anyone doing a no carb/no sugar diet?



  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    nope, not doing it. I can't do anything that I KNOW I won't be able to sustain for the rest of my life, as that means all the weight comes back.

    good luck though.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I eat no sugar and keep to <20g carbs and feel fantastic. In 8-9 weeks I lost 14lb with no exercise.

    I eat lots of protein and fat, whicj includes meat, eggs, veg, dairy, fish, some fruit and hope never to touch bread/pastries/cereals ever again. I am following a ketogenic diet and love it.
    >No sugar
    >Some fruit
    Choose one

  • memubo99
    memubo99 Posts: 58 Member
    Our bodies do not need sugar at all. In fact our body is able to produce glucose from protein molecules! It is a biochemical synthesis pathway.
    Energy is way better now than it was with sugar,
    I have to add though that I am carbohydrate sensitive and sugar causes an over production of insulin in my body folloowed by a sharp decline in glucose leading to hypoglycaemia.

    I could never have envisaged a life without sugar, and it has been a struggle for a while but at the moment feel so much better that I hope never to touch it again.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    Many moons ago when Atkins was all the rage, I did that (no more than 15 g carbs a day). I lost weight quickly but it was so not worth it. I was not pleasant to live with. The weight came back super, super fast when I stopped doing it, much quicker than with a "normal" diet. For me life is way too short to give up carbs.
  • NikAtNight82
    NikAtNight82 Posts: 55 Member
    I followed Atkins several years ago and successfully lost 50+ lbs and felt great doing it. The problem for me was long term sustainability as some have mentioned. I still make higher protein and lower simple carbohydrate choices opting instead for whole grains. But I know that never eating yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit all generally no no's on Atkins induction isn't a way I want to live. But for those living la vida low carb. More power to you, it's better than choosing to do nothing at all.

    I still regularly nosh on awesome recipes from those days. I prefer Puréed Fauxtatoes to real mashers and have the best recipe for Mock fried rice. Mmmmm. Cauliflower.

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    must kind suck when you are the smelly kid at the birthday party.

    cake is awesome.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Eating no carbs and no sugar, or even extremely low carbs, is a great way to set yourself up for a rude and frustrating awakening once you are done losing the weight. It will be so easy to put it all back on as quickly or quicker than you lost it and your metabolism won't be a happy camper.

    A better idea would be to cut out processed sugars and refined carbs only (white flour, white rice, anything packaged that is made with added sugar like candy, soda, cookies... which are all things that you would have to cut out if going "no-carb" anyway). I think you should start there first and see how that works.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Tried it and hate it. Life is not worth living without carbs
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    7 Lbs lost first week in water as you pee a lot and have insatiable thirst and by day 4 i was on a natural high from chemicals released in the body and was sleeping better than for years and waking fully refreshed - even noticed some other health benefits.

    carb refeed every week after first 2 weeks and in daily life tthere s enough energy bar training which i ve adjusted to drop a set or two on certain body parts to keep the weights high.

    I d say its very easy to stick to as i eat the same every day and know one step towards an unnecessary carb and i ve blown all the hard work and effort, which is a powerful barrier to doing so and one i wont cross.

    When the weights off it should be easy to introduce carbs slowly and keep a check on weight and find maintenance or bulk relatively cleanly which also appeals to me.

    keep it simple as who wants to spend a day watching macros and calculating calories and fitting the odd treat in and obsessing on food !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Oh yeah baby thats me! Hiya. Ive just joined up to MFP & looking for MFP friends also doing a zero carb zero sugar diet. I myself am on a high fat zero carb diet commonly known as a ketogenic diet. I think ive just perfected my high fat zero sugar zero dairy icecream & gonna try it out tonight cant wait!

    Dont worry about those who tell you its dangerous- they just cant break their carb addiction. its a very healthy natural way to live
    if you have weight to lose. I wouldnt recommend zero carb to someone who was very lean unless they suffered from a mental illness, had cancer or some other degenerative disease. Remember though the best macro ratio for low carb is high fat ( around 65% or more) MODERATE protein ( round 10 - 15%) & low to zero carbs (5% or less). The good fat is profoundly important in this approach. Your body needs fuel & if its not getting glucose it needs ketones.
    Very happy to share all I know!
  • I did. I lost a lot of weight in the first few weeks. 15 lbs to be exact. You gain it all back once you eat carbs again.
  • no, and no
  • I avoid flour, sugar and I am vegetarian^^
    Is pretty awesome.
  • Hi I so agree! The natural high once one's body is running on ketones rather than glucose is profound. Not to mention the improvement in mood, allergies, skin conditions, it goes on and on. More and more people are getting switched on to this kind of food approach. It may not be neccesary to live a glucose free life forever & ever amen, but for those of us with weight to lose it makes absolutely no sense to continue to eat high energy food when there is an abundance of energy hanging off our waist just waiting to be utilised!
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I am diabetic and have found a low carb, low sugar diet exceptionally good for me. Not only am I loosing weight but I have also noticed the health benefits. I have so much more energy, I don't get a bloated stomach after eating, my skin is clearer and glowing and I just feel so much better. It is hard as I think I was a bit of a carb junkie before and I do fall off the wagon occasionally, but when I do I know about it, as I feel like someone has sucked the energy from me the bloating returns and I feel awful. So thats a good reason to stick with it. I don't eat any potatoes and try to keep root veg to a minimum. I rarely eat pasta and then only whole wheat. I don't eat rice and I rarely eat bread and when I do its multi grain. It definately works for me, and it helps my blood glucose levels so for me it's a life style change not really a diet.
  • memubo99
    memubo99 Posts: 58 Member
    I won't be re-introducing carbs since my body can't cope with them. Why on earth would I eat carbs when they make me feel so awful and affect my insulin so much. I am still trying to loose a few more pounds but thats it then, I will increase my food to halt weight loss but it won't include carbs.

    Granted this way of living is not for everyone. Its whatever suits each one of us.