

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It is possible that you are gaining muscle. I began exercising in earnest a couple years ago. I too was frustrated by not losing but actually gaining a couple pounds. After while,though, I noticed my clothes were looser. In a year I lost five pounds and dropped from a 20 to a size 16 (same brand). I had given up on dieting because I just could not focus on both. Now that my exercise habit is well established I am trying the diet again. On the advice of my trainer I am eating more protein than suggested by MFP. I am much less. Hungry and have finally started losing (slowly). I know how very frustrated you are,but keep exercising and remember that scale does not tell the whole story!

    Outside of newbie gains, no that's not possible while eating at a deficit.
  • jsawyer5
    jsawyer5 Posts: 8 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    it means that there is some content in this thread that is getting slung at you that is just plain silly.

    listen to adini. she is the bomb and knows wtf shes talking about. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: others in this thread also know what theyre talking about. sorry if i discounted anyone who posted solid stuff.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340

    either your not logging truthfully or your not eating alot...

    1) log everything truthfully


    2) eat more.
  • ForMyTomorrow
    ForMyTomorrow Posts: 13 Member
    I started working out in Feb 5 days a weeks like you are. The first 2-3 weeks I was pissed because I only lost one pound, and I was being so careful with my diet. One of my friends who exercises a lot suggested it was probably water retention. I took a few days off and drank tons of water and lost a significant amount of weight that week. I've since kept working out and eating good and I've steadily lost weight. Last month I hit the dreaded plateau, so I sympathize now as well.
  • chineyLuv
    chineyLuv Posts: 130 Member
    might be in your diet. Sometimes it doesnt matter that ur under the 1200 calories, it matters WHAT kind of calories they are (I'm slowly learning this as i go thru the posts today :smile: )

    Maybe if you open up your diary, there might be something there that ur not seeing and someone else is.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Actually, in regards to weight loss, this is false. Calories are calories are calories.

    Well, i don't know about that, i mean, 500 calories in hoho's or dingdongs don't have the same equal nutrition level as 500 calories of fruits and veggies (ie. fat/carb/sugar content all differs)

    Edit: I'm not saying I'm an expert, I'm just starting to slowly learn that there is a pattern on here from "advisors" and it does make sense.
  • Jenism1
    Jenism1 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi there!

    I know you have just started at the gym and way to go...that is awesome. You are doing great by getting out there and doing it.

    I looked at your exercise diary and I was thinking perhaps you should lift heavier weights but with less reps. I see you leg press 20 pounds 30 times. You could probably press 60-70 pounds 8-10 times to start. Just an observation. I have seen better results lifting a heavier weight less times than lifting light weight for a long time.

    But great start! I applaud you for getting active! Well done! Hang in there and don't get discouraged!

    I will send a friend request if you'd like a new buddy!
  • jsawyer5
    jsawyer5 Posts: 8 Member
    y would I not log truthfully? that makes no sense. and eat more? I get pretty close to my total every day...
  • jsawyer5
    jsawyer5 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love a new friend yes send a request! And I will def up the weight and do less. I didnt even think of that... I feel like there is so much to learn and apply that i forget the little things
  • jsawyer5
    jsawyer5 Posts: 8 Member
    @skullshank. ok thank you
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    might be in your diet. Sometimes it doesnt matter that ur under the 1200 calories, it matters WHAT kind of calories they are (I'm slowly learning this as i go thru the posts today :smile: )

    Maybe if you open up your diary, there might be something there that ur not seeing and someone else is.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Actually, in regards to weight loss, this is false. Calories are calories are calories.

    Well, i don't know about that, i mean, 500 calories in hoho's or dingdongs don't have the same equal nutrition level as 500 calories of fruits and veggies (ie. fat/carb/sugar content all differs)

    Edit: I'm not saying I'm an expert, I'm just starting to slowly learn that there is a pattern on here from "advisors" and it does make sense.

    Look up back at my post and read the part I bolded. In regards to weight loss, not general health/nutrition. Just weight loss.

    I eat "healthy" the majority of the time and I fit treats into my day when I can or I exercise to work them in. I eat a serving ice cream almost daily.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Looked at your diary.

    One day you ate 1000 calories and burned off 1097. That gave your body nothing to go on. You cant DO that. Makes your body want to hold onto what you already have. Eat more when you exercise and don't eat less if you don't. Just my opinion, FWIW. :)
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    y would I not log truthfully? that makes no sense. and eat more? I get pretty close to my total every day...


    Just using this day on your diary for an example, you arnt eating close to your targets.

    An not logging truthfully, i did that to start off with.. then i got myself together an log truthfully now..

    Heres mine from today.

  • cuttingshadow
    cuttingshadow Posts: 36 Member
    Let's stay positive and think seem to have done almost everything ....but might be tracking your weight the wrong way or at the wrong time..

    1. Your initial weight measurement could be inaccurate (you might have rounded off, below the actual value). Remember even 0.5 Lbs counts.

    2. You might be using an inaccurate scale. Are you using mechanical or digital scale? Better to use Digital which shows precision like (200.5 lbs) etc.

    3. You might be taking weight measure at wrong time - Best time to take measurement is on the same day each week, morning before eating or drinking anything.

    4. What you wear while taking weight measurements. Either use the same clothes each and every time you go for the measurements or do without.

    You could have lost 0.8 pounds (which is still a substantial amount of weight) but may not have known because of any of these factors.

  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    1) Starting an exercise program, especially if after being a couch potato, you will see water retention before you'll see weight loss.

    2) Looking at your diary, are you logging what you are actually eating? Not very nutritionally dense over the past couple of days. And very high in sodium....too much sodium = water retention.
  • lawpsided
    lawpsided Posts: 4
    Try maintaining your current daily calorie goal, but implementing intermittent fasting (IF). There are a number of ways to add IF to your schedule:

    1) The 16/8 "Leangains" approach: consume your daily calorie goal within an 8-hour window. For the other 16-hours, you fast, consuming only water, green tea, BCAA... anything with 0 calories.

    2) The "Eat Stop Eat" method: don't count your calories, but simply eat within reason every day. Fast for 24-35 hours once or twice a week.

    3) Combo: This is what I do... both!

    I consume 1,750 calories a day, within my 8-hour eating window. I fast the other 16 hours of the day, and once a week, I fast for 35 hours. After the first week or two, your body adjusts and you begin to recognize what real physiological hunger feels like, and what fake psychological hunger feels like... most Americans have never felt physiological hunger.

    Check out this short article on IF:

    I'd also recommend picking up Brad Pilon's book, "Eat Stop Eat" from his website.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    You are probably building muscle which weighs more than fat :)
    No it doesn't

    Yes, It really does.... a chunk of fat the size of my palm would weigh significantly less than a chunk of muscle of the same size.

    That being said, I dont think that matters with the OP's problem, currently...

    Nope a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same love. The muscle takes up less room

    A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. Of course a pound of something weighs the same as a pound of something else. But no one would claim a bag filled with feathers weighs the same as a bag full of bricks.

    The feathers are fat, the bricks are muscle. It would take a larger volume of feathers to equal the same weight as the bricks. Therefore muscle weighs more than fat, but takes up less space.
  • cuttingshadow
    cuttingshadow Posts: 36 Member
    1) Starting an exercise program, especially if after being a couch potato, you will see water retention before you'll see weight loss.

    2) Looking at your diary, are you logging what you are actually eating? Not very nutritionally dense over the past couple of days. And very high in sodium....too much sodium = water retention.

    True, could be water weight.. I have seen my weight vary 2-3 pounds (which I believe was water weight) retained because of high sodium intake over the previous 24 hours.

  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    So I dont really know how to use this other than logging my excercise and my foods. I think it would be amazing to talk with others to help with motivation. I currently am feeling down bc I started going to the gym 5 nights a week the beginning of June and have dedicated an hour sometimes 2 a night AND i have been very careful with what I eat and yet I have not lost one single pound!!!! :*( Anybody else have the same experience and when will I start to lose?? Am I doing something wrong??? It keeps saying if yu keep up this rate you will be this weight in 5 weeks yet I dont see how since its been 2 and ive lost nothing!

    I swear you could go through my old posts and I have said the same thing- maybe a couple times! You will lose, I would say give it 3 months and be sure to take picture- my profile pic was about 4 months in when I didn't think I had made any results at all. It will come off, stay consistant and never give up. One of mypals told me "the process starts on the inside and works its way out". I had to say that over and over. I would say after my 4th month it just started coming off and I even seen muscles :bigsmile: You will get there- just DON'T GIVE UP :flowerforyou:
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Let's stay positive and think seem to have done almost everything ....but might be tracking your weight the wrong way or at the wrong time..

    2. You might be using an inaccurate scale. Are you using mechanical or digital scale? Better to use Digital which shows precision like (200.5 lbs) etc.

    You could have lost 0.8 pounds (which is still a substantial amount of weight) but may not have not known because of any of these factors.


    This, i got an electric scale now and its so much better, i can track each little bit of loss *obsessive compulsive*

    Im gettin new kitchen scales next week, as i still think my food scale is off.... which makes me tend to under weigh (if it says 50g for example, ill take it down to 40g to compensate for dodgy scales)