New Lady on the block

Ninat3 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All

Really looking forward to being apart of this community which I'm sure will help me along my weight loss journey. I"m currently 177pounds and my goal is 140. My problem is patience, hoping it doesn't take me forever to get there :) But I'm trying to work on that to.



  • Welcome to the group! You are going to love this website. Many great tools to help you lose. You can add me as a friend if you want for support.
  • Hi, I joined yesterday, I'm 179 lbs then and 177.5 now. My goal is also 140. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
  • Ninat3
    Ninat3 Posts: 2
    I promised myself that there was no turning back this time, tired of my hips
  • txtree50
    txtree50 Posts: 51
    Welcome! You can also add me as a friend. It's so easy to use and really helps you make good choices when you see what you are eatime and how your points add up during the day.
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