20 and obese

Hi guys i started about 2 months ago (just getting around to this). I started at 249.8 and I am almost to my mini goal of 30 pounds. I workout at like 4 days a week i try my best to make it 6 days. I use Jillian Micheals workouts and my stationary bike.

So about me: I am 20 years old and sick and tired of not fitting into clothes at my favorite stores, I am tired of the fat jokes that I know people tell. I just want my outside to reflect what is on the inside

Add me if you like:) I really like watching everyone's weight go down:)


  • chubbybbear
    Hey girl I am in the same position but wish I was haft as cute as you! lol

    It was just yesterday that I was at my lowest of 180..and now ballooned up to 240.. sad times..hopefully b4 my birthday I can get back to 198..and really go from there. also hope to become a vegan of sorts..

    GL to the both of us!
  • jessicabillman77
    jessicabillman77 Posts: 39 Member
    i know exactly how you feel :) I'm 23 and my starting weight was 264 pounds :) add me too if you like x
  • JasonT1973
    JasonT1973 Posts: 229 Member
    You are doing the right thing being on MFP.
    You are starting off with a GREAT face!
    You can do this !!!
  • eeemaleefitz
    Hey! I'm currently at 196 but I balloon up and down so much it's ridiculous. And I know exactly how you feel about the clothing and the fat jokes... best of luck to you! We're in the same boat here ;)
  • Valsinittoloseit
    Valsinittoloseit Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys i started about 2 months ago (just getting around to this). I started at 249.8 and I am almost to my mini goal of 30 pounds. I workout at like 4 days a week i try my best to make it 6 days. I use Jillian Micheals workouts and my stationary bike.

    So about me: I am 20 years old and sick and tired of not fitting into clothes at my favorite stores, I am tired of the fat jokes that I know people tell. I just want my outside to reflect what is on the inside

    Add me if you like:) I really like watching everyone's weight go down:)

    It's like you're reading my mind or something :O.

    I'm 21 and I currently weight 253. I've been working out for a while now but have never put as much effort into working out as I have this month. So far I've lost a couple pounds (nothing too huge). I've just started the 30 day shred , and striving to work out 5-6 days a week. I'm with you on fitting the clothing you love. I hate having to pass by a clothing store, too afraid to go in, in fear of being judged. I'm also on a mission to be in shape for my wedding next August. I'm totally adding you! I'm pretty new to MFP so I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated. Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as well!
  • TheNewAdventuresofDanni
    Thats Awesome! I am trying to get down for my wedding in the fall (and i just really need to do it, but the wedding is good motivation). I'm on week 2 of ripped in 30, and i feel really sore haha
    Hi guys i started about 2 months ago (just getting around to this). I started at 249.8 and I am almost to my mini goal of 30 pounds. I workout at like 4 days a week i try my best to make it 6 days. I use Jillian Micheals workouts and my stationary bike.

    So about me: I am 20 years old and sick and tired of not fitting into clothes at my favorite stores, I am tired of the fat jokes that I know people tell. I just want my outside to reflect what is on the inside

    Add me if you like:) I really like watching everyone's weight go down:)

    It's like you're reading my mind or something :O.

    I'm 21 and I currently weight 253. I've been working out for a while now but have never put as much effort into working out as I have this month. So far I've lost a couple pounds (nothing too huge). I've just started the 30 day shred , and striving to work out 5-6 days a week. I'm with you on fitting the clothing you love. I hate having to pass by a clothing store, too afraid to go in, in fear of being judged. I'm also on a mission to be in shape for my wedding next August. I'm totally adding you! I'm pretty new to MFP so I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated. Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as well!
  • bethelas
    bethelas Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! I still remember making that decision to change my lifestyle and lose the weight. I've lost and kept off 61 lbs. I still have the pants that I wore on that decision day. 16 more to goal!

    "Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period."

    Quote that helps me with my daily struggle!