Slightly negative comments



  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Ya know I just gotta say... I see these comments very frequently here on MFP - about people receiving snarky comments about what they're eating at home or at work...

    I work in an office, I've lost 50'ish pounds, and I've NEVER heard a comment like that. For one thing, people probably know me well enough to assume that I'd tell them to take their opinion and shove it up their you-know-what if they said something like that to me, but I also think that in my environment - a relatively all-male engineering/construction corporation - people just don't give a crap.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I actually don't mind eating in front of people, because they are worried that I must not be eating. So its nice to show them that yes, I do eat, and I eat real food, not gimmicky "diet" stuff. Several people at work noticed my weight loss and actually came over to look at my "big salad" that I eat everyday and I wrote out my daily menu for them to follow. I do get tired of the "have you lost more weight" comments or the "you don't need to lose any more weight" (or even asking what I weigh), but I don't need them to tell me. This is my journey.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Sure. There are always going to be stupid, rude, and unsupportive people in the world. You can't ever change * them*, all you can do is learn to change his * you* react.

    So someone made a nasty remark about your food? Don't engage, shrug, smile and say " thank you! " and go back to your meal. Next time get colder ''stop remarking about my food"

    Waved a candy bar in your face? In your coldest voice say ''get that away from me now'' and walk away.

    Don't talk about your diet and don't try to defend your food choices. Just seriously don't engage. Repeat after me: it's none of their business
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    As long as you're not eating gross stuff that isn't actually helping you and they aren't trying to help you just own it. Ignore them and just keep eating away. Everyone is going to have an opinion, and people make comments about food to everyone in some off hand way. I doubt they are doing it because they are jealous or they want to derail you, they're probably just making conversation or honestly think that you would like what they are suggesting better. I don't get upset when I'm eating something and someone near by makes a comment. Usually it comes from the fact that they don't like what I'm eating personally and they are suggesting something they found that they like better. You shouldn't let your feathers get ruffled and if they do get really annoying about it tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    The one person who made comments about what I was eating kept talking about how she'd cut everything white out of her diet and had lost 15 pounds. She's quite competitive...poor woman, she only had 15 pounds to lose...I've now lost 34 and my goal is to lose 120. It's the one contest she can't win LOL!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    They might be genuinely trying to give advice in a helpful way. Sometimes people mean well but don't communicate well. Or they might just be haters. Life is full of them, and the silly saying is true: Haters gonna hate! If you are having success, just keep on doing what you're doing. I know that its not encouraging but negative people will only slow you down.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I used to get laughed at by my fellow co-workers when I would order a chicken breast for breakfast every morning. It was not on our cafe menu, but the chef would always make it for me if I asked. Or when I would complain that they offered no healthy snack options what so ever ....Fast forward 3 months, NOW, they are cooking up about a dozen chicken breasts every morning, and are selling protein shakes in the cold case, and offering healthy "snack paks" for breaks .....and they serve fish or chicken breast based meals for lunch 3 days a week ...

    Now that is called WINNING !!! Stick to your lifestyle, and don't ever let the nay-sayers sway you from that. I am only 1 person, and I made a difference in a shop of 3000 people ....just by sticking to my lifestyle, and recommending it up for others ..
  • suzend
    suzend Posts: 155 Member
    Stop worrying about what other people think or say. Let your shrinking waist do the talking for you.

    I totally agree....let them wonder! Everyone always thinks they know what should work for everyone else. What works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for the other!

    Just because we're trying to be healthier and get weight off or maintain, doesn't mean we can't have anything we want within reason!

  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    I was having a chat with my partner about this the other day. I think sometimes people are unaware that their comments are perceived as negative and perhaps think that they're being supportive or encouraging.

    I've found that as soon as people know that you're on a diet, they feel they can pass comment on everything you eat, not always cruelly. I've heard 'should you really be eating that?' a few times and it does annoy me, I get very defensive about it.

    But I do think friends and family that pass comment like that never truly mean it as a negative thing to say, I try and see that they're being supportive :ohwell:
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    This is why I don't even bring up my "diet"/way of eating. People are dumb and make dumb comments and do dumb things. Plus, most people seem to have this all-or-nothing BS attitude about other people trying to lose weight. You could eat perfect for a solid month, then decide to indulge in a cookie or two. Then you'll get the "falling off the wagon, huh?" comments. They just don't get it. So, I say screw em and ignore em.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    What I find frustrating are the contradictory comments from people.

    One day, you can be eating your planned bag lunch while everyone else is ordering chinese takeout, and you hear the comments like "you gotta live a little ... " "one meal wont kill you" "dont you go crazy eating like that" .. etc ..

    Yet on another day, you've planned and made room to go get that cheeseburger you;ve been craving, and you get an entirely different response form the exact same people ... "thought you were on a diet, kid ... " "you're blowing all your work..." etc ..

    It's bizarre.

    ETA: Yeah. What atb said ..
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I was only asked if I was turning vegetarian. The place where I have lunch mostly has fried meat and fat pork and I was just avoiding those.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Totally. Even though I'M okay with my choices, I'll find myself sneaking it past my parents. I had a taste for a coke the other day and seriously felt the need to hide it from them when I brought it in. It is pretty silly when you think about it.

    It is silly. I know I make good choices but occasionally I'll have something like the coke you mentioned and these foods have a stigma associated with them. I know I used to judge people that ate these foods so perhaps that's why I feel guilty for eating them myself. I just need to get over it and know that I'm healthy most of the time.

    funny thing I have noticed is that thin or fit people that eat those things don't get judged as much 0.o