle crunches, regular crunches, some push-ups, 2 more minutes of jumping jacks, then eating something. Problem solved...you got an extra workout in and you got to eat something.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Drink beer...
  • have ruddies burn off some cals and then have a snack :wink: heehe! :laugh:

    all joking aside, their are lots of things you can do, brush your teeth, drink water (I add a slice of lemon and lime so it has a tangy flavour) exercise, ring a friend/family member and have a chat (most food cravings go after 20 min perfect length of time for a phone call) relax in a bubble bath have pamper time, do some housework/gardening, go for a walk listening to some music,

    most importantly don't stress if you do snack tomorrow is a new day! :tongue:
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I have decaf coffee with some stevia and a bit of milk after dinner if I feel hungry and have no calories left. I almost always walk, run or bike so I have 1600-1700 calories to eat each day.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    You are 5 foot 4, 164 lbs and only eating 1200 cals?


    Granted I do lots of exercise and am generally very active, I am eating 2100 cals per day and losing weight. I am an inch taller than you and a bit lighter...have you worked out things like your basal metabolic rate and all that jazz? If not please search for the threads on in place of a road map (IPOARM)...for more details (not linking them as the threads seem to be messed up at the moment)
  • Beach4me5
    Beach4me5 Posts: 21
    I have this problem too! I hit the door and want to grab everything in sight. Before I know it I have eaten wayyyyy too many calories.

    One thing I have tired and it works pretty well is I drink a whole bottle of water on the way home. When I hit the door I can actually stop myself before I start swinging open kitchen cabinets.

    The other is to eat yogurt about 30 mins before I leave to go home. The protein really helps.

    I am so loving this topic!
  • coverley54
    coverley54 Posts: 23
    Nice humour all, thanks again! Especially stand on head for 60 seconds.......LOL!
    I like the just dont put food in your mouth advice, call a friend, exercise, soothing tea, get a massage (my favorite)

    It's true, TV triggers eating so less of that!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My first question is, how confident are you that 1200 is an appropriate daily calorie limit for you?

    (Before others gather pitchforks and torches, I'm not saying that it definitely isn't...I don't know enough about OP to know that...but it's an important question...because if it is *not* an appropriate level, then providing tips on eating less may be counterproductive to a more important adjustment to the plan.)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Drink beer...

    This was my answer. It's my answer to all of life's little problems.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    This was really hard for me. But I decided to do NO recreational eating. I drank water, and more water. Then if I still needed comfort food, I drank hot decaf tea, no sugar, no caffeine. This is after I had eaten my planned meals.

    My husband chows down on raw low cal veggies - celery, cauliflower, ice berg lettuce no dressing or seasonings.
  • coverley54
    coverley54 Posts: 23
    Regarding the post about my 1200/ and weight 163 vs. calories, i am slowly trying to exercise, having a vary sluggish metabolism, and having chronic pain in shoulder which im being treated for............yes, i will increase my calories as my exercise increases........very good advice above, , thanks.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Gum, tictacs, herbal tea with stevia. If I'm really hungry & need the cruch a big celery stick with a wedge of Laughing Cow lite is only ~45 calories. Air-popped popcorn is also great. Also, I eat a later dinner - 7 or 7:30 so I'm just not hungry.