Eating after midnight - next day?



  • FoldsFive
    FoldsFive Posts: 18
    I was told never to eat after midnight.

    Mind you, I am a Mogwai.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Thank you for your advice everyone. I'm too weak to lift weights. I've actually tried on numerous occasions but I think I might not have the will power to try harder. My workout sessions are cardio based.
    and 47kg for your height is perfectly healthy. if you want to try and look better or feel better try lifting, and eat more.

    I know darling but I just can't go on looking pregnant :( If you look at my diary, I've gone over my daily limit of 1000 calories more often than not. However during the last few days my motivation has gone up somehow and I'm now ready to lose my flab.

    1 lb/week is much too agressive with so little to lose. I suggest a goal to lose no more than 0.5lbs/week and eat back the cals burned from exercise. I would also suggest if you are not happy with your BF%, to increase your protein intake and take up a heavy lifting strength training routine. (check out the books New Rules of Lifting for Women, and Starting Strength)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    500 calorie deficit is for a 2lb a week loss, at your weight you really should be aiming for a much lower loss, if any at all.
    I think you should be aiming at the body re-comp rather than weight loss, which could even mean eating a surplus to build muscle.

    no 500 cal/day is 1 lb/week, 1000 cals/day is 2 lbs/week, that said, both are too aggressive for the OP anyway
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Thank you for your advice everyone. I waited until after midnight but now the craving has gone. Tomorrow's another day :)

    Oh and for those asking why I'm on 1000 calories, I weigh 47kg and I'm 5'2. Now I know you must be thinking that's not overweight. The problem with my body is that almost 80% of my body fat is around the stomach area. I'm always bloated and I look heavily pregnant. I workout at the gym for an hour everyday losing just over 350 calories according to MFP.

    My BMR is 1280 and if I eat over 1000 calories, then I won't be able to create a 500 calorie deficit that's recommended for weight loss.

    1. A 500-calorie-per day deficit would have you losing a pound per week. You only weigh 103 lbs as it is. Why on God's green Earth are you trying to lose a pound per week? Maybe the reason you look bloated is because you are as malnourished as those African kids on all the sad TV commercials.

    2. I know a girl who is your height and only weighs about 10 lbs more than you. She maintains her weight on TWICE as many calories as you're eating. Try harder.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Thank you for your advice everyone. I waited until after midnight but now the craving has gone. Tomorrow's another day :)

    Oh and for those asking why I'm on 1000 calories, I weigh 47kg and I'm 5'2. Now I know you must be thinking that's not overweight. The problem with my body is that almost 80% of my body fat is around the stomach area. I'm always bloated and I look heavily pregnant. I workout at the gym for an hour everyday losing just over 350 calories according to MFP.

    My BMR is 1280 and if I eat over 1000 calories, then I won't be able to create a 500 calorie deficit that's recommended for weight loss.

    I have had a look at you diary and you actually eat well over 1000 calories on some days. up to 1700 I saw last week.

    Stop attention seeking its pathetic.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    5'2" and 104 pounds?
    i am 5'3" and 115. I have started the 30 day AB challenge to tone the stomach flab instead of trying to lose any more weight.
    What does your doctor recommend for you to weigh?

    And like many other PP's said. If you are hungry, you body probably is telling you something.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Thank you for your advice everyone. I waited until after midnight but now the craving has gone. Tomorrow's another day :)

    Oh and for those asking why I'm on 1000 calories, I weigh 47kg and I'm 5'2. Now I know you must be thinking that's not overweight. The problem with my body is that almost 80% of my body fat is around the stomach area. I'm always bloated and I look heavily pregnant. I workout at the gym for an hour everyday losing just over 350 calories according to MFP.

    My BMR is 1280 and if I eat over 1000 calories, then I won't be able to create a 500 calorie deficit that's recommended for weight loss.

    I have had a look at you diary and you actually eat well over 1000 calories on some days. up to 1700 I saw last week.

    Stop attention seeking its pathetic.

  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    My BMR is 1280 and if I eat over 1000 calories, then I won't be able to create a 500 calorie deficit that's recommended for weight loss.

    If you're BMR is 1280, you shouldn't be eating less than 1280. Plain and simple! 500 calories isn't required for weight loss. I'm on about a 250 deficit right now and I'm losing just fine. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Please eat more, it's no wonder you're so hungry.

    Anyway, as for your original question, I consider a "day" to be any time from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. I often go to bed late and eat after midnight. It's a personal preference thing though.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
  • rmendezjr
    rmendezjr Posts: 4
    After midnight is the next day.
  • proudandprejudiced
    If it were me I'd stick my finger down my throat so I could eat two packages of crackers before midnight.

    This comment sickened me. I cannot express my disgust at saying this, even as a joke. Eating disorders can be triggered even by (ridiculous) comments such as these.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you sound as though you have an issue with your adrenal glands --> body is producing more than the normal amount of the stress hormone cortisol...


    Internet doctor will diagnose you over the internet with no actual examination or medical training!
  • carmenb39
    carmenb39 Posts: 5
    Good for you for choosing to be vegan, it's a difficult lifestyle to follow and takes discipline. Because you eat a vegan diet, it's likely that you're not consuming enough vitamins to nourish normal metabolism from food alone. This will result in a form of malnutrition that may cause your belly to become distended and is not necessarily because of fat accumulation (ex. enlarged liver).

    Do you take daily vitamins? If not, make it a priority to start a vitamin regimen ASAP. If you do already, you may need to switch to a more vegan-appropriate vitamin or vitamin cocktail. Consult a physician or dietician for help if the vitamin selection becomes overwhelming. Try this for a few weeks and see if that does anything to your belly!
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I just ate nearly 700 calories before i even got to work...
  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    At 47kg you're already underweight as it is. See your doctor about managing your IBS symptoms and eat more. 1000kcal is not nearly enough for any adult, short or not. Your profile says you hope to be 40kg or less which is seriously underweight.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    If you're 'too weak to lift weights' you just need to start by lifting smaller weights. Truly. And don't say 'I can't even do press ups'; I've been doing strength work for several months now and I still do pressups on the third stair of my staircase. They're hard. Look at counter pressups or even wall pressups to start. You can start with bodyweight workouts, squats without additional weight, things like that. Don't worry if you can only do a couple. Just make a note of what you do, and then, a couple of days later, try to do a little bit more.

    Also, please make sure you're not comparing yourself to anyone who's been Photoshopped.

    Finally, if you're vegan, fruit and nuts make much better snacks than crisps, as do high-fat fruit and veg like olives and avocados.
  • nee90
    nee90 Posts: 33 Member
    Hungry kids in Africa also seem to have fat stomach ...
    BUT THIS IS NOT FAT! It is caused exactly from not having all the vitamines they need!

    Your goal is to go under 40kg?????
    What are you thinking girl?
    This is not normal...
    Nobody should wheigh that little unless you are 13 years old!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    OP you may want to talk to someone, it appears you are showing signs of body dysmorphic disorder. Google it if you are not sure what that is.
  • dltaylorii
    dltaylorii Posts: 132
    Pretty sure that eating after midnight makes you go into a cocoon and turn into a gremlin.
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    I've never in my time on here written anything that was not completely supportive, but I thi8nk you need a wake up call. All of the posters on here who have been very kindly giving you advice on how to recondition your body, which is what you need, are apparently wasting their breath. You have had an excuse for every suggestion as to why you can't do it.

    Read these posts carefully - they're right. You're already underweight and your body fat is under where it should be. If you have that much body fat around your middle, then there is most likely something very wrong with the way that you are eating. Doing cardio and eating crisps after midnight are not going to help you lose your stomach. Take the advice of these very well-meaning (and sometimes very educated) posters and get a medical opionion first and foremost. THEN start eating more protein and fiber, find the right combination of vitamins and minerals to supplement your vegan diet, increase your caloric intake, and start strength training. Strength training is TOUGH... I know because I just started it. I can't do pushups either, and most of my weightlifting routine is done with 5-10 lb. weights. But every day that you life you build muscle which makes it easier and gets you lifting heavier.

    But you can't build muscle eating at such a calorie deficit! you need to eat AT LEAST your BMR or your body can't function normally, let alone lose any fat that you may or may not have.

    Take the advice given, and stop coming up with excuses or deciding that you know everything when it's painfully evident that you don't.