Off track today

Timborino Posts: 19
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was really hungry this morning and didn't really like my usual choices. I decided to pick something up on the way to work. The next thing you know I'm at Chic-fil-a ordering 4 chicken minis and a sausage biscuit. So now, here I am at 9am and already 1000 calories down. I'm going to have to be very careful the rest of the day to stay at or around 2000 calories.


  • jrh5249
    jrh5249 Posts: 28
    execise =]. I know how you feel though, the casual lunch meeting for work usually ends up costing 1000 calories or more, and then its at least an hour on the track. It all comes down to, was the taste worth the extra exercise? Ive come to the conclusion after eating relatively bland things to stay on track that the occasional treat is worth all the work.
  • Don't beat yourself up too bad. I'm sure I'll do something similar soon. Just decide what fills you up the most for dinner while leaving the smallest footprint, like a fiber rich or protein rich food. Exercise for sure when you get home, and drink lots of water. That's what I would do.
  • Happens to just about everyone at some point. Don't sweat it. Just try to focus on the rest of the day...and start off on the right foot tomorrow.
  • Update....

    Kept my calorie count just under 2K. I used sheer will power and a little psychology. I decided to eat BEFORE leaving the house today!
  • I did the same yesterday but I did a lot of swimming to counteract my destructive eating lol I made it under goal but barely!!!
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