Anyone with PCOS ?



  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    Hi I have PCOS I was diagnosised back in 2007 but I recently decided that I need to crack down and really get everything undercontrol. I tried to get pregnant after I was diagnosised and after two years no weight loss and no pregnancy I gave up but now I have a great doctor and she is great she explained everything and the importance of losing weight. My previous doctor never really took the time. So I am still kinda new since I just got informed. But I would love to have friends and some people who know what I am going through. I did find out about a diet that from everyone I have talked to about it has helped them lose weight and concieve. Its called the low amylose diet. Its like the atkins but not completely. It focuses on no sugars pastas oats. Only fruits above ground veggies and protein. I am starting saturday if anyone else wants to start with me. We can support each other.
  • dunge0n
    dunge0n Posts: 29 Member
    I got pregnant with my first child no problem. I am trying again and my periods got irregular as soon as I stopped taking the bc pill. Doc suspects I have PCOS but it's not definitive. I am however, pre-diabetic and insulin resistance is causing me to not lose weight and she suspects it is what is causing the whole mess with the periods. She is putting me on metformin and I am just scared. :(
  • dunge0n
    dunge0n Posts: 29 Member
    Biggest challenge is definitely the weight. I used to have blood sugar issues, but my sugars and my cycles have both self-regulated with heavily increased exercise.

    How much do you exercise?
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    My biggest PCOS issues are losing weight, depression, low energy and regulating my period. I was amazed at how much improving my diet and exercising regularly helped me with all of these issues.
  • demelzanoo
    demelzanoo Posts: 14 Member
    yep, rubbish overies here too! they suck, they make my face hairy and my *kitten* fat.... but im not going to use it as an excuse any more xxxxxx
  • slimmeremily
    Hello! I have PCOS too - I was diagnosed when I was 16 after my body went haywire. I've been on the pill for several years which keeps the symptoms at bay and keeps everything ticking over. Although my BF and I have talked about having children in the next few years and I'm scared I'll have problems.

    It would be great to get to know some other PCOS ladies on here!
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, my name is Lisa, and I have PCOS. ;) It's a pain. I suffer mostly from the weight and acne side effects. I have never managed it with medicine though. I am determined to lose the weight this time.
  • ktackett86
    ktackett86 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed last year. After a bunch of medication and different doctors telling me different things I decided to do it alone. It is very confusing to me. The whole thing. What to eat..what not to eat. Anyone have any advice? Weight loss is extremely difficult I have noticed as well.
  • aschallenge33
    Hiya! I also have PCOS! It's kicked my butt for YEARS trying to lose weight, I've been over 200 lbs for most of my 20's and now 30's. I turned 33 this year and decided to do a Challenge 33 where I would lose 33 pounds, do at least 33 min of exercise 3 times a week and I've already lost a total of 26 lbs! I've just been watching sugar and carbsbecause of what they do to the insulin/polycystic and now doing Zumba and weightlifting...I'd love to talk more with you! Angie, Minnesota
  • quiann
    quiann Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but have suffered from it's side effects for years and the doctors that I've seen are either blind or stupid not to have been able to identify this issue. My period became irregular at the age of 15 and for the last 16 years, I've had cases where I didn't see a period for 3 years straight!! I would not have a period unless I was on BC and my weight has been a challenge and I'm beginning to give up on ever being able to lose the weight. I thought I'd never have a child, but in 2010, I lost about 10 pounds and got pregnant with my son. That was surely a blessing and a surprise! But now I want to start working on another child. I stopped my BC...but my weight is very challenging to keep off. I have tried everything. When I get on a good workout and eating schedule, I go through something mental that places me right back where I started...10lb heavier. I eat salads, nuts, fruit, drink water all day long, cut down on caffeine and drinking caffeine free tea instead. I do moderate exercise 3 days a week. I tried Insanity and sustained massive shin splints and a hamstring injury that is just now getting better. The only problem I have is consistency. I'm a graduate student and a mommy. My hubby works all the time, so working out, homework and anything else I have to do has to be done in the limited amount of time I have when the hubby is home with our son. I stopped taking my BC and will probably have to start up again because my face broke out as if I had chicken pox. I definitely need the support of the group.
  • onefeistymama
  • tinisha1991
    tinisha1991 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies... I'm just looking for some advise really.

    I have PCOS diagnosed when I as 19 and now am currently 21/22. I was recommended to start on the pill Yaz and dropped a tone of weight while I was on it.

    I was changed to the pill yazmin due to break through bleeding and not being able to skip my white pills while being on Yaz. When I was on Yazmin I had been slowly gaining weight (10kg mark) and so I was concerned with this and asked my gynae to put me back onto yaz. She put me back onto yaz flex (the $40 a MONTH pill) & I now go two months WITH a period and one month without, bloating etc. and this is while being on yaz flex, has anyone else experienced this with changing down pills? I've been on yaz flex for nearly six months now and no progress.

    Needless to say I'm going to try and deal with the Yazmin again, but I'm just looking to see if anyone has experienced this also?

    Any help will be amazing, I just don't know how to manage this all!
  • SaraEBurns
    SaraEBurns Posts: 14 Member
    I also have PCOS. The first birth control pill I ever took was Yasmin. I was on it for around 3-4 years and I LOVED it! However, when all of these commercials started coming out about how it's harming people, I switched. I then spent 5 years bouncing around to different birth control pills and never found one I liked as much. (I took Reclipsen, NuvaRing, Yaz, and another that I don't even remember the name to).

    However, Yasmin and Yaz really are the BEST for PCOS so I switched back to Yasmin. Doc says no need to be concerned. Just keep in mind- you do need to be on it for a few months steadily before you will really see what it will do for you. Most women with PCOS lose weight on Yasmin, so maybe it wasn't the BCP making you gain.
  • SaraEBurns
    SaraEBurns Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry to hear about your struggles, Quiann! I'm right there with you. Although I've yet to conceive. Doc says I need to lose at least 50 lbs before trying :(. I feel like I'll never get there and my hubby is so ready! Message me any time! Even if you just need to know there's someone else out there who shares your struggle. Having PCOS sucks!
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    HI! i have pcos and have known since i was about 17. I have these symptoms, major weight gain, hair falling out, joint pains, missed periods(sometimes 6 months without one), acne, ovary pain, and major anxiety and depression. feel free to add me. i have controlled mine well since November 2012 with the paleo diet. feel free to add me
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    also, i use natural treatments and no birth control pills. i do not feel like they are the answer for me.
  • jamiward3
    jamiward3 Posts: 1
    I too have PCOS... diagnosed Sept 2011, my husband and I have been TTC our 2nd child for 2 years with no avail. I have very very irregular cycles, major weight gain, cramping, mood swings, and lack of drive.motivation. I tried Metformin and had awful side effects, now I am doing a more natural approach with an essence oil with natural progesterone and just signed up for MFP to try and lose weight to get pregnant. I am looking for all the support I can get! PCOS SUCKS! Add me and we can support each other!
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I have PCOS, diagnosed 12+ years ago. Went on an off having a period, no period and on and off different BC for a few years. After getting married in 2001 I never went back on BC because of wanting to start a family. In 2011, after having my daughter, I started taking Kavira BC pill, but I never got a period with it, so my OB switched me to Yaz (Ocella) and it's been working perfectly every 28-30 days every month since 9/2012. I have all of the symptoms/side effects of PCOS - thinning, hair, weight gain, acne (now very mild due to diet changes), facial hair that I have had lasered and use Vaniqa prescription cream twice daily as well as major anxiety and depression.
  • kat5fish
    kat5fish Posts: 2

    I was diagnosed with pcos about 6 years ago. I manage to gain weight very easily and it's very hard to loose it.

    I did a diet called Alizonne 2 years ago which was no carbs and it worked brilliantly (12 stone in a year) I didn't keep hip the after care and went through some stuff and the weight has steadily gone back on.

    I now know that low carb does work but I struggle to stick to it.

    I'm looking for a slightly more liveable ( is that a word?) way to loose the weight.

    I turn 30 in October and will be picking up my wedding dress then (getting married in February)..... I would love to test the dress lady's theory that they can make the dress fit me no matter how much I loose. I would also love to get my energy back (I just constantly feel tired at this weight and know that's not the case at a lower weight). My other mini goals include

    Fitting back into my size 22 jeans (still huge but a goal none the less)
    Kneeling down easier
    Wearing high heels for longer than an hour (by Christmas)
    Painting my toe nails without having to be a contortionist

    Any who........ God luck to you all