Take a Break: Beneficial?

So, i realize i have gotten a little bit too obssessed with weight loss recently and it's starting to get me down; i did really well and got halfway to my goal, but i've just had an awful couple of weeks with a break up, losing my flat, trouble at work, and unfortunately even though i have tried, i have failed and put on about 5lbs.

I lost the weight in the beginning in a very healthy week, but since everything kicked off i have been very naughty and found myself in a bit of a starve-binge cycle, which i have been in before and was quite difficult to break out of, and so don't really want to go there again. All i think about is food, when i'm going to eat, what i'm going to eat. Then i feel guilty if i eat, i'm hungry, i weigh myself every day and become miserable if i gain even .25 of a lb over night. I go to the gym four or five times a week, a mixture of strength and cardio, but mostly cardio. However, with everything that has been going on i've been lucky to hit the gym even once a week.

So, my plan is thus; to take a break, (sort of). Well, to relax a bit. I'm going to mentally count and track calories and exercise, but i'm not going to log. I'm going to up my daily calorie allowance, as it is quite low, and i will eat when i am hungry, and accept that i may but on a few pounds but not to freak out as it may be better in the long run. And i'm going to weigh myself once a week, instead of every day.

Has anybody else taken a break like this before? How did it affect your weightloss? Did you find that you went a bit mad and put on a few pounds? And if so, what did you do, did you carry on and hope your body would level out, or did you drop your calories again, or do more exercise? Or maybe you found that once you stopped caring so much and stopped messing your body around so much, you actually lost weight?

I'm not here to moan, that was purely so you would understand the context of this question, but i am curious to know if other people have taken a bit of a step back and what their results were, just so i can be prepared!

Thanks :)


  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I'm going to do this for the next few days. I'm going to log coffee and relax about it. My life is up-heaved -- family with serious illness (and a toddler with a minor one) dental work and more looming, work, etc. I'm freaking out and its not doing me any good to weigh myself and then beat myself up about it. I don't normally fret about 1 or 2 lbs in either direction, as long as the general trend is down, but lately? Not cool.

    So yeah, I'm going to eat more like maintenance calories for a few days and just not worry about it.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    So, i realize i have gotten a little bit too obssessed with weight loss recently and it's starting to get me down; i did really well and got halfway to my goal, but i've just had an awful couple of weeks with a break up, losing my flat, trouble at work, and unfortunately even though i have tried, i have failed and put on about 5lbs.

    I lost the weight in the beginning in a very healthy week, but since everything kicked off i have been very naughty and found myself in a bit of a starve-binge cycle, which i have been in before and was quite difficult to break out of, and so don't really want to go there again. All i think about is food, when i'm going to eat, what i'm going to eat. Then i feel guilty if i eat, i'm hungry, i weigh myself every day and become miserable if i gain even .25 of a lb over night. I go to the gym four or five times a week, a mixture of strength and cardio, but mostly cardio. However, with everything that has been going on i've been lucky to hit the gym even once a week.

    So, my plan is thus; to take a break, (sort of). Well, to relax a bit. I'm going to mentally count and track calories and exercise, but i'm not going to log. I'm going to up my daily calorie allowance, as it is quite low, and i will eat when i am hungry, and accept that i may but on a few pounds but not to freak out as it may be better in the long run. And i'm going to weigh myself once a week, instead of every day.

    Has anybody else taken a break like this before? How did it affect your weightloss? Did you find that you went a bit mad and put on a few pounds? And if so, what did you do, did you carry on and hope your body would level out, or did you drop your calories again, or do more exercise? Or maybe you found that once you stopped caring so much and stopped messing your body around so much, you actually lost weight?

    I'm not here to moan, that was purely so you would understand the context of this question, but i am curious to know if other people have taken a bit of a step back and what their results were, just so i can be prepared!

    Thanks :)

    THIS CAME AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME! I was just thinking the same. At the VERY least, a day or two to stop, relax, reassess. This is all so me...the obsessing about food, the guilt, the disgust when I overeat and misery of being hungry.
  • DannieGirrl
    At the VERY least, a day or two to stop, relax, reassess. This is all so me...the obsessing about food, the guilt, the disgust when I overeat and misery of being hungry.

    I struggle with this as well! As much as I love MFP, I find that it does make me obsessive. Sometimes I wonder what is worse. Being so obsessed with calories, counting and numbers. Or not logging and fearing I will fly off the handle and gain it all back. It's a mental struggle sometimes. Hang in there, you are not alone!
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member

    I struggle with this as well! As much as I love MFP, I find that it does make me obsessive. Sometimes I wonder what is worse. Being so obsessed with calories, counting and numbers. Or not logging and fearing I will fly off the handle and gain it all back. It's a mental struggle sometimes. Hang in there, you are not alone!

    :) Thanks. I wonder the same thing. I already have an obsessive streak, but I also have poor impulse control when it comes to food. Think I'm destined to be ten to fifteen overweight forever now. I lost ten or so last year...BUT I was still nursing at the time, so I think that helped mitigate my eating, even though I wasn't exercising nearly as much as I do now. It's just discouraging.