Any low carbers/Atkins people here..



  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member

    The Web MD article starts with "...More research needs to be done". The other links look like vegetarian propaganda :)

    Including the Mayo clinic site?
    "Vegetarian propaganda"....and you're basing THIS on what?

    The links you posted. And the fact your recommended foods listed above do not contain meat. It read like a shopping list for a Southern California liberal vegetarian :wink:

    The Mayo link lost me at "Meatless meals: The benefits of eating less meat". Blasphemy for a keto'r.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    All I did was give my advice about what I have found based on my own research and experience to be a healthy way to live...but I seem to have made people angry and defensive..don't know why..

    I don't think you've angered anyone, but the OP didn't ask for your advice. She asked about logging carbs :smile:
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member

    The Web MD article starts with "...More research needs to be done". The other links look like vegetarian propaganda :)

    Including the Mayo clinic site?
    "Vegetarian propaganda"....and you're basing THIS on what?

    The links you posted. And the fact your recommended foods listed above do not contain meat. It read like a shopping list for a Southern California liberal vegetarian :wink:

    The Mayo link lost me at "Meatless meals: The benefits of eating less meat". Blasphemy for a keto'r.

    Totally correct except I'm in Northern California... ;)
    And off topic of course but what is wrong with that ? :)
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. If it works for you then peace, love and bean sprouts.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Same to you...thanks ;)
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    I think its best to stay on topic if possible as different diets and advice can confuse posters and even demotivate. It's better to try and answer the question asked so as to help rather than hinder. My opinion of course :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    The Web MD article starts with "...More research needs to be done". The other links look like vegetarian propaganda :)

    Including the Mayo clinic site?
    "Vegetarian propaganda"....and you're basing THIS on what?

    All I did was give my advice about what I have found based on my own research and experience to be a healthy way to live...but I seem to have made people angry and defensive..don't know why..

    The OP asked about carb counts and deducting fiber......

    Your first post mentioned about ketosis being unhealthy as well as the Atkins plan being unhealthy.........FALSE and FALSE. It is rude to speak on a subject that you know nothing about and that is exactly what you did. If you have never read any of Dr Atkins books, done the plan, etc - it is not a subject your are knowledgeable about, therefore why come in saying it is unhealthy, just to have something to say and spread the "vegetarian gospel"???

    There is nothing wrong with eating meats when included in a whole foods approach. That is what Atkins is designed to be. Don't let the media fool you, which it sounds like it already has.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member

    The Web MD article starts with "...More research needs to be done". The other links look like vegetarian propaganda :)

    Including the Mayo clinic site?
    "Vegetarian propaganda"....and you're basing THIS on what?

    All I did was give my advice about what I have found based on my own research and experience to be a healthy way to live...but I seem to have made people angry and defensive..don't know why..

    The OP asked about carb counts and deducting fiber......

    Your first post mentioned about ketosis being unhealthy as well as the Atkins plan being unhealthy.........FALSE and FALSE. It is rude to speak on a subject that you know nothing about and that is exactly what you did. If you have never read any of Dr Atkins books, done the plan, etc - it is not a subject your are knowledgeable about, therefore why come in saying it is unhealthy, just to have something to say and spread the "vegetarian gospel"???

    There is nothing wrong with eating meats when included in a whole foods approach. That is what Atkins is designed to be. Don't let the media fool you, which it sounds like it already has.

    Actually I DID do the plan years ago. Why do you presume I don't have knowledge on it? It was bad for my body. I am sorry about being off topic so we should not discuss this any longer on here but since you continued on the topic I will respond.
    If you re read my posts I said PRIMARILY Plant based diets are most healthy and did not even mention meat. I am not being rude....if anything you are. People can eat meat and dairy if they want...I don't care..what is the vegtarian gospel?? 97 to 99% of people in this country eat meat...I am hardly the lemming in the crowd ;)
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I am on my first week of Atkins. I have been at a standstill on the weight loss, in fact, have gained. So I am giving Atkins/low carb a shot.
    I have a couple of questions if anyone can help me...
    I tried using the Atkins app for logging food and even their website but I found it extremely difficult to use, especially in regards to adjusting portion sizes, etc. so I am logging on here. My first question is, do I subtract the fiber from my carbs to come up with my net carbs or am I to be just going on the carb number on this site. From my understanding, I thought it is just net carbs I need to worry about on Atkins which would be subtracting the fiber grams from the carbs. I want to be sure I am staying in my 20-25 gram range.

    Also, did anyone use the lipolysis strips. I would have thought mine would have turned by now (5th day), but maybe it takes longer?? There is a slight pink color but no where near the deep purple.

    I have not weighed myself yet so don't know if I am losing or not...

    Yes, net carbs. I usually have to enter my own food as you'll find very few net carb foods in the database.

    The keto sticks aren't reliable. If you're eating under 25g net carbs and getting your fat/protein you probably are. You'll know for sure when you get the keto flu :)

    What is the keto flu??
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Why do you want to do Atkins? It's a very unhealthy unbalanced diet for the most part. Why not just eat really well with lots of fruit, veggies, whole grains like quinoa, millet and brown rice and nuts, lentils and beans and healthy proteins? The Atkins diet can be hard on the organs...think about it..your body goes into ketosis!
    I am not trying to be forceful at all...but I sometimes wonder why many folks are looking for a magic diet which is impossible to sustain longterm when the body is healthiest for the most part on a primarily plant based way of eating for life.

    Because I was eating the way you described and have been gaining weight... I just need a jump start. I am not looking for a magic diet. I have been stuck for months and need some motivation. But thank you for your input.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Because I was eating the way you described and have been gaining weight... I just need a jump start. I am not looking for a magic diet. I have been stuck for months and need some motivation. But thank you for your input.

    For what it's worth -- I counted net carbs (carbs-fiber), though I ate no sugar and ended up with net carbs in the ~15 range, so total carbs were still around 25.

    I didn't feel any need to bump carbs up after the fact. I still am around there, and eat around 70% fat most days.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I deduct my fibre from my carbs to get net carbs and about once a week I will use a strip to test for ketones. I can stay in ketosis eating up to about 50 net grams /day. Not everyone needs to eat 20-25 g per day :).
  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    If all you want to do is bash the Atkins style, then why even respond and stir up a hornets nest? OP obviously is looking for support from Atkins users...not unsolicited advice on whether or not it is "right".....if you don't like it, don't respond and move on..thanks, have a great day!
  • Jennms85
    Jennms85 Posts: 49 Member
    I did the Atkins after having my son 6 yrs ago. Lost 30+lbs very quickly (about 6 months). Found myself too thin and started eating carbs back to gain. Problem I found was once I started eating them again...the more I wanted them and put 15-20 lbs back on. My advice would be to make sure this is a diet you know you will stick to or the weight will creep back up. If you can stick to it then i found it to be a great diet. i just love pasta and potatoes too much! South beach is also a good diet which teaches you which carbs to introduce back, worth looking into when you get to where you want to be. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • kabdu108
    kabdu108 Posts: 14 Member
    Atkins worked at one point in my life but didn't work again when I tried later on. I had to go fully ketogenic to lose the weight. However, once lost, I have been able to maintain (with small fluctuations) on a regular moderate-high carb diet here in Korea - they eat 75-80% carbs (from what I've observed).

    I have moved my lifestyle to keto eating. I am of northern European descent, coming from a long line of proud carnivores. Before I gave up wheat and grain-based carbs I suffered from IBS, Allergies, Acid Reflux, Joint Pain, and myriad of other symptomatic effects. I was not an adherent of the "Gluten Free" or other wildfire concepts that are current. However, after going through the induction, the flu, and 6 weeks later, I have lost inches, substantive pounds, and feel better than I have in 30 years. I am now exercising daily for pleasure, loving my morning coffee with lots of cream and reveling in my health. Losing the cravings for sugar, carbs, bread, etc. has been great, and like the man above who now maintains with carbs - , I may be able to add more vegie carbs into my diet soon, but I'm not going back to wheat.
  • carriespence1
    carriespence1 Posts: 70 Member
    The keto flu is something you usually get the first week of any low Carb diet and it lasts a couple of days. It includes being tired ( really tired) grumpy, low blood pressure and headaches. I've heard that upping your salt intake really helps or eating avocados,kale,spinach . After a couple days you feel better than ever, no more cravings and ready to go. I've heard from 2 docs that its caused by low potassium or processed food detox. All those processed foods and starchy carbs are loaded in salt.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    I indulge in plenty of sodium and potassium on a keto-style diet. I personally figure that the 'keto flu' is due to a lag time for your body to switch from a glucose-based metabolism to a ketone-based metabolism.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I think Atkin's calls it “induction flu”. Some people go through it while the body is adapting to burning ketones instead of glucose. You may suffer from headaches, nausea, upset stomach, brain fog and fatigue. I also had a slight sore throat, not sure if it was from keto or just a coincidence. Drinking a ton of water and warm beef broth (not low sodium) helped me through it.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Atkins worked at one point in my life but didn't work again when I tried later on. I had to go fully ketogenic to lose the weight. However, once lost, I have been able to maintain (with small fluctuations) on a regular moderate-high carb diet here in Korea - they eat 75-80% carbs (from what I've observed).

    I have moved my lifestyle to keto eating. I am of northern European descent, coming from a long line of proud carnivores. Before I gave up wheat and grain-based carbs I suffered from IBS, Allergies, Acid Reflux, Joint Pain, and myriad of other symptomatic effects. I was not an adherent of the "Gluten Free" or other wildfire concepts that are current. However, after going through the induction, the flu, and 6 weeks later, I have lost inches, substantive pounds, and feel better than I have in 30 years. I am now exercising daily for pleasure, loving my morning coffee with lots of cream and reveling in my health. Losing the cravings for sugar, carbs, bread, etc. has been great, and like the man above who now maintains with carbs - , I may be able to add more vegie carbs into my diet soon, but I'm not going back to wheat.

    Ditto. I have never felt better. I am eating a little more that 25g net carbs lately, and remaining in ketosis. Darn these fresh blueberries and strawberries! :)
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Why do you want to do Atkins? It's a very unhealthy unbalanced diet for the most part. Why not just eat really well with lots of fruit, veggies, whole grains like quinoa, millet and brown rice and nuts, lentils and beans and healthy proteins? The Atkins diet can be hard on the organs...think about it..your body goes into ketosis!
    I am not trying to be forceful at all...but I sometimes wonder why many folks are looking for a magic diet which is impossible to sustain longterm when the body is healthiest for the most part on a primarily plant based way of eating for life.

    Because I was eating the way you described and have been gaining weight... I just need a jump start. I am not looking for a magic diet. I have been stuck for months and need some motivation. But thank you for your input.

    Oh I see..I understand...sorry if my comment hijacked your thread ...was genuinely trying to help..good luck :)