Silver Spring, Maryland area anyone?

I have just started changing my lifestyle eating. I have alot of weight to loose, but I am being positive this time, that I will lose it because I am not dieting, but changing my life.


  • thenoxus1
    thenoxus1 Posts: 56 Member
    Good luck with your transformation. I'm actually not far away up in Towson.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Well, I am north of you in Baltimore County.
  • revdbarker
    revdbarker Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there, not to far. ANy suggestions on keeping focus on this lifestyle change to loose weight? :smooched:
  • Barbsunshine
    Barbsunshine Posts: 398
    I grew up in Kensington! My mom in-law lives in Silver Spring :wink:
  • timeforme2014
    timeforme2014 Posts: 22 Member
    MoCo here!
  • DC_Socialite
    DC_Socialite Posts: 11 Member
    Im in Hyatsville by PG Plaza mall. Im hear to eat right, work out, be strong and DIG DEEPER!!! If anyone eants to try to workout together, walking, running, Insanity, Boot Camp, whatever. Im down!
  • DC_Socialite
    DC_Socialite Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you revdbarker! My advice, keep focusing on your goals not the number. Being healthy is a commitment we make every day through actions. Make small changes in your eating, like cutting out soda or saying goodbye to your fav fast food place. Also, I recommend some type of workout. Walking is great for weight loss and gentle on the body. There are a million free excersise apps with guided demos. Or just buy a dvd or check out your cables on demand fitness. I recomend that you schedule time to workout each day and you honor that commitiment no matter what. Fidn a friend to hold you accountable or use this forum to document your progress. Remeber the journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step! YOU ARE AWESOME, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    Awesome attitude to have for the new year! Used to live in Germantown miss that area. Best of luck in your goals. :)
  • einsteins2013
    einsteins2013 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in Howard County just a hop skip and jump from Silver Spring.