How to Stay Motivated?

It seems like counting calories and logging food has become for lack of a better word boring. I don't want to say "I'm over it" but it just seems monotonous now.

I'm doing well, I've been losing weight fairly easily - so I feel like a jerk for complaining, but how to get over that I don't want to do this everyday anymore?

I keep looking at the success stories and want to be one someday. And I really do want to lose at least another 12 pounds, but arg. I know it's a lifestyle change, we've been eating better. Maybe I just need to take a break from logging. Continue to eat better but not count everything that goes in my mouth. If I start gaining instead of losing then go back to it.

Anyone have success with that? Eating better and using judgement rather than logging and counting?


  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    Hey i'll add you for some support!
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    I don't log everyday, but I am in a maintaining stage. I also think it is boring and gets old. I just try to make healthy choices and get my workouts in, if I notice I am gaining again, I'll log and be hyper-aware of what I am eating for a while. I think once you get in the groove of things logging isn't necessary, at least for me.
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    I think it's probably normal to lose steam after you've gotten relatively close to your goal!

    I've been logging - but not super committed for the past couple of months. I've really tried to just go by how my clothes they are not fitting as well as I like, so back on I go! After a few months of not logging, I went from 134 to 136ish.

    After putting on my usual 'go-to' jeans and seeing that they are just a smidge tighter than I'd like, I'm back to counting. And it's not terrible! I thought I'd struggle getting back to REALLY accounting for what I eat.

    I think you just need to be aware of what you're putting into your body and is your body changing for the better and go from there. It doesn't have to be like this forever, but honestly, for this to work, it has to be a lifestyle change, So if you backslide a little on your own, MFP will still be here :-)

  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    Add me If you want. I also have a hard time staying motivated.