Newbie -

KarMarianna Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Just starting this attempt. I'm 51 and keep failing. I am 5'5" and 263 pounds with health issues and joint problems.

Can't seem to keep my goals/desires as a priority. Unable to stay focused. Need help with cognitive behavior. Financial hardship. Depressed.

It always seems that when I share my intentions, I don't follow through. It's like shooting myself in the foot.


  • I'm new to this also. I know where you are coming from. I'm hoping that I actually will follow thru this time. I've been doing good since my start date which was last Saturday the14th. It's very hard and it is more depressing when you dont' meet your goals. If you'd like me to be your "buddy" maybe we can help each other along. It is all about baby-steps! Don't give up! Any encouragement I can give you.................I'm there.
  • Don't be sad and depressed KarMarianna, today is a great day as you took the first step. I know, how many first steps have you taken?????? If you are like me, there have been many first steps; 10 forward and 15 backwards. I am a newbie too . . . .last night after I dropped my son of for college I came home and logged on to this site for the first time. Of course just like the first step there have also been many "first time" website log ons. We just have to keep trying and finding the right fit. Perhaps this will be the one for both you and I . . . . .BEST news it FREE.:happy:
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