Fighting the fat while on anti-depressant

I would love encouragement from others out there fighting the fat/weight while on an antidepressant. Exercising 4-5 times a week and staying within my calories and not seeing the weight come off is frustrating. I have been a WW for the past 12 years and done MFP off and on. I've been faithfully tracking on MFP for just over a month. I believe that my anti-depressant isn't helping me with the weight loss. I am determined to lose this weight. Looking for friends to encourage and share the journey with. :)


  • I've had problems with weight and anti-depressants too. It's a vicious because I'm depressed, depressed because I've gained. It's cruel!!! BUT, the alternative is NOT to do anything, and probably gain more. So stick with it. You are helping yourself get better and to succeed. Stick with it for tomorrow, one day. It's motivating to get one day down. Then you can focus on sticking with it one more day. Weight loss may be slower than for some other people, but you are working on yourself, in many ways. You can do this!!!